If you already have the sparrow repo cloned, fetch all new updates and checkout the release. For this, change into your local sparrow folder and execute:
cd {yourPathToSparrow}/sparrow
git pull --recurse-submodules
git checkout "${GIT_TAG}"
Note - there is an additional step if you updated rather then intitally cloned the repo. This is due to the [drongo submodule](https://github.com/sparrowwallet/drongo/tree/master) which needs to be synchronized (back) to the commit state it had at the time of the release. Only then your build will be comparable to the provided one in the release section of Github. To synchronize, additionally run:
git submodule update --checkout
Thereafter, building should be straightforward. If not already done, change into the sparrow folder and run:
cd sparrow
cd {yourPathToSparrow}/sparrow # if you aren't already in the sparrow folder