- [Visual Guide to State in React](https://daveceddia.com/visual-guide-to-state-in-react/) - Dave Ceddia's visual guide to React state.
- [Visual Guide to State in React](https://daveceddia.com/visual-guide-to-state-in-react/) - Dave Ceddia's visual guide to React state.
- [The Hands-On Guide to Learning React Hooks](https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/react-hooks-guide/) - Eric Bishard's step-by-step guide to learning React Hooks.
- [The Hands-On Guide to Learning React Hooks](https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/react-hooks-guide/) - Eric Bishard's step-by-step guide to learning React Hooks.
- [How to Use the React Profiler Component to Measure Render Performance](https://medium.com/@adamhenson/how-to-use-the-react-profiler-component-to-measure-performance-improvements-from-hooks-d43b7092d7a8) - Adam Henson's article exemplifying a use case for `<React.Profiler />`.
- [How to Use the React Profiler Component to Measure Render Performance](https://medium.com/@adamhenson/how-to-use-the-react-profiler-component-to-measure-performance-improvements-from-hooks-d43b7092d7a8) - Adam Henson's article exemplifying a use case for `<React.Profiler />`.
- [Thinking in React Hooks](https://wattenberger.com/blog/react-hooks) - Amelia Wattenberger's provides visualizations and highlighting the mindset change needed switching from classes to functional components + hooks.