@ -58,13 +58,7 @@ produce the [pkg](https://github.com/zeit/pkg) binaries.
Configuration of one or more provides is necessary via `login` commands is necessary. If no logins are active and `now`
Global configuration is stored as `~/.now/config.json`.
Your default provider will be the first one you log in to. If you are logged into multiple providers and want to set
now config set provider gcp
Global configuration is stored as `~/.now/config.json`. Your default provider will be the first one you log in to.
### Now.sh
@ -206,11 +200,7 @@ Recommended, but not required, commands are:
The `build` step for serverless deployments is implemented locally and is compatible with projects configured with the `type`:
- `nodejs`
- `go`
- `static`
The `build` step for serverless deployments is implemented locally and is compatible with projects configured with the `type``nodejs`, and others are on the way!