@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ clean: |
run-ocd-command command: |
sudo /usr/local/bin/openocd -f stlink.cfg -c "adapter speed 1000; transport select hla_swd" -f stm32h7x.cfg -c "init; reset halt; {{command}}" -c "exit" |
run-ocd-command-no-halt command: |
sudo /usr/local/bin/openocd -f stlink.cfg -c "adapter speed 1000; transport select hla_swd" -f stm32h7x.cfg -c "init; {{command}}" -c "exit" |
# Build all Python graphics |
graphics-py: |
just -f boards/Passport/graphics/py/Justfile build |
@ -127,3 +130,41 @@ fmt-c: |
# Format the project's source code under boards/Passport |
fmt: fmt-py fmt-c |
# Convert a raw pixel map to a PNG |
convert-screenshot from_file to_file: |
#!/usr/bin/python3 |
from PIL import Image, ImageOps |
raw_bits = open('{{from_file}}', 'rb').read() |
WIDTH = 230 |
HEIGHT = 303 |
SCAN_WIDTH = 240 |
# Convert |
img = Image.frombuffer('1', (SCAN_WIDTH, HEIGHT), raw_bits) |
# Crop to actual width (framebuffer is 240 vs 230 for actual display) |
img = img.crop((0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT)) |
# Invert since raw image is actually white on black - have to convert to grayscale first since invert() doesn't work |
# for 1-bit per pixel black/white images. |
img = ImageOps.grayscale(img) |
img = ImageOps.invert(img) |
# Apply a color shift to make it look nicer |
img = ImageOps.colorize(img, (0,0,0,0), '#E0E0E0') |
img.save('{{to_file}}') |
# Capture a screenshot from Passport via OCD |
screenshot filename: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
ADDR_FILE=screenshot-addr.tmp |
TMP_FILE=screenshot.tmp |
just run-ocd-command-no-halt "dump_image $ADDR_FILE 0x38006920 4" |
N=`head -c 4 $ADDR_FILE | od -An --endian=little -t u4` |
FRAMEBUFFER_ADDR=`printf '%x\n' $N` |
just run-ocd-command-no-halt "dump_image screenshot.tmp 0x$FRAMEBUFFER_ADDR 9090" |
just convert-screenshot $TMP_FILE {{filename}} |