Forcibly disable -Werror, the old { 'werror': '' } hack in node.gyp
no longer works with newer versions of V8.
We support a wide range of compilers, it's simply not feasible to
squelch all warnings, never mind that the libraries in deps/ are
not under our control.
Instead of checking the uid on the array index of the queue, instead the
object property "uid" was checked on the queue iteself. Because this
will always evaluate to "undefined" the same listener could be added
multiple times to the same context.
There was a flaw in the old API that has been fixed. Now the
asyncListener callback is now the "create" object property in the
callback object, and is optional.
The fact that the "exit" event passes the exit code as an argument
as omitted from the documentation. This adds the explanation and
augments the example code to show that.
Master was disconnecting its workers as soon as they both started up.
Meanwhile, the workers were trying to listen. Its a race, sometimes the
disconnect would happen between when worker gets the response message,
and acks that message with a 'listening'. This worked OK after v0.11
introduced a behaviour where disconnect would always exit the worker,
but once that backwards-incompatible behaviour is removed, the worker
lives long enough to try and respond to the master, and child_process
errors at the attempt to send from a disconnected child.
This is a problem present in both v0.10, and v0.11, where the 'setup'
event is synchronously emitted by `cluster.setupMaster()`, a mostly
harmless anti-pattern.
Fix inadvertent v0.11 changes to the definition of suicide, particularly
the relationship between suicide state, the disconnect event, and when
exit should occur.
In v0.10, workers don't forcibly exit on disconnect, it doesn't give
them time to do a graceful finish of open client connections, they exit
under normal node rules - when there is nothing left to do. But on
unexpected disconnect they do exit so the workers aren't left around
after the master.
Note that a test as-written was invalid, it failed against the v0.10
cluster API, demonstrating that it was an undocumented API change.
Fixes issue in 0.11 where callback doesn't occur if worker count is
currently zero. In 0.10 callback occurs after worker count is zero, and
occurs in next tick if worker count is currently zero.
QueryString.stringify() allowed a fourth argument that was used as a
conditional in the return value, but was undocumented, not used by core
and always was always false/undefiend. So the argument and conditional
have been removed.
Signed-off-by: Trevor Norris <>
After landing 6ed861d it is no longer possible to reliably monkey-patch
the EventEmitter constructor. However there's valid use cases for that,
and makes for easier debugging. Therefore, move the guts of the
constructor to a separate function which is monkey-patchable.