whiptail --title "Install Shango on your Android Phone"\
--yes-button "show link as QR"\
--no-button "continue"\
--yesno "At the moment this app is in public beta testing:\n\nhttps://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.shango \n\nDo you want to see a QR code with an Playstore link?"2060
echo"Once you have the app is running make sure you are on the same local network (WLAN same as LAN)."
msg="Once you have the app is running make sure you are on the same local network (WLAN same as LAN)."
echo"On Setup Step 'Choose LND Server Type' connect to 'DIY SELF HOSTED'"
echo"(Or in the App go to --> 'Settings' > 'Connect to your LND Server')"
echo"There you see three 3 form fields to fill out. Skip those and go right to the buttons below."
echo"Click on the 'Scan QR' button"
echo"Make the this terminal as big as possible - fullscreen would be best."
echo"Then PRESS ENTER here in the terminal to generare the QR code and scan it with the app."
read key
msg="${msg}On Setup Step 'Choose LND Server Type' connect to 'DIY SELF HOSTED' \n\n (Or in the App go to --> 'Settings' > 'Connect to your LND Server') \n\nThere you see three 3 form fields to fill out. Skip those and go right to the buttons below.\n\nClick on the 'Scan QR' button. Scan the QR on the LCD and <continue> or <show QR> to see it in this window."
echo"*** STEP 2 : SCAN MACAROON (make whole QR code fill camera) ***"
whiptail --backtitle "Connecting Shango Mobile Wallet"\
--title "Press Connect on Shango"\
--msgbox "Now press 'Connect' within the Shango Wallet.\n\nIf its not working - check issues on GitHub:\n\nhttps://github.com/neogeno/shango-lightning-wallet/issues"1565
msg="Send ${coininfo} to address --> ${address}\n\nScan the QR code on the LCD with your mobile wallet or copy paste the address."
echo"get some testnet coins from https://testnet-faucet.mempool.co"
msg="${msg} \n\n Get some testnet coins from https://testnet-faucet.mempool.co"
echo"Whats next? --> Wait for confirmations. You can use info on LCD to check if funds have arrived."
echo"If you want your lighting node to open channels automatically, activate the 'Autopilot' under 'Activate/Deactivate Services'"
echo -e "$network:${address}" > qr.txt
whiptail --backtitle "Fund your on chain wallet"\
--title "Send ${coininfo}"\
--yes-button "show QR"\
--no-button "continue"\
--yesno "${msg} \n\n Do you want to see the QR-code for ${coininfo}:${address} in this window?"00
if[$? -eq 0];then
shred qr.txt
rm -f qr.txt
whiptail --backtitle "Fund your on chain wallet"\
--title "What's next?"\
--msgbox "Wait for confirmations. \n\nYou can use info on LCD to check if funds have arrived. \n\nIf you want your lighting node to open channels automatically, activate the 'Autopilot' under 'Activate/Deactivate Services'"00
whiptail --title "Get ready" --backtitle "QR-Code in Terminal Window"\
--msgbox "Make this terminal window as large as possible - fullscreen would be best. \n\nThe QR-Code might be too large for your display. In that case, shrink the letters by pressing the keys Ctrl and Minus (or Cmd and Minus if you are on a Mac) \n\nPRESS ENTER when you are ready to see the QR-code."2060
qrencode -t ANSI256 < /home/admin/qr.txt
shred /home/admin/qr.txt
rm -f /home/admin/qr.txt
echo"(To shrink QR code: macOS press CMD- / LINUX press CTRL-) Press ENTER when finished."