"use strict";
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const path = require("path");
const lndService = require("../grpc");
const lightning_1 = require("../utils/lightning");
const controllers_1 = require("../controllers");
const tribes = require("../utils/tribes");
const lightning_2 = require("../utils/lightning");
const signer = require("../utils/signer");
const models_1 = require("../models");
const send_1 = require("./send");
const modify_1 = require("./modify");
const msg_1 = require("../utils/msg");
const sequelize_1 = require("sequelize");
const timers = require("../utils/timers");
delete type:
owner needs to check that the delete is the one who made the msg
in receiveDeleteMessage check the deleter is og sender?
const constants = require(path.join(__dirname, '../../config/constants.json'));
const msgtypes = constants.message_types;
exports.typesToForward = [
msgtypes.message, msgtypes.group_join, msgtypes.group_leave, msgtypes.attachment, msgtypes.delete
const typesToModify = [
const typesThatNeedPricePerMessage = [
msgtypes.message, msgtypes.attachment
exports.typesToReplay = [
msgtypes.message, msgtypes.group_join, msgtypes.group_leave
function onReceive(payload) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
console.log("ON RECEIVE", payload);
// if tribe, owner must forward to MQTT
let doAction = true;
const toAddIn = {};
let isTribe = false;
let isTribeOwner = false;
let chat;
if (payload.chat && payload.chat.uuid) {
isTribe = payload.chat.type === constants.chat_types.tribe;
chat = yield models_1.models.Chat.findOne({ where: { uuid: payload.chat.uuid } });
if (chat)
chat.update({ seen: false });
if (isTribe) {
const tribeOwnerPubKey = chat && chat.ownerPubkey;
const owner = yield models_1.models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true } });
isTribeOwner = owner.publicKey === tribeOwnerPubKey;
if (isTribeOwner)
toAddIn.isTribeOwner = true;
if (isTribeOwner && exports.typesToForward.includes(payload.type)) {
const needsPricePerMessage = typesThatNeedPricePerMessage.includes(payload.type);
const senderContact = yield models_1.models.Contact.findOne({ where: { publicKey: payload.sender.pub_key } });
if (needsPricePerMessage) {
const senderMember = senderContact && (yield models_1.models.ChatMember.findOne({ where: { contactId: senderContact.id, chatId: chat.id } }));
if (!senderMember)
doAction = false;
if (needsPricePerMessage) {
if (payload.message.amount < chat.pricePerMessage)
doAction = false;
if (chat.escrowAmount) {
amount: chat.escrowAmount,
millis: chat.escrowMillis,
receiver: senderContact.id,
msgId: payload.message.id,
chatId: chat.id,
// check price to join
if (payload.type === msgtypes.group_join) {
if (payload.message.amount < chat.priceToJoin)
doAction = false;
// check that the sender is the og poster
if (payload.type === msgtypes.delete) {
doAction = false;
if (payload.message.uuid) {
const ogMsg = yield models_1.models.Message.findOne({ where: {
uuid: payload.message.uuid,
sender: senderContact.id,
} });
if (ogMsg)
doAction = true;
if (doAction)
forwardMessageToTribe(payload, senderContact);
console.log('=> insufficient payment for this action');
if (isTribeOwner && payload.type === msgtypes.purchase) {
const mt = payload.message.mediaToken;
const host = mt && mt.split('.').length && mt.split('.')[0];
const muid = mt && mt.split('.').length && mt.split('.')[1];
const myAttachmentMessage = yield models_1.models.Message.findOne({ where: {
mediaToken: { [sequelize_1.Op.like]: `${host}.${muid}%` },
type: msgtypes.attachment, sender: 1,
} });
if (!myAttachmentMessage) { // someone else's attachment
const senderContact = yield models_1.models.Contact.findOne({ where: { publicKey: payload.sender.pub_key } });
modify_1.purchaseFromOriginalSender(payload, chat, senderContact);
doAction = false;
if (isTribeOwner && payload.type === msgtypes.purchase_accept) {
const purchaserID = payload.message && payload.message.purchaser;
const iAmPurchaser = purchaserID && purchaserID === 1;
if (!iAmPurchaser) {
const senderContact = yield models_1.models.Contact.findOne({ where: { publicKey: payload.sender.pub_key } });
modify_1.sendFinalMemeIfFirstPurchaser(payload, chat, senderContact);
doAction = false; // skip this! we dont need it
if (doAction)
doTheAction(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, payload), toAddIn));
function doTheAction(data) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let payload = data;
if (payload.isTribeOwner) {
const ogContent = data.message && data.message.content;
// const ogMediaKey = data.message && data.message.mediaKey
/* decrypt and re-encrypt with phone's pubkey for storage */
const chat = yield models_1.models.Chat.findOne({ where: { uuid: payload.chat.uuid } });
const pld = yield msg_1.decryptMessage(data, chat);
const me = yield models_1.models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true } });
payload = yield msg_1.encryptTribeBroadcast(pld, me, true); // true=isTribeOwner
if (ogContent)
payload.message.remoteContent = JSON.stringify({ 'chat': ogContent }); // this is the key
//if(ogMediaKey) payload.message.remoteMediaKey = JSON.stringify({'chat':ogMediaKey})
if (controllers_1.ACTIONS[payload.type]) {
else {
console.log('Incorrect payload type:', payload.type);
function forwardMessageToTribe(ogpayload, sender) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
// console.log('forwardMessageToTribe')
const chat = yield models_1.models.Chat.findOne({ where: { uuid: ogpayload.chat.uuid } });
let payload;
if (sender && typesToModify.includes(ogpayload.type)) {
payload = yield modify_1.modifyPayloadAndSaveMediaKey(ogpayload, chat, sender);
else {
payload = ogpayload;
// dont need sender beyond here
//const sender = await models.Contact.findOne({where:{publicKey:payload.sender.pub_key}})
const owner = yield models_1.models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true } });
const type = payload.type;
const message = payload.message;
// ASK xref TABLE and put alias there too?
type, message,
sender: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, owner.dataValues), payload.sender && payload.sender.alias && { alias: payload.sender.alias }),
chat: chat,
skipPubKey: payload.sender.pub_key,
success: () => { },
receive: () => { }
function initGrpcSubscriptions() {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
try {
yield lightning_1.getInfo();
yield lndService.subscribeInvoices(parseKeysendInvoice);
catch (e) {
throw e;
exports.initGrpcSubscriptions = initGrpcSubscriptions;
function initTribesSubscriptions() {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
tribes.connect((topic, message) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
try {
const msg = message.toString();
// console.log("=====> msg received! TOPIC", topic, "MESSAGE", msg)
// check topic is signed by sender?
const payload = yield parseAndVerifyPayload(msg);
catch (e) { }
exports.initTribesSubscriptions = initTribesSubscriptions;
function parseAndVerifyPayload(data) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let payload;
const li = data.lastIndexOf('}');
const msg = data.substring(0, li + 1);
const sig = data.substring(li + 1);
try {
payload = JSON.parse(msg);
if (payload && payload.sender && payload.sender.pub_key) {
let v;
if (sig.length === 96 && payload.sender.pub_key) { // => RM THIS
v = yield signer.verifyAscii(msg, sig, payload.sender.pub_key);
if (v && v.valid) {
return payload;
else {
return payload; // => RM THIS
else {
return payload; // => RM THIS
catch (e) {
if (payload)
return payload; // => RM THIS
return null;
function parseKeysendInvoice(i) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const recs = i.htlcs && i.htlcs[0] && i.htlcs[0].custom_records;
const buf = recs && recs[lightning_2.SPHINX_CUSTOM_RECORD_KEY];
const data = buf && buf.toString();
const value = i && i.value && parseInt(i.value);
if (!data)
let payload;
if (data[0] === '{') {
try {
payload = yield parseAndVerifyPayload(data);
catch (e) { }
else {
const threads = weave(data);
if (threads)
payload = yield parseAndVerifyPayload(threads);
if (payload) {
const dat = payload;
if (value && dat && dat.message) {
dat.message.amount = value; // ADD IN TRUE VALUE
exports.parseKeysendInvoice = parseKeysendInvoice;
const chunks = {};
function weave(p) {
const pa = p.split('_');
if (pa.length < 4)
const ts = pa[0];
const i = pa[1];
const n = pa[2];
const m = pa.filter((u, i) => i > 2).join('_');
chunks[ts] = chunks[ts] ? [...chunks[ts], { i, n, m }] : [{ i, n, m }];
if (chunks[ts].length === parseInt(n)) {
// got em all!
const all = chunks[ts];
let payload = '';
all.slice().sort((a, b) => a.i - b.i).forEach(obj => {
payload += obj.m;
delete chunks[ts];
return payload;
//# sourceMappingURL=receive.js.map