@ -13,10 +13,7 @@ import org.fxmisc.richtext.model.StyleSpan; |
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; |
import java.io.IOException; |
import java.time.Duration; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.Collection; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.Objects; |
import java.util.*; |
import static org.fxmisc.richtext.model.TwoDimensional.Bias.Backward; |
@ -84,7 +81,7 @@ public class TransactionHexArea extends CodeArea { |
for(int i = start; i < end; i++) { |
TransactionSegment segment = segments.get(i); |
if(segment.start < TRUNCATE_AT) { |
setStyleClass(segment.start, Math.min(TRUNCATE_AT, segment.start + segment.length), segment.style); |
setStyle(segment.start, Math.min(TRUNCATE_AT, segment.start + segment.length), getStyles(segment)); |
} |
} |
@ -95,6 +92,18 @@ public class TransactionHexArea extends CodeArea { |
} |
} |
private Collection<String> getStyles(TransactionSegment segment) { |
List<String> styles = new ArrayList<>(); |
styles.add(segment.style); |
if(segment.index != null) { |
styles.add("index-" + segment.index); |
} |
if(segment.witnessIndex != null) { |
styles.add("witnessindex-" + segment.witnessIndex); |
} |
return Collections.unmodifiableList(styles); |
} |
public List<TransactionSegment> getTransactionSegments(Transaction transaction, int selectedInputIndex, int selectedOutputIndex) { |
List<TransactionSegment> segments = new ArrayList<>(); |
@ -117,12 +126,12 @@ public class TransactionHexArea extends CodeArea { |
for(int i = 0; i < transaction.getInputs().size(); i++) { |
TransactionInput input = transaction.getInputs().get(i); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, 32 * 2, "input-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "hash")); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, 4 * 2, "input-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "index")); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, 32 * 2, i, "input-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "hash")); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, 4 * 2, i, "input-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "index")); |
VarInt scriptLen = new VarInt(input.getScriptBytes().length); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, scriptLen.getSizeInBytes() * 2, "input-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "sigscript-length")); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, (int) scriptLen.value * 2, "input-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "sigscript")); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, 4 * 2, "input-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "sequence")); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, scriptLen.getSizeInBytes() * 2, i, "input-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "sigscript-length")); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, (int) scriptLen.value * 2, i, "input-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "sigscript")); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, 4 * 2, i, "input-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "sequence")); |
} |
//Number of outputs
@ -132,10 +141,10 @@ public class TransactionHexArea extends CodeArea { |
for(int i = 0; i < transaction.getOutputs().size(); i++) { |
TransactionOutput output = transaction.getOutputs().get(i); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, 8 * 2, "output-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedOutputIndex, "value")); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, 8 * 2, i, "output-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedOutputIndex, "value")); |
VarInt scriptLen = new VarInt(output.getScriptBytes().length); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, scriptLen.getSizeInBytes() * 2, "output-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedOutputIndex, "pubkeyscript-length")); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, (int) scriptLen.value * 2, "output-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedOutputIndex, "pubkeyscript")); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, scriptLen.getSizeInBytes() * 2, i, "output-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedOutputIndex, "pubkeyscript-length")); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, (int) scriptLen.value * 2, i, "output-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedOutputIndex, "pubkeyscript")); |
} |
if(transaction.hasWitnesses()) { |
@ -144,11 +153,12 @@ public class TransactionHexArea extends CodeArea { |
if (input.hasWitness()) { |
TransactionWitness witness = input.getWitness(); |
VarInt witnessCount = new VarInt(witness.getPushCount()); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, witnessCount.getSizeInBytes() * 2, "witness-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "count")); |
for (byte[] push : witness.getPushes()) { |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, witnessCount.getSizeInBytes() * 2, i, "witness-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "count")); |
for(int j = 0; j < witness.getPushes().size(); j++) { |
byte[] push = witness.getPushes().get(j); |
VarInt witnessLen = new VarInt(push.length); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, witnessLen.getSizeInBytes() * 2, "witness-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "length")); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, (int) witnessLen.value * 2, "witness-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "data")); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, witnessLen.getSizeInBytes() * 2, i, j, "witness-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "length")); |
cursor = addSegment(segments, cursor, (int) witnessLen.value * 2, i, j, "witness-" + getIndexedStyleClass(i, selectedInputIndex, "data")); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -166,7 +176,15 @@ public class TransactionHexArea extends CodeArea { |
} |
private int addSegment(List<TransactionSegment> segments, int start, int length, String style) { |
segments.add(new TransactionSegment(start, length, style)); |
return addSegment(segments, start, length, null, style); |
} |
private int addSegment(List<TransactionSegment> segments, int start, int length, Integer index, String style) { |
return addSegment(segments, start, length, index, null, style); |
} |
private int addSegment(List<TransactionSegment> segments, int start, int length, Integer index, Integer witnessIndex, String style) { |
segments.add(new TransactionSegment(start, length, index, witnessIndex, style)); |
return start + length; |
} |
@ -179,38 +197,58 @@ public class TransactionHexArea extends CodeArea { |
} |
private String describeTransactionPart(Collection<String> styles) { |
String style = styles.isEmpty() ? "" : styles.iterator().next(); |
String style = ""; |
Integer index = null; |
Integer witnessIndex = null; |
Iterator<String> iter = styles.iterator(); |
if(iter.hasNext()) { |
style = iter.next(); |
} |
while(iter.hasNext()) { |
String indexStyle = iter.next(); |
if(indexStyle.startsWith("index-")) { |
index = Integer.parseInt(indexStyle.substring("index-".length())); |
} |
if(indexStyle.startsWith("witnessindex-")) { |
witnessIndex = Integer.parseInt(indexStyle.substring("witnessindex-".length())); |
} |
} |
return switch(style) { |
case "version" -> "Transaction version"; |
case "segwit-marker" -> "Segwit marker"; |
case "segwit-flag" -> "Segwit flag"; |
case "num-inputs" -> "Number of inputs"; |
case "input-hash" -> "Input transaction ID"; |
case "input-index" -> "Input transaction index"; |
case "input-sigscript-length" -> "ScriptSig length"; |
case "input-sigscript" -> "ScriptSig"; |
case "input-sequence" -> "Sequence"; |
case "input-hash" -> "Input #" + index + " outpoint txid"; |
case "input-index" -> "Input #" + index + " outpoint index"; |
case "input-sigscript-length" -> "Input #" + index + " scriptSig length"; |
case "input-sigscript" -> "Input #" + index + " scriptSig"; |
case "input-sequence" -> "Input #" + index + " sequence"; |
case "num-outputs" -> "Number of outputs"; |
case "output-value" -> "Output value"; |
case "output-pubkeyscript-length" -> "ScriptPubKey length"; |
case "output-pubkeyscript" -> "ScriptPubKey"; |
case "witness-count" -> "Witness count"; |
case "witness-length" -> "Witness length"; |
case "witness-data" -> "Witness data"; |
case "output-value" -> "Output #" + index + " value"; |
case "output-pubkeyscript-length" -> "Output #" + index + " scriptPubKey length"; |
case "output-pubkeyscript" -> "Output #" + index + " scriptPubKey"; |
case "witness-count" -> "Input #" + index + " witness count"; |
case "witness-length" -> "Input #" + index + " witness #" + witnessIndex + " length"; |
case "witness-data" -> "Input #" + index + " witness #" + witnessIndex + " data"; |
case "locktime" -> "Locktime"; |
default -> ""; |
}; |
} |
private static class TransactionSegment { |
public TransactionSegment(int start, int length, String style) { |
public TransactionSegment(int start, int length, Integer index, Integer witnessIndex, String style) { |
this.start = start; |
this.length = length; |
this.index = index; |
this.witnessIndex = witnessIndex; |
this.style = style; |
} |
public int start; |
public int length; |
public Integer index; |
public Integer witnessIndex; |
public String style; |
@Override |