# get service port from argument
servicePort = "10009"
if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then
if [ " $1 " = = "RPC" ] ; then
echo "running RPC mode"
servicePort = "10009"
if [ " $1 " = = "REST" ] ; then
echo "running REST mode"
servicePort = "8080"
# load raspiblitz config data
source /home/admin/raspiblitz.info
source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf
# export go vars (if needed)
if [ ${# GOROOT } -eq 0 ] ; then
export GOROOT = /usr/local/go
export PATH = $PATH :$GOROOT /bin
if [ ${# GOPATH } -eq 0 ] ; then
export GOPATH = /usr/local/gocode
export PATH = $PATH :$GOPATH /bin
# make sure go is installed
goVersion = "1.11"
echo "### Check Framework: GO ###"
goInstalled = $( go version 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'go' )
if [ ${ goInstalled } -eq 0 ] ; then
goVersion = "1.12.6"
if [ ${ isARM } -eq 1 ] ; then
goOSversion = "armv6l"
if [ ${ isAARCH64 } -eq 1 ] ; then
goOSversion = "arm64"
if [ ${ isX86_64 } -eq 1 ] ; then
goOSversion = "amd64"
if [ ${ isX86_32 } -eq 1 ] ; then
goOSversion = "386"
echo " *** Installing Go v ${ goVersion } for ${ goOSversion } *** "
# wget https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go${goVersion}.linux-${goOSversion}.tar.gz
wget https://dl.google.com/go/go${ goVersion } .linux-${ goOSversion } .tar.gz
if [ ! -f " ./go ${ goVersion } .linux- ${ goOSversion } .tar.gz " ]
echo "!!! FAIL !!! Download not success."
exit 1
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go${ goVersion } .linux-${ goOSversion } .tar.gz
sudo rm *.gz
sudo mkdir /usr/local/gocode
sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/gocode
export GOROOT = /usr/local/go
export PATH = $PATH :$GOROOT /bin
export GOPATH = /usr/local/gocode
export PATH = $PATH :$GOPATH /bin
goInstalled = $( go version 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'go' )
if [ ${ goInstalled } -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "FAIL: Was not able to install GO (needed to run LndConnect)"
sleep 4
exit 1
correctGoVersion = $( go version | grep -c " go ${ goVersion } " )
if [ ${ correctGoVersion } -eq 0 ] ; then
echo " WARNING: You work with a untested version of GO - should be ${ goVersion } .. trying to continue "
go version
sleep 6
echo ""
# make sure qrcode-encoder in installed
echo "*** Setup ***"
echo ""
echo "Installing lndconnect. Please wait..."
echo ""
echo "Getting github.com/LN-Zap/lndconnect (please wait - can take several minutes) ..."
go get -d github.com/LN-Zap/lndconnect
cd $GOPATH /src/github.com/LN-Zap/lndconnect
echo ""
echo "Building github.com/LN-Zap/lndconnect ..."
sleep 3
# default host to local IP and port
local = 1
localIP = $( ip addr | grep 'state UP' -A2 | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/' )
host = " ${ localIP } "
port = " ${ servicePort } "
# change host to dynDNS if set
if [ ${# dynDomain } -gt 0 ] ; then
local = 0
host = " ${ dynDomain } "
echo " port ${ servicePort } forwarding from dynDomain ${ host } "
# check if local service port is forwarded
if [ ${# sshtunnel } -gt 0 ] ; then
isForwarded = $( echo ${ sshtunnel } | grep -c " ${ servicePort } < " )
if [ ${ isForwarded } -gt 0 ] ; then
local = 0
host = $( echo $sshtunnel | cut -d '@' -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1)
if [ " ${ servicePort } " = = "10009" ] ; then
port = $( echo $sshtunnel | awk '{split($0,a,"10009<"); print a[2]}' | cut -d ' ' -f1 | sed 's/[^0-9]//g' )
elif [ " ${ servicePort } " = = "8080" ] ; then
port = $( echo $sshtunnel | awk '{split($0,a,"8080<"); print a[2]}' | cut -d ' ' -f1 | sed 's/[^0-9]//g' )
echo " port ${ servicePort } forwarding from port ${ port } from server ${ host } "
echo " port ${ servicePort } is not part of the ssh forwarding - keep default port ${ servicePort } "
# write qr code data to an image
lndconnect --host= ${ host } --port= ${ port } --image
# display qr code image on LCD
./XXdisplayLCD.sh lndconnect-qr.png
# show pairing info dialog
msg = ""
if [ ${ local } -eq 1 ] ; then
msg = "Make sure you are on the same local network.\n(WLAN same as LAN - use WIFI not cell network on phone).\n\n"
msg = " You should now see the pairing QR code on the RaspiBlitz LCD.\n\n ${ msg } When you start the App choose to connect to your own node.\n(DIY / Remote-Node / lndconnect)\n\nClick on the 'Scan QR' button. Scan the QR on the LCD and <continue> or <show QR code> to see it in this window. "
whiptail --backtitle "Connecting Mobile Wallet" \
--title "Pairing by QR code" \
--yes-button "continue" \
--no-button "show QR code" \
--yesno " ${ msg } " 18 65
if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then
lndconnect --host= ${ host } --port= ${ port }
echo "(To shrink QR code: OSX->CMD- / LINUX-> CTRL-) Press ENTER when finished."
read key
# clean up
shred lndconnect-qr.png 2> /dev/null
rm -f lndconnect-qr.png 2> /dev/null
shred qr.txt 2> /dev/null
rm -f qr.txt 2> /dev/null
echo "------------------------------"
echo "If the connection was not working:"
if [ ${# dynDomain } -gt 0 ] ; then
echo " - Make sure that your router is forwarding port ${ port } to the Raspiblitz with IP ${ localIP } "
if [ ${ local } -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "- Check that your WIFI devices can talk to the LAN devices on your router (deactivate IP isolation or guest mode)."
echo "- check issues: https://github.com/LN-Zap/lndconnect/issues"
echo "- check issues: https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues"
echo ""