@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ |
*/ |
import * as React from 'react'; |
import cn from 'classnames'; |
import { |
FileTabs, |
useSandpack, |
@ -11,35 +12,75 @@ import { |
import {OpenInCodeSandboxButton} from './OpenInCodeSandboxButton'; |
import {ResetButton} from './ResetButton'; |
import {DownloadButton} from './DownloadButton'; |
import {FilesDropdown} from './FilesDropdown'; |
import {IconChevron} from '../../Icon/IconChevron'; |
import {Listbox} from '@headlessui/react'; |
// TODO: Replace with real useEvent.
export function useEvent(fn: any): any { |
const ref = React.useRef(null); |
React.useInsertionEffect(() => { |
ref.current = fn; |
}, [fn]); |
return React.useCallback((...args: any) => { |
const f = ref.current!; |
// @ts-ignore
return f(...args); |
}, []); |
} |
const getFileName = (filePath: string): string => { |
const lastIndexOfSlash = filePath.lastIndexOf('/'); |
return filePath.slice(lastIndexOfSlash + 1); |
}; |
export function NavigationBar({providedFiles}: {providedFiles: Array<string>}) { |
const {sandpack} = useSandpack(); |
const [dropdownActive, setDropdownActive] = React.useState(false); |
const {openPaths, clients} = sandpack; |
const containerRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); |
const tabsRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); |
// By default, show the dropdown because all tabs may not fit.
// We don't know whether they'll fit or not until after hydration:
const [showDropdown, setShowDropdown] = React.useState(true); |
const {openPaths, clients, setActiveFile, activePath} = sandpack; |
const clientId = Object.keys(clients)[0]; |
const {refresh} = useSandpackNavigation(clientId); |
const isMultiFile = openPaths.length > 1; |
const hasJustToggledDropdown = React.useRef(false); |
const resizeHandler = React.useCallback(() => { |
const width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; |
if (!dropdownActive && width < 640) { |
setDropdownActive(true); |
// Keep track of whether we can show all tabs or just the dropdown.
const onContainerResize = useEvent((containerWidth: number) => { |
if (hasJustToggledDropdown.current === true) { |
// Ignore changes likely caused by ourselves.
hasJustToggledDropdown.current = false; |
return; |
} |
if (dropdownActive && width >= 640) { |
setDropdownActive(false); |
const tabsWidth = tabsRef.current!.getBoundingClientRect().width; |
const needsDropdown = tabsWidth >= containerWidth; |
if (needsDropdown !== showDropdown) { |
hasJustToggledDropdown.current = true; |
setShowDropdown(needsDropdown); |
} |
}, [dropdownActive]); |
}); |
React.useEffect(() => { |
if (openPaths.length > 1) { |
resizeHandler(); |
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler); |
return () => { |
window.removeEventListener('resize', resizeHandler); |
}; |
if (isMultiFile) { |
const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => { |
for (const entry of entries) { |
if (entry.contentBoxSize) { |
const contentBoxSize = Array.isArray(entry.contentBoxSize) |
? entry.contentBoxSize[0] |
: entry.contentBoxSize; |
const width = contentBoxSize.inlineSize; |
onContainerResize(width); |
} |
} |
}); |
const container = containerRef.current!; |
resizeObserver.observe(container); |
return () => resizeObserver.unobserve(container); |
} else { |
return; |
}, [openPaths.length, resizeHandler]); |
} |
}, [isMultiFile]); |
const handleReset = () => { |
sandpack.resetAllFiles(); |
@ -48,11 +89,70 @@ export function NavigationBar({providedFiles}: {providedFiles: Array<string>}) { |
return ( |
<div className="bg-wash dark:bg-card-dark flex justify-between items-center relative z-10 border-b border-border dark:border-border-dark rounded-t-lg rounded-b-none"> |
<div className="px-4 lg:px-6"> |
{dropdownActive ? <FilesDropdown /> : <FileTabs />} |
<div className="flex-1 grow min-w-0 px-4 lg:px-6"> |
<Listbox value={activePath} onChange={setActiveFile}> |
<div ref={containerRef}> |
<div className="relative overflow-hidden"> |
<div |
ref={tabsRef} |
className={cn( |
// The container for all tabs is always in the DOM, but
// not always visible. This lets us measure how much space
// the tabs would take if displayed. We use this to decide
// whether to keep showing the dropdown, or show all tabs.
'w-[fit-content]', |
showDropdown ? 'invisible' : '' |
)}> |
<FileTabs /> |
</div> |
<Listbox.Button className="contents"> |
{({open}) => ( |
// If tabs don't fit, display the dropdown instead.
// The dropdown is absolutely positioned inside the
// space that's taken by the (invisible) tab list.
<div |
className={cn( |
'absolute top-0 left-0', |
!showDropdown && 'invisible' |
)}> |
<span |
className={cn( |
'h-full py-2 px-1 mt-px -mb-px flex border-b text-link dark:text-link-dark border-link dark:border-link-dark items-center text-md leading-tight truncate' |
)} |
style={{maxWidth: '160px'}}> |
{getFileName(activePath)} |
{isMultiFile && ( |
<span className="ml-2"> |
<IconChevron |
displayDirection={open ? 'up' : 'down'} |
/> |
</span> |
)} |
</span> |
</div> |
)} |
</Listbox.Button> |
</div> |
</div> |
{isMultiFile && showDropdown && ( |
<Listbox.Options className="absolute mt-0.5 bg-card dark:bg-card-dark px-2 left-0 right-0 mx-0 rounded-b-lg border-1 border-border dark:border-border-dark rounded-sm shadow-md"> |
{openPaths.map((filePath: string) => ( |
<Listbox.Option |
key={filePath} |
value={filePath} |
className={cn( |
'text-md mx-2 my-4 cursor-pointer', |
filePath === activePath && 'text-link dark:text-link-dark' |
)}> |
{getFileName(filePath)} |
</Listbox.Option> |
))} |
</Listbox.Options> |
)} |
</Listbox> |
</div> |
<div |
className="px-3 flex items-center justify-end grow text-right" |
className="px-3 flex items-center justify-end text-right" |
translate="yes"> |
<DownloadButton providedFiles={providedFiles} /> |
<ResetButton onReset={handleReset} /> |