@ -241,90 +241,9 @@ or having a complete LND rescue-backup from your old node.
##### DEACTIVATED UNTIL config.scripts/lnd.initwallet.py WORKS
# # let user enter password c
# sudo shred /home/admin/.pass.tmp 2>/dev/null
# sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.setpassword.sh x "Set your Password C for the LND Wallet Unlock" /home/admin/.pass.tmp
# passwordC=`sudo cat /home/admin/.pass.tmp`
# sudo shred /home/admin/.pass.tmp 2>/dev/null
# # get seed word list
# if [ "${CHOICE}" == "SEED+SCB" ] || [ "${CHOICE}" == "ONLYSEED" ]; then
# # dialog to enter
# dialog --backtitle "RaspiBlitz - LND Recover" --inputbox "Please enter/paste the SEED WORD LIST:\n(just the words, seperated by commas, in correct order as numbered)" 9 78 2>/home/admin/.seed.tmp
# wordstring=$( cat /home/admin/.seed.tmp | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9,]//g' )
# shred /home/admin/.seed.tmp
# echo "processing ... ${wordstring}"
# # check correct number of words
# IFS=',' read -r -a seedArray <<< "$wordstring"
# if [ ${#seedArray[@]} -eq 24 ]; then
# echo "OK - 24 words"
# else
# whiptail --title " WARNING " --msgbox "
#The word list has ${#seedArray[@]} words. But it must be 24.
#Please check your list and try again.
#Best is to write words in external editor
#and then copy and paste them into dialog.
#The Word list should look like this:
#wordone,wordtweo,wordthree, ...
#" 16 52
# /home/admin/70initLND.sh
# exit 1
# fi
# # ask if seed was protected by password D
# passwordD=""
# dialog --title "SEED PASSWORD" --yes-button "No extra Password" --no-button "Yes" --yesno "
#Are your seed words protected by an extra password?
#During wallet creation LND offers to set an extra password
#to protect the seed words. Most users did not set this.
# " 11 65
# if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
# sudo shred /home/admin/.pass.tmp 2>/dev/null
# sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.setpassword.sh x "Enter extra Password D" /home/admin/.pass.tmp
dialog --backtitle "RaspiBlitz - LND Recover" --inputbox "Please enter/paste the SEED WORD LIST:\n(just the words, seperated by paces, in correct order as numbered)"978 2>/home/admin/.seed.tmp
wordstring=$( cat /home/admin/.seed.tmp | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9,]//g')
shred /home/admin/.seed.tmp
echo"processing ... ${wordstring}"
# check correct number of words
IFS=' 'read -r -a seedArray <<<"$wordstring"
if[${#seedArray[@]} -eq 24];then
echo"OK - 24 words"
whiptail --title " WARNING " --msgbox "
The word list has ${#seedArray[@]} words. But it must be 24.
Please check your list and try again.
Best is to write words in external editor
and then copy and paste them into dialog.
The Word list should look like this:
wordone,wordtweo,wordthree, ...
" 16 52
# ask if seed was protected by password D
dialog --title "SEED PASSWORD" --yes-button "No extra Password" --no-button "Yes" --yesno "
Are your seed words protected by an extra password?
During wallet creation LND offers to set an extra password
to protect the seed words. Most users did not set this.
" 11 65
if[$? -eq 1];then
sudo shred /home/admin/.pass.tmp 2>/dev/null
sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.setpassword.sh x "Enter extra Password D" /home/admin/.pass.tmp
passwordD=`sudo cat /home/admin/.pass.tmp`
sudo shred /home/admin/.pass.tmp 2>/dev/null
# FOR NOW: let channel.backup file get activated by lncli after syncs