* Update getting-started.md
Line 41 -
When starting a React project, [a simple HTML page with script tags](/docs/add-react-to-a-website.html) might still be the best option. It only takes a minute to set up!
Removed the hyperlink from "a" as we're focusing on simple HTML page so a shouldn't be hyperlinked.
* Update getting-started.md
* Add usage example for useContext.
The intent is to show where the hook fits in to the usual Context usage.
* Remove unnecessary comment in code block.
In the example, `count` is initialized to 0 and then multiplied by 100... which is 0.
Changing this to addition so the previous value will differ from the current value.
RawGit is being shut down (eg Oct 2019, https://rawgit.com/) and this change uses the direct links to the files as served from gist.github.com. The same files are being served, just that the links are only dependent on GitHub's gist service.
* Update Versioning FAQ
Includes a new section describing our approach to minor releases, and
why they don't always include new features.
* Brian's edits
* Delete the adverb
For the FAQ question "Which versions of React include Hooks?", the current version of React Native (which supports Hooks) is now listed, along with a link to the blog post for that release.
updated how to install babel presets to use the newer namespace conventions that comes with newer versions of Babel, version 7.
My react app kept crashing when I tried installing Flow.
I have updated the docs on Flow's documentation, then I saw the same issue here.
Here is the PR on Flow's docs just in case - https://github.com/facebook/flow/pull/7856
The addition of the `TestRenderer.act()` method to the documentation broke the logical flow and "The returned instance has the following methods and properties." is now confusing since it's the `act()` method that is now documented afterwards. This commit aims at clarifying what is returned.