a) create a layer of indirection in net.Stream to allow swapping in
different read/write implementations and
b) emit an 'fd' event when file descriptors are received over a UNIX pipe,
as finally as a tangential benefit
c) remove a bunch of conditionals from the primary codepaths for
- No more single line "node.js:176:9" errors
- No more strange output when error happens on first line due to
module wrapper function.
- A few tests to check these things
Update the ini parser to support some more whitespace cases, turn lines
without an equal sign into a "flag" that's just true if set, and support
onExit() is similar to the onLoad() callback. onExit() is called on each
module just before the process exits. This can be used to check state in
unit tests, but not to perform I/O. The process will forcibly exit as soon
as all of the onExit callbacks are made.
There is one major API change in the refactor: filename extensions are now
required when requiring or including modules.
Added extra test to test-module-loading.js.