* npm: Upgrade to v1.2.11
* http: Do not let Agent hand out destroyed sockets (isaacs)
* http: Raise hangup error on destroyed socket write (isaacs)
* http: protect against response splitting attacks (Bert Belder)
* npm: Upgrade to v1.2.3
* V8: Upgrade to
* streams: Support objects other than Buffers (Jake Verbaten)
* buffer: remove float write range checks (Trevor Norris)
* http: close connection on 304/204 responses with chunked encoding (Ben Noordhuis)
* build: fix build with dtrace support on FreeBSD (Fedor Indutny)
* console: Support formatting options in trace() (isaacs)
* domain: empty stack on all exceptions (Dave Olszewski)
* unix, windows: make uv_*_bind() error codes consistent (Andrius Bentkus)
* linux: add futimes() fallback (Ben Noordhuis)
* V8: Upgrade to
* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.2
* punycode: Upgrade to 1.2.0 (Mathias Bynens)
* repl: make built-in modules available by default (Felix Böhm)
* windows: add support for '_Total' perf counters (Scott Blomquist)
* cluster: make --prof work for workers (Ben Noordhuis)
* child_process: do not keep list of sent sockets (Fedor Indutny)
* tls: Follow RFC6125 more strictly (Fedor Indutny)
* buffer: floating point read/write improvements (Trevor Norris)
* TypedArrays: Improve dataview perf without endian param (Dean McNamee)
* module: assert require() called with a non-empty string (Felix Böhm, James Campos)
* stdio: Set readable/writable flags properly (isaacs)
* stream: Properly handle large reads from push-streams (isaacs)
* assert: improve support for new execution contexts (lukebayes)
* domain: use camelCase instead of snake_case (isaacs)
* domain: Do not use uncaughtException handler (isaacs)
* fs: make 'end' work with ReadStream without 'start' (Ben Noordhuis)
* https: optimize createConnection() (Ryunosuke SATO)
* buffer: speed up base64 encoding by 20% (Ben Noordhuis)
* doc: Colorize API stabilitity index headers in docs (Luke Arduini)
* net: socket.readyState corrections (bentaber)
* http: Performance enhancements for http under streams2 (isaacs)
* stream: fix to emit end event on http.ClientResponse (Shigeki Ohtsu)
* stream: fix event handler leak in readstream pipe and unpipe (Andreas Madsen)
* build: Support ./configure --tag switch (Maciej Małecki)
* repl: don't touch `require.cache` (Nathan Rajlich)
* node: Emit 'exit' event when exiting for an uncaught exception (isaacs)
When building custom `node` versions (e.g., floating features/fixes from
different versions) it's often useful to specify a custom tag which
easily identifies build when invoking `node -v`.
Introduce a way to specify this tag in `node_version.h` file or by
running `./configure --tag="<tag>"`. Insert it right after the patch
version (and before `-pre`, if build is not a release).
When building custom `node` versions (e.g., floating features/fixes from
different versions) it's often useful to specify a custom tag which
easily identifies build when invoking `node -v`.
Introduce a way to specify this tag in `node_version.h` file or by
running `./configure --tag="<tag>"`. Insert it right after the patch
version (and before `-pre`, if build is not a release).
* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.66 (isaacs)
* linux: use /proc/cpuinfo for CPU frequency (Ben Noordhuis)
* windows: map WSAESHUTDOWN to UV_EPIPE (Ben Noordhuis)
* windows: map ERROR_GEN_FAILURE to UV_EIO (Bert Belder)
* unix: do not set environ unless one is provided (Charlie McConnell)
* domains: don't crash if domain is set to null (Bert Belder)
* windows: fix the x64 debug build (Bert Belder)
* net, tls: fix connect() resource leak (Ben Noordhuis)
* V8: Upgrade to
* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.65
* url: parse hostnames that start with - or _ (Ben Noordhuis)
* repl: Fix Windows 8 terminal issue (Bert Belder)
* typed arrays: use signed char for signed int8s (Aaron Jacobs)
* crypto: fix bugs in DiffieHellman (Ben Noordhuis)
* configure: turn on VFPv3 on ARMv7 (Ben Noordhuis)
* Re-enable OpenSSL UI for entering passphrases via tty (Ben Noordhuis)
* repl: ensure each REPL instance gets its own "context" (Nathan Rajlich)
* buffer: Add Buffer.isEncoding(enc) to test for valid encoding values (isaacs)
* Raise UV_ECANCELED on premature close. (Ben Noordhuis)
* Remove c-ares from libuv, move to a top-level node dependency (Bert Belder)
* ref/unref for all HandleWraps, timers, servers, and sockets (Timothy J Fontaine)
* addon: remove node-waf, superseded by node-gyp (Ben Noordhuis)
* child_process: emit error on exec failure (Ben Noordhuis)
* cluster: do not use internal server API (Andreas Madsen)
* constants: add O_DIRECT (Ian Babrou)
* crypto: add sync interface to crypto.pbkdf2() (Ben Noordhuis)
* darwin: emulate fdatasync() (Fedor Indutny)
* dgram: make .bind() always asynchronous (Ben Noordhuis)
* events: Make emitter.listeners() side-effect free (isaacs, Joe Andaverde)
* fs: Throw early on invalid encoding args (isaacs)
* fs: fix naming of truncate/ftruncate functions (isaacs)
* http: bubble up parser errors to ClientRequest (Brian White)
* linux: improve cpuinfo parser on ARM and MIPS (Ben Noordhuis)
* net: add support for IPv6 addresses ending in :: (Josh Erickson)
* net: support Server.listen(Pipe) (Andreas Madsen)
* node: don't scan add-on for "init" symbol (Ben Noordhuis)
* remove process.uvCounters() (Ben Noordhuis)
* repl: console writes to repl rather than process stdio (Nathan Rajlich)
* timers: implement setImmediate (Timothy J Fontaine)
* tls: fix segfault in pummel/test-tls-ci-reneg-attack (Ben Noordhuis)
* tools: Move gyp addon tools to node-gyp (Nathan Rajlich)
* unix: preliminary signal handler support (Ben Noordhuis)
* unix: remove dependency on ev_child (Ben Noordhuis)
* unix: work around darwin bug, don't poll() on pipe (Fedor Indutny)
* util: Formally deprecate util.pump() (Ben Noordhuis)
* windows: make active and closing handle state independent (Bert Belder)
* windows: report spawn errors to the exit callback (Bert Belder)
* windows: signal handling support with uv_signal_t (Bert Belder)
* V8: upgrade to
* npm: upgrade to 1.1.59
* windows: fix uninitialized memory access in uv_update_time() (Bert Belder)
* unix, windows: fix memory corruption in fs-poll.c (Ben Noordhuis)
* unix: fix integer overflow in uv_hrtime (Tim Holy)
* sunos: fix uv_cpu_info() on x86_64 (Ben Noordhuis)
* tls: update default cipher list (Ben Noordhuis)
* unix: Fix llvm and older gcc duplicate symbol warnings (Bert Belder)
* fs: fix use after free in stat watcher (Ben Noordhuis)
* build: Fix using manually compiled gcc on OS X (Nathan Rajlich)
* windows: make junctions work again (Bert Belder)