Timothy J Fontaine
Now working on 0.10.15
12 years ago
Timothy J Fontaine
2013.07.25, Version 0.10.14 (Stable)
* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.13
* npm: Upgrade to v1.3.5
* os: Don't report negative times in cpu info (Ben Noordhuis)
* fs: Handle large UID and GID (Ben Noordhuis)
* url: Fix edge-case when protocol is non-lowercase (Shuan Wang)
* doc: Streams API Doc Rewrite (isaacs)
* node: call MakeDomainCallback in all domain cases (Trevor Norris)
* crypto: fix memory leak in LoadPKCS12 (Fedor Indutny)
12 years ago
Ben Noordhuis
src: move NODE_MODULE_VERSION to node_version.h
12 years ago
Timothy J Fontaine
Now working on 0.11.5
12 years ago
Timothy J Fontaine
Now working v0.10.14
12 years ago
Timothy J Fontaine
2013.07.09, Version 0.10.13 (Stable)
* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.12
* npm: Upgrade to 1.3.2
* windows: get proper errno (Ben Noordhuis)
* tls: only wait for finish if we haven't seen it (Timothy J Fontaine)
* http: Dump response when request is aborted (isaacs)
* http: use an unref'd timer to fix delay in exit (Peter Rust)
* zlib: level can be negative (Brian White)
* zlib: allow zero values for level and strategy (Brian White)
* buffer: add comment explaining buffer alignment (Ben Noordhuis)
* string_bytes: properly detect 64bit (Timothy J Fontaine)
* src: fix memory leak in UsingDomains() (Ben Noordhuis)
12 years ago
2013.06.26, Version 0.11.3 (Unstable)
* uv: Upgrade to v0.11.5
* c-ares: upgrade to 1.10.0
* v8: upgrade to v3.19.13
* punycode: update to v1.2.3 (Mathias Bynens)
* debugger: break on uncaught exception (Miroslav Bajtos)
* child_process: emit 'disconnect' asynchronously (Ben Noordhuis)
* dtrace: enable uv's probes if enabled (Timothy J Fontaine)
* dtrace: unify dtrace and systemtap interfaces (Timothy J Fontaine)
* buffer: New API for backing data store (Trevor Norris)
* buffer: return `this` in fill() for chainability (Brian White)
* build: fix include order for building on windows (Timothy J Fontaine)
* build: add android support (Linus Mårtensson)
* readline: strip ctrl chars for prompt width calc (Krzysztof Chrapka)
* tls: introduce TLSSocket based on tls_wrap binding (Fedor Indutny)
* tls: add localAddress and localPort properties (Ben Noordhuis)
* crypto: free excessive memory in NodeBIO (Fedor Indutny)
* process: remove maxTickDepth (Trevor Norris)
* timers: use uv_now instead of Date.now (Timothy J Fontaine)
* util: Add debuglog, deprecate console lookalikes (isaacs)
* module: use path.sep instead of a custom solution (Robert Kowalski)
* http: don't escape request path, reject bad chars (Ben Noordhuis)
* net: emit dns 'lookup' event before connect (Ben Noordhuis)
* dns: add getServers and setServers (Timothy J Fontaine)
12 years ago
Now working on 0.10.13
12 years ago
2013.06.18, Version 0.10.12 (Stable)
* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.32
* readline: make `ctrl + L` clear the screen (Yuan Chuan)
* v8: add setVariableValue debugger command (Ben Noordhuis)
* net: Do not destroy socket mid-write (isaacs)
* v8: fix build for mips32r2 architecture (Andrei Sedoi)
* configure: fix cross-compilation host_arch_cc() (Andrei Sedoi)
12 years ago
Now working on 0.10.12
12 years ago
2013.06.13, Version 0.10.11 (Stable)
* uv: upgrade to 0.10.11
* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.30
* openssl: add missing configuration pieces for MIPS (Andrei Sedoi)
* Revert "http: remove bodyHead from 'upgrade' events" (isaacs)
* v8: fix pointer arithmetic undefined behavior (Trevor Norris)
* crypto: fix utf8/utf-8 encoding check (Ben Noordhuis)
* net: Fix busy loop on POLLERR|POLLHUP on older linux kernels (Ben Noordhuis, isaacs)
12 years ago
Now working on v0.10.11
12 years ago
2013.06.04, Version 0.10.10 (Stable)
* uv: Upgrade to 0.10.10
* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.25
* url: Properly parse certain oddly formed urls (isaacs)
* stream: unshift('') is a noop (isaacs)
12 years ago
Now working on v0.10.10
12 years ago
2013.05.30, Version 0.10.9 (Stable)
* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.24
* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.9
* repl: fix JSON.parse error check (Brian White)
* tls: proper .destroySoon (Fedor Indutny)
* tls: invoke write cb only after opposite read end (Fedor Indutny)
* tls: ignore .shutdown() syscall error (Fedor Indutny)
12 years ago
Now working on 0.10.9
12 years ago
2013.05.24, Version 0.10.8 (Stable)
* v8: update to
* uv: upgrade to 0.10.8
* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.23
* http: remove bodyHead from 'upgrade' events (Nathan Zadoks)
* http: Return true on empty writes, not false (isaacs)
* http: save roundtrips, convert buffers to strings (Ben Noordhuis)
* configure: respect the --dest-os flag consistently (Nathan Rajlich)
* buffer: throw when writing beyond buffer (Trevor Norris)
* crypto: Clear error after DiffieHellman key errors (isaacs)
* string_bytes: strip padding from base64 strings (Trevor Norris)
12 years ago
Now working on 0.10.8
12 years ago
2013.05.17, Version 0.10.7 (Stable)
* uv: upgrade to v0.10.7
* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.21
* crypto: Don't ignore verify encoding argument (isaacs)
* buffer, crypto: fix default encoding regression (Ben Noordhuis)
* timers: fix setInterval() assert (Ben Noordhuis)
12 years ago
Now working on v0.10.7
12 years ago
2013.05.14, Version 0.10.6 (Stable)
* module: Deprecate require.extensions (isaacs)
* stream: make Readable.wrap support objectMode, empty streams (Daniel Moore)
* child_process: fix handle delivery (Ben Noordhuis)
* crypto: Fix performance regression (isaacs)
* src: DRY string encoding/decoding (isaacs)
12 years ago
Now working on 0.11.3
12 years ago
2013.05.13, Version 0.11.2 (Unstable)
* uv: Upgrade to 0.11.2
* V8: Upgrade to 3.19.0
* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.21
* build: Makefile should respect configure --prefix (Timothy J Fontaine)
* cluster: use round-robin load balancing (Ben Noordhuis)
* debugger, cluster: each worker has new debug port (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* debugger: `restart` with custom debug port (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* debugger: breakpoints in scripts not loaded yet (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* event: EventEmitter#setMaxListeners() returns this (Sam Roberts)
* events: add EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners (Ben Noordhuis)
* install: Support $(PREFIX) install target directory prefix (Olof Johansson)
* os: Include netmask in os.networkInterfaces() (Ben Kelly)
* path: add path.isAbsolute(path) (Ryan Doenges)
* stream: Guarantee ordering of 'finish' event (isaacs)
* streams: introduce .cork/.uncork/._writev (Fedor Indutny)
* vm: add support for timeout argument (Andrew Paprocki)
12 years ago
Now working on 0.10.6
12 years ago
2013.04.23, Version 0.10.5 (Stable)
* uv: Upgrade to 0.10.5 (isaacs)
* build: added support for Visual Studio 2012 (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* http: Don't try to destroy nonexistent sockets (isaacs)
* crypto: LazyTransform on properties, not methods (isaacs)
* assert: put info in err.message, not err.name (Ryan Doenges)
* dgram: fix no address bind() (Ben Noordhuis)
* handle_wrap: fix NULL pointer dereference (Ben Noordhuis)
* os: fix unlikely buffer overflow in os.type() (Ben Noordhuis)
* stream: Fix unshift() race conditions (isaacs)
12 years ago
Now working on 0.11.2
12 years ago
2013.04.19, Version 0.11.1 (Unstable)
* V8: upgrade to 3.18.0
* uv: Upgrade to v0.11.1
* http: split into multiple separate modules (Timothy J Fontaine)
* http: escape unsafe characters in request path (Ben Noordhuis)
* url: Escape all unwise characters (isaacs)
* build: depend on v8 postmortem-metadata if enabled (Paddy Byers)
* etw: update prototypes to match dtrace provider (Timothy J Fontaine)
* buffer: change output of Buffer.prototype.toJSON() (David Braun)
* dtrace: actually use the _handle.fd value (Timothy J Fontaine)
* dtrace: pass more arguments to probes (Dave Pacheco)
* build: allow building with dtrace on osx (Dave Pacheco)
* zlib: allow passing options to convenience methods (Kyle Robinson Young)
12 years ago
Now working on v0.10.5
12 years ago
2013.04.11, Version 0.10.4 (Stable)
* uv: Upgrade to 0.10.4
* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.18
* v8: Avoid excessive memory growth in JSON.parse (Fedor Indutny)
* child_process, cluster: fix O(n*m) scan of cmd string (Ben Noordhuis)
* net: fix socket.bytesWritten Buffers support (Fedor Indutny)
* buffer: fix offset checks (Łukasz Walukiewicz)
* stream: call write cb before finish event (isaacs)
* http: Support write(data, 'hex') (isaacs)
* crypto: dh secret should be left-padded (Fedor Indutny)
* process: expose NODE_MODULE_VERSION in process.versions (Rod Vagg)
* crypto: fix constructor call in crypto streams (Andreas Madsen)
* net: account for encoding in .byteLength (Fedor Indutny)
* net: fix buffer iteration in bytesWritten (Fedor Indutny)
* crypto: zero is not an error if writing 0 bytes (Fedor Indutny)
* tls: Re-enable check of CN-ID in cert verification (Tobias Müllerleile)
12 years ago
Now working on 0.10.4
12 years ago
2013.04.03, Version 0.10.3 (Stable)
* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.17
* child_process: acknowledge sent handles (Fedor Indutny)
* etw: update prototypes to match dtrace provider (Timothy J Fontaine)
* dtrace: pass more arguments to probes (Dave Pacheco)
* build: allow building with dtrace on osx (Dave Pacheco)
* http: Remove legacy ECONNRESET workaround code (isaacs)
* http: Ensure socket cleanup on client response end (isaacs)
* tls: Destroy socket when encrypted side closes (isaacs)
* repl: isSyntaxError() catches "strict mode" errors (Nathan Rajlich)
* crypto: Pass options to ctor calls (isaacs)
* src: tie process.versions.uv to uv_version_string() (Ben Noordhuis)
12 years ago
Now working on 0.11.1
12 years ago
2013.03.28, Version 0.11.0 (Unstable)
* V8: update to 3.17.13
* os: use %SystemRoot% or %windir% in os.tmpdir() (Suwon Chae)
* util: fix util.inspect() line width calculation (Marcin Kostrzewa)
* buffer: remove _charsWritten (Trevor Norris)
* fs: uv_[fl]stat now reports subsecond resolution (Timothy J Fontaine)
* fs: Throw if error raised and missing callback (bnoordhuis)
* tls: expose SSL_CTX_set_timeout via tls.createServer (Manav Rathi)
* tls: remove harmful unnecessary bounds checking (Marcel Laverdet)
* buffer: write ascii strings using WriteOneByte (Trevor Norris)
* dtrace: fix generation of v8 constants on freebsd (Fedor Indutny)
* dtrace: x64 ustack helper (Fedor Indutny)
* readline: handle wide characters properly (Nao Iizuka)
* repl: Use a domain to catch async errors safely (isaacs)
* repl: emit 'reset' event when context is reset (Sami Samhuri)
* util: custom `inspect()` method may return an Object (Nathan Rajlich)
* console: `console.dir()` bypasses inspect() methods (Nathan Rajlich)
12 years ago
Node working on 0.10.3
12 years ago
2013.03.28, Version 0.10.2 (Stable)
* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.15
* uv: Upgrade to 0.10.3
* tls: handle SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN (Fedor Indutny)
* tls: handle errors before calling C++ methods (Fedor Indutny)
* tls: remove harmful unnecessary bounds checking (Marcel Laverdet)
* crypto: make getCiphers() return non-SSL ciphers (Ben Noordhuis)
* crypto: check randomBytes() size argument (Ben Noordhuis)
* timers: do not calculate Timeout._when property (Alexey Kupershtokh)
* timers: fix off-by-one ms error (Alexey Kupershtokh)
* timers: handle signed int32 overflow in enroll() (Fedor Indutny)
* stream: Fix stall in Transform under very specific conditions (Gil Pedersen)
* stream: Handle late 'readable' event listeners (isaacs)
* stream: Fix early end in Writables on zero-length writes (isaacs)
* domain: fix domain callback from MakeCallback (Trevor Norris)
* child_process: don't emit same handle twice (Ben Noordhuis)
* child_process: fix sending utf-8 to child process (Ben Noordhuis)
12 years ago
Now working on v0.10.2
12 years ago
2013.03.21, Version 0.10.1 (Stable)
* npm: upgrade to 1.2.15
* crypto: Improve performance of non-stream APIs (Fedor Indutny)
* tls: always reset this.ssl.error after handling (Fedor Indutny)
* tls: Prevent mid-stream hangs (Fedor Indutny, isaacs)
* net: improve arbitrary tcp socket support (Ben Noordhuis)
* net: handle 'finish' event only after 'connect' (Fedor Indutny)
* http: Don't hot-path end() for large buffers (isaacs)
* fs: Missing cb errors are deprecated, not a throw (isaacs)
* fs: make write/appendFileSync correctly set file mode (Raymond Feng)
* stream: Return self from readable.wrap (isaacs)
* stream: Never call decoder.end() multiple times (Gil Pedersen)
* windows: enable watching signals with process.on('SIGXYZ') (Bert Belder)
* node: revert removal of MakeCallback (Trevor Norris)
* node: Unwrap without aborting in handle fd getter (isaacs)
12 years ago
Now working on 0.10.1
12 years ago
2013.03.11, Version 0.10.0 (Stable)
* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.14
* core: Append filename properly in dlopen on windows (isaacs)
* zlib: Manage flush flags appropriately (isaacs)
* domains: Handle errors thrown in nested error handlers (isaacs)
* buffer: Strip high bits when converting to ascii (Ben Noordhuis)
* win/msi: Enable modify and repair (Bert Belder)
* win/msi: Add feature selection for various node parts (Bert Belder)
* win/msi: use consistent registry key paths (Bert Belder)
* child_process: support sending dgram socket (Andreas Madsen)
* fs: Raise EISDIR on Windows when calling fs.read/write on a dir (isaacs)
* unix: fix strict aliasing warnings, macro-ify functions (Ben Noordhuis)
* unix: honor UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE environment var (Ben Noordhuis)
* win/tty: fix typo in color attributes enumeration (Bert Belder)
* win/tty: don't touch insert mode or quick edit mode (Bert Belder)
12 years ago
Now working on 0.11.0
12 years ago
Now working on 0.10.0
12 years ago
Now working on 0.8.23
12 years ago
2013.03.07, Version 0.8.22 (Stable)
* npm: Update to 1.2.14
* cluster: propagate bind errors (Ben Noordhuis)
* crypto: don't assert when calling Cipher#final() twice (Ben Noordhuis)
* build, windows: disable SEH (Ben Noordhuis)
12 years ago
Now working on 0.9.13
Probably that will be 0.10.0 instead, though.
12 years ago
2013.03.06, Version 0.9.12 (Unstable)
* stream: Allow strings in Readable.push/unshift (isaacs)
* stream: Remove bufferSize option (isaacs)
* stream: Increase highWaterMark on large reads (isaacs)
* stream: _write: takes an encoding argument (isaacs)
* stream: _transform: remove no output() method, provide encoding (isaacs)
* stream: Don't require read(0) to emit 'readable' event (isaacs)
* node: Add --throw-deprecation (isaacs)
* http: fix multiple timeout events (Eugene Girshov)
* http: More useful setTimeout API on server (isaacs)
* net: use close callback, not process.nextTick (Ben Noordhuis)
* net: Provide better error when writing after FIN (isaacs)
* dns: Support NAPTR queries (Pavel Lang)
* dns: fix ReferenceError in resolve() error path (Xidorn Quan)
* child_process: handle ENOENT correctly on Windows (Scott Blomquist)
* cluster: Rename destroy() to kill(signal=SIGTERM) (isaacs)
* build: define nightly tag external to build system (Timothy J Fontaine)
* build: make msi build work when spaces are present in the path (Bert Belder)
* build: fix msi build issue with WiX 3.7/3.8 (Raymond Feng)
* repl: make compatible with domains (Dave Olszewski)
* events: Code cleanup and performance improvements (Trevor Norris)
12 years ago
Now working on 0.9.12
12 years ago
2013.03.01, Version 0.9.10 (Unstable)
* V8: downgrade 3.14.5
* openssl: update to 1.0.1e
* darwin: Make process.title work properly (Ben Noordhuis)
* fs: Support mode/flag options to read/append/writeFile (isaacs)
* stream: _read() no longer takes a callback (isaacs)
* stream: Add stream.unshift(chunk) (isaacs)
* stream: remove lowWaterMark feature (isaacs)
* net: omit superfluous 'connect' event (Ben Noordhuis)
* build, windows: disable SEH (Ben Noordhuis)
* core: remove errno global (Ben Noordhuis)
* core: Remove the nextTick for running the main file (isaacs)
* core: Mark exit() calls with status codes (isaacs)
* core: Fix debug signal handler race condition lock (isaacs)
* crypto: clear error stack (Ben Noordhuis)
* test: optionally set common.PORT via env variable (Timothy J Fontaine)
* path: Throw TypeError on non-string args to path.resolve/join (isaacs, Arianit Uka)
* crypto: fix uninitialized memory access in openssl (Ben Noordhuis)
12 years ago
Now working on 0.8.22
12 years ago
2013.02.25, Version 0.8.21 (Stable)
* http: Do not free the wrong parser on socket close (isaacs)
* http: Handle hangup writes more gently (isaacs)
* zlib: fix assert on bad input (Ben Noordhuis)
* test: add TAP output to the test runner (Timothy J Fontaine)
* unix: Handle EINPROGRESS from domain sockets (Ben Noordhuis)
12 years ago
Now working on v0.9.11
12 years ago