React attempts to support all common elements. If you need an element that isn't listed here, please file an issue.
React attempts to support all common elements. If you need an element that isn't listed here, please file an issue.
The following elements are supported:
### HTML Elements
### HTML Elements
The following SVG elements are supported:
a abbr address area article aside audio b base bdi bdo big blockquote body br
a abbr address area article aside audio b base bdi bdo big blockquote body br
button canvas caption cite code col colgroup data datalist dd del details dfn
button canvas caption cite code col colgroup data datalist dd del details dfn
@ -29,10 +28,14 @@ title tr track u ul var video wbr
### SVG elements
### SVG elements
The following SVG elements are supported:
circle g line path polyline rect svg text
circle g line path polygon polyline rect svg text
You may also be interested in [react-art](, a drawing library for React that can render to Canvas, SVG, or VML (for IE8).