@ -4,10 +4,16 @@ import com.google.common.eventbus.Subscribe;
import com.samourai.whirlpool.client.whirlpool.beans.Pool ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.BitcoinUnit ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.KeyPurpose ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.SecureString ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.address.Address ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.address.InvalidAddressException ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.bip47.PaymentCode ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.bip47.SecretPoint ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.crypto.ECKey ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.protocol.ScriptType ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.protocol.Sha256Hash ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.protocol.Transaction ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.protocol.TransactionOutPoint ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.psbt.PSBT ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.wallet.* ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.AppServices ;
@ -19,6 +25,7 @@ import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.glyphfont.FontAwesome5;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.io.Config ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.io.Storage ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.net.* ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.paynym.PayNym ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.soroban.InitiatorDialog ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.paynym.PayNymAddress ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.soroban.SorobanServices ;
@ -26,6 +33,7 @@ import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.whirlpool.Whirlpool;
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame ;
import javafx.animation.Timeline ;
import javafx.application.Platform ;
import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings ;
import javafx.beans.property.* ;
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener ;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue ;
@ -143,6 +151,9 @@ public class SendController extends WalletFormController implements Initializabl
private Button premixButton ;
private Button notificationButton ;
private StackPane tabHeader ;
private final BooleanProperty userFeeSet = new SimpleBooleanProperty ( false ) ;
@ -153,6 +164,8 @@ public class SendController extends WalletFormController implements Initializabl
private final ObjectProperty < Pool > whirlpoolProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty < > ( null ) ;
private final ObjectProperty < PaymentCode > paymentCodeProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty < > ( null ) ;
private final ObjectProperty < WalletTransaction > walletTransactionProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty < > ( null ) ;
private final BooleanProperty insufficientInputsProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty ( false ) ;
@ -218,8 +231,9 @@ public class SendController extends WalletFormController implements Initializabl
} ;
private final ChangeListener < Boolean > premixButton OnlineListener = ( observable , oldValue , newValue ) - > {
private final ChangeListener < Boolean > broadcastButtons OnlineListener = ( observable , oldValue , newValue ) - > {
premixButton . setDisable ( ! newValue ) ;
notificationButton . setDisable ( walletTransactionProperty . get ( ) = = null | | isInsufficientFeeRate ( ) | | ! newValue ) ;
} ;
private ValidationSupport validationSupport ;
@ -397,6 +411,7 @@ public class SendController extends WalletFormController implements Initializabl
transactionDiagram . update ( walletTransaction ) ;
updatePrivacyAnalysis ( walletTransaction ) ;
createButton . setDisable ( walletTransaction = = null | | isInsufficientFeeRate ( ) | | isPayNymMixOnlyPayment ( walletTransaction . getPayments ( ) ) ) ;
notificationButton . setDisable ( walletTransaction = = null | | isInsufficientFeeRate ( ) | | ! AppServices . isConnected ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
transactionDiagram . sceneProperty ( ) . addListener ( ( observable , oldScene , newScene ) - > {
@ -430,9 +445,11 @@ public class SendController extends WalletFormController implements Initializabl
createButton . managedProperty ( ) . bind ( createButton . visibleProperty ( ) ) ;
premixButton . managedProperty ( ) . bind ( premixButton . visibleProperty ( ) ) ;
createButton . visibleProperty ( ) . bind ( premixButton . visibleProperty ( ) . not ( ) ) ;
notificationButton . managedProperty ( ) . bind ( notificationButton . visibleProperty ( ) ) ;
createButton . visibleProperty ( ) . bind ( Bindings . and ( premixButton . visibleProperty ( ) . not ( ) , notificationButton . visibleProperty ( ) . not ( ) ) ) ;
premixButton . setVisible ( false ) ;
AppServices . onlineProperty ( ) . addListener ( new WeakChangeListener < > ( premixButtonOnlineListener ) ) ;
notificationButton . setVisible ( false ) ;
AppServices . onlineProperty ( ) . addListener ( new WeakChangeListener < > ( broadcastButtonsOnlineListener ) ) ;
private void initializeTabHeader ( int count ) {
@ -582,6 +599,7 @@ public class SendController extends WalletFormController implements Initializabl
if ( currentWalletTransactionService . isRunning ( ) ) {
transactionDiagram . update ( "Selecting UTXOs..." ) ;
createButton . setDisable ( true ) ;
notificationButton . setDisable ( true ) ;
} ) ;
final Timeline timeline = new Timeline ( delay ) ;
@ -1047,13 +1065,17 @@ public class SendController extends WalletFormController implements Initializabl
validationSupport . setErrorDecorationEnabled ( false ) ;
setInputFieldsDisabled ( false ) ;
setInputFieldsDisabled ( false , false ) ;
efficiencyToggle . setDisable ( false ) ;
privacyToggle . setDisable ( false ) ;
premixButton . setVisible ( false ) ;
notificationButton . setVisible ( false ) ;
createButton . setDefaultButton ( true ) ;
whirlpoolProperty . set ( null ) ;
paymentCodeProperty . set ( null ) ;
public UtxoSelector getUtxoSelector ( ) {
@ -1181,18 +1203,182 @@ public class SendController extends WalletFormController implements Initializabl
tx0BroadcastService . start ( ) ;
private void setInputFieldsDisabled ( boolean disable ) {
public void broadcastNotification ( ActionEvent event ) {
Wallet wallet = getWalletForm ( ) . getWallet ( ) ;
Storage storage = AppServices . get ( ) . getOpenWallets ( ) . get ( wallet ) ;
if ( wallet . isEncrypted ( ) ) {
WalletPasswordDialog dlg = new WalletPasswordDialog ( wallet . getMasterName ( ) , WalletPasswordDialog . PasswordRequirement . LOAD ) ;
Optional < SecureString > password = dlg . showAndWait ( ) ;
if ( password . isPresent ( ) ) {
Storage . DecryptWalletService decryptWalletService = new Storage . DecryptWalletService ( wallet . copy ( ) , password . get ( ) ) ;
decryptWalletService . setOnSucceeded ( workerStateEvent - > {
EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new StorageEvent ( storage . getWalletId ( wallet ) , TimedEvent . Action . END , "Done" ) ) ;
Wallet decryptedWallet = decryptWalletService . getValue ( ) ;
broadcastNotification ( decryptedWallet ) ;
decryptedWallet . clearPrivate ( ) ;
} ) ;
decryptWalletService . setOnFailed ( workerStateEvent - > {
EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new StorageEvent ( storage . getWalletId ( wallet ) , TimedEvent . Action . END , "Failed" ) ) ;
AppServices . showErrorDialog ( "Incorrect Password" , decryptWalletService . getException ( ) . getMessage ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new StorageEvent ( storage . getWalletId ( wallet ) , TimedEvent . Action . START , "Decrypting wallet..." ) ) ;
decryptWalletService . start ( ) ;
} else {
broadcastNotification ( wallet ) ;
public void broadcastNotification ( Wallet decryptedWallet ) {
try {
PaymentCode paymentCode = decryptedWallet . getPaymentCode ( ) ;
PaymentCode externalPaymentCode = paymentCodeProperty . get ( ) ;
WalletTransaction walletTransaction = walletTransactionProperty . get ( ) ;
WalletNode input0Node = walletTransaction . getSelectedUtxos ( ) . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) . next ( ) . getValue ( ) ;
Keystore keystore = input0Node . getWallet ( ) . isNested ( ) ? decryptedWallet . getChildWallet ( input0Node . getWallet ( ) . getName ( ) ) . getKeystores ( ) . get ( 0 ) : decryptedWallet . getKeystores ( ) . get ( 0 ) ;
ECKey input0Key = keystore . getKey ( input0Node ) ;
TransactionOutPoint input0Outpoint = walletTransaction . getTransaction ( ) . getInputs ( ) . iterator ( ) . next ( ) . getOutpoint ( ) ;
SecretPoint secretPoint = new SecretPoint ( input0Key . getPrivKeyBytes ( ) , externalPaymentCode . getNotificationKey ( ) . getPubKey ( ) ) ;
byte [ ] blindingMask = PaymentCode . getMask ( secretPoint . ECDHSecretAsBytes ( ) , input0Outpoint . bitcoinSerialize ( ) ) ;
byte [ ] blindedPaymentCode = PaymentCode . blind ( paymentCode . getPayload ( ) , blindingMask ) ;
List < UtxoSelector > utxoSelectors = List . of ( new PresetUtxoSelector ( walletTransaction . getSelectedUtxos ( ) . keySet ( ) , true ) ) ;
Long userFee = userFeeSet . get ( ) ? getFeeValueSats ( ) : null ;
double feeRate = getUserFeeRate ( ) ;
Integer currentBlockHeight = AppServices . getCurrentBlockHeight ( ) ;
boolean groupByAddress = Config . get ( ) . isGroupByAddress ( ) ;
boolean includeMempoolOutputs = Config . get ( ) . isIncludeMempoolOutputs ( ) ;
boolean includeSpentMempoolOutputs = includeSpentMempoolOutputsProperty . get ( ) ;
WalletTransaction finalWalletTx = decryptedWallet . createWalletTransaction ( utxoSelectors , getUtxoFilters ( ) , walletTransaction . getPayments ( ) , List . of ( blindedPaymentCode ) , excludedChangeNodes , feeRate , getMinimumFeeRate ( ) , userFee , currentBlockHeight , groupByAddress , includeMempoolOutputs , includeSpentMempoolOutputs ) ;
PSBT psbt = finalWalletTx . createPSBT ( ) ;
decryptedWallet . sign ( psbt ) ;
decryptedWallet . finalise ( psbt ) ;
Transaction transaction = psbt . extractTransaction ( ) ;
ServiceProgressDialog . ProxyWorker proxyWorker = new ServiceProgressDialog . ProxyWorker ( ) ;
ElectrumServer . BroadcastTransactionService broadcastTransactionService = new ElectrumServer . BroadcastTransactionService ( transaction ) ;
broadcastTransactionService . setOnSucceeded ( successEvent - > {
ElectrumServer . TransactionMempoolService transactionMempoolService = new ElectrumServer . TransactionMempoolService ( walletTransaction . getWallet ( ) , transaction . getTxId ( ) , new HashSet < > ( walletTransaction . getSelectedUtxos ( ) . values ( ) ) ) ;
transactionMempoolService . setDelay ( Duration . seconds ( 2 ) ) ;
transactionMempoolService . setPeriod ( Duration . seconds ( 5 ) ) ;
transactionMempoolService . setRestartOnFailure ( false ) ;
transactionMempoolService . setOnSucceeded ( mempoolWorkerStateEvent - > {
Set < String > scriptHashes = transactionMempoolService . getValue ( ) ;
if ( ! scriptHashes . isEmpty ( ) ) {
transactionMempoolService . cancel ( ) ;
clear ( null ) ;
if ( Config . get ( ) . isUsePayNym ( ) ) {
proxyWorker . setMessage ( "Finding PayNym..." ) ;
AppServices . getPayNymService ( ) . getPayNym ( externalPaymentCode . toString ( ) ) . subscribe ( payNym - > {
proxyWorker . end ( ) ;
addChildWallets ( walletTransaction . getWallet ( ) , externalPaymentCode , transaction , payNym ) ;
} , error - > {
proxyWorker . end ( ) ;
addChildWallets ( walletTransaction . getWallet ( ) , externalPaymentCode , transaction , null ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
proxyWorker . end ( ) ;
addChildWallets ( walletTransaction . getWallet ( ) , externalPaymentCode , transaction , null ) ;
if ( transactionMempoolService . getIterationCount ( ) > 5 & & transactionMempoolService . isRunning ( ) ) {
transactionMempoolService . cancel ( ) ;
proxyWorker . end ( ) ;
log . error ( "Timeout searching for broadcasted notification transaction" ) ;
AppServices . showErrorDialog ( "Timeout searching for broadcasted transaction" , "The transaction was broadcast but the server did not register it in the mempool. It is safe to try broadcasting again." ) ;
} ) ;
transactionMempoolService . setOnFailed ( mempoolWorkerStateEvent - > {
transactionMempoolService . cancel ( ) ;
proxyWorker . end ( ) ;
log . error ( "Error searching for broadcasted notification transaction" , mempoolWorkerStateEvent . getSource ( ) . getException ( ) ) ;
AppServices . showErrorDialog ( "Timeout searching for broadcasted transaction" , "The transaction was broadcast but the server did not register it in the mempool. It is safe to try broadcasting again." ) ;
} ) ;
proxyWorker . setMessage ( "Receiving notification transaction..." ) ;
transactionMempoolService . start ( ) ;
} ) ;
broadcastTransactionService . setOnFailed ( failedEvent - > {
proxyWorker . end ( ) ;
log . error ( "Error broadcasting notification transaction" , failedEvent . getSource ( ) . getException ( ) ) ;
AppServices . showErrorDialog ( "Error broadcasting notification transaction" , failedEvent . getSource ( ) . getException ( ) . getMessage ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
ServiceProgressDialog progressDialog = new ServiceProgressDialog ( "Broadcast" , "Broadcast Notification Transaction" , "/image/paynym.png" , proxyWorker ) ;
AppServices . moveToActiveWindowScreen ( progressDialog ) ;
proxyWorker . setMessage ( "Broadcasting notification transaction..." ) ;
proxyWorker . start ( ) ;
broadcastTransactionService . start ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log . error ( "Error creating notification transaction" , e ) ;
AppServices . showErrorDialog ( "Error creating notification transaction" , e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
private void addChildWallets ( Wallet wallet , PaymentCode externalPaymentCode , Transaction transaction , PayNym payNym ) {
List < Wallet > addedWallets = addChildWallets ( externalPaymentCode , payNym ) ;
Wallet masterWallet = getWalletForm ( ) . getMasterWallet ( ) ;
Storage storage = AppServices . get ( ) . getOpenWallets ( ) . get ( masterWallet ) ;
EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new ChildWalletsAddedEvent ( storage , masterWallet , addedWallets ) ) ;
BlockTransaction blockTransaction = wallet . getWalletTransaction ( transaction . getTxId ( ) ) ;
if ( blockTransaction ! = null & & blockTransaction . getLabel ( ) = = null ) {
blockTransaction . setLabel ( "Link " + ( payNym = = null ? externalPaymentCode . toAbbreviatedString ( ) : payNym . nymName ( ) ) ) ;
TransactionEntry transactionEntry = new TransactionEntry ( wallet , blockTransaction , Collections . emptyMap ( ) , Collections . emptyMap ( ) ) ;
EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new WalletEntryLabelsChangedEvent ( wallet , List . of ( transactionEntry ) ) ) ;
if ( paymentTabs . getTabs ( ) . size ( ) > 0 & & ! addedWallets . isEmpty ( ) ) {
Wallet addedWallet = addedWallets . stream ( ) . filter ( w - > w . getScriptType ( ) = = ScriptType . P2WPKH ) . findFirst ( ) . orElse ( addedWallets . iterator ( ) . next ( ) ) ;
PaymentController controller = ( PaymentController ) paymentTabs . getTabs ( ) . get ( 0 ) . getUserData ( ) ;
controller . setPayNym ( payNym = = null ? PayNym . fromWallet ( addedWallet ) : payNym ) ;
Glyph successGlyph = new Glyph ( FontAwesome5 . FONT_NAME , FontAwesome5 . Glyph . CHECK_CIRCLE ) ;
successGlyph . getStyleClass ( ) . add ( "success" ) ;
successGlyph . setFontSize ( 50 ) ;
AppServices . showAlertDialog ( "Notification Successful" , "The notification transaction was successfully sent for payment code " +
externalPaymentCode . toAbbreviatedString ( ) + ( payNym = = null ? "" : " (" + payNym . nymName ( ) + ")" ) +
".\n\nYou can send to it by entering the payment code, or selecting `PayNym or Payment code` in the Pay to dropdown." , Alert . AlertType . INFORMATION , successGlyph , ButtonType . OK ) ;
public List < Wallet > addChildWallets ( PaymentCode externalPaymentCode , PayNym payNym ) {
List < Wallet > addedWallets = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
Wallet masterWallet = getWalletForm ( ) . getMasterWallet ( ) ;
Storage storage = AppServices . get ( ) . getOpenWallets ( ) . get ( masterWallet ) ;
List < ScriptType > scriptTypes = PayNym . getSegwitScriptTypes ( ) ;
for ( ScriptType childScriptType : scriptTypes ) {
Wallet addedWallet = masterWallet . addChildWallet ( externalPaymentCode , childScriptType ) ;
addedWallet . setLabel ( ( payNym = = null ? externalPaymentCode . toAbbreviatedString ( ) : payNym . nymName ( ) ) + " " + childScriptType . getName ( ) ) ;
if ( ! storage . isPersisted ( addedWallet ) ) {
try {
storage . saveWallet ( addedWallet ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log . error ( "Error saving wallet" , e ) ;
AppServices . showErrorDialog ( "Error saving wallet " + addedWallet . getName ( ) , e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
addedWallets . add ( addedWallet ) ;
return addedWallets ;
private void setInputFieldsDisabled ( boolean disablePayments , boolean disableFeeSelection ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < paymentTabs . getTabs ( ) . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
Tab tab = paymentTabs . getTabs ( ) . get ( i ) ;
tab . setClosable ( ! disable ) ;
tab . setClosable ( ! disablePayments ) ;
PaymentController controller = ( PaymentController ) tab . getUserData ( ) ;
controller . setInputFieldsDisabled ( disable ) ;
feeRange . setDisable ( disable ) ;
targetBlocks . setDisable ( disable ) ;
fee . setDisable ( disable ) ;
feeAmountUnit . setDisable ( disable ) ;
controller . setInputFieldsDisabled ( disablePayments ) ;
feeRange . setDisable ( disableFeeSelection ) ;
targetBlocks . setDisable ( disableFeeSelection ) ;
fee . setDisable ( disableFeeSelection ) ;
feeAmountUnit . setDisable ( disableFeeSelection ) ;
transactionDiagram . requestFocus ( ) ;
@ -1262,11 +1448,15 @@ public class SendController extends WalletFormController implements Initializabl
public void spendUtxos ( SpendUtxoEvent event ) {
if ( ! event . getUtxos ( ) . isEmpty ( ) & & event . getWallet ( ) . equals ( getWalletForm ( ) . getWallet ( ) ) ) {
if ( ( event . getUtxos ( ) = = null | | ! event . getUtxos ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) & & event . getWallet ( ) . equals ( getWalletForm ( ) . getWallet ( ) ) ) {
if ( whirlpoolProperty . get ( ) ! = null | | paymentCodeProperty . get ( ) ! = null ) {
clear ( null ) ;
if ( event . getPayments ( ) ! = null ) {
clear ( null ) ;
setPayments ( event . getPayments ( ) ) ;
} else if ( paymentTabs . getTabs ( ) . size ( ) = = 1 ) {
} else if ( paymentTabs . getTabs ( ) . size ( ) = = 1 & & event . getUtxos ( ) ! = null ) {
Payment payment = new Payment ( null , null , event . getUtxos ( ) . stream ( ) . mapToLong ( BlockTransactionHashIndex : : getValue ) . sum ( ) , true ) ;
setPayments ( List . of ( payment ) ) ;
@ -1282,16 +1472,25 @@ public class SendController extends WalletFormController implements Initializabl
includeSpentMempoolOutputsProperty . set ( event . isIncludeSpentMempoolOutputs ( ) ) ;
if ( event . getUtxos ( ) ! = null ) {
List < BlockTransactionHashIndex > utxos = event . getUtxos ( ) ;
utxoSelectorProperty . set ( new PresetUtxoSelector ( utxos ) ) ;
utxoFilterProperty . set ( null ) ;
whirlpoolProperty . set ( event . getPool ( ) ) ;
paymentCodeProperty . set ( event . getPaymentCode ( ) ) ;
updateTransaction ( event . getPayments ( ) = = null | | event . getPayments ( ) . stream ( ) . anyMatch ( Payment : : isSendMax ) ) ;
boolean isWhirlpoolPremix = ( event . getPool ( ) ! = null ) ;
setInputFieldsDisabled ( isWhirlpoolPremix ) ;
premixButton . setVisible ( isWhirlpoolPremix ) ;
premixButton . setDefaultButton ( isWhirlpoolPremix ) ;
boolean isNotificationTransaction = ( event . getPaymentCode ( ) ! = null ) ;
notificationButton . setVisible ( isNotificationTransaction ) ;
notificationButton . setDefaultButton ( isNotificationTransaction ) ;
setInputFieldsDisabled ( isWhirlpoolPremix | | isNotificationTransaction , isWhirlpoolPremix ) ;