`React` is the entry point to the React framework. If you're using one of the prebuilt packages it's available as a global; if you're using CommonJS modules you can `require()` it.
`React` is the entry point to the React framework. If you're using one of the prebuilt packages it's available as a global; if you're using CommonJS modules you can `require()` it.
### React.Children
`React.Children` provides utilities for dealing with the `this.props.children` opaque data structure.
#### React.Children.map
array React.Children.map(object children, function fn [, object context])
Invoke `fn` on every immediate child contained within `children` with `this` set to `context`. If `children` is a nested object or array it will be traversed: `fn` will never be passed the container objects.
#### React.Children.forEach
React.Children.forEach(object children, function fn [, object context])
Like `React.Children.map()` but does not return an array.
#### React.children.only()
object React.Children.only(object children)
Return the only child in `children`. If `children` is a nested object or array it will be traversed.
### React.DOM
### React.DOM
`React.DOM` provides all of the standard HTML tags needed to build a React app. You generally don't use it directly; instead, just include it as part of the `/** @jsx React.DOM */` docblock.
`React.DOM` provides all of the standard HTML tags needed to build a React app. You generally don't use it directly; instead, just include it as part of the `/** @jsx React.DOM */` docblock.