8 years ago | |
www | 11 years ago | |
.gitignore | 11 years ago | |
LICENSE | 11 years ago | |
README.md | 8 years ago | |
deployment.md | 11 years ago | |
package.json | 11 years ago |
TodoMVC On Hoodie
Implementations of the hoodie store using Backbone.js, Ember.js, AngularJS, and many more. Examples forked from tastejs/todomvc.
What for?
"We want to enable you to build complete web apps in days, without having to worry about backends, databases or servers, all with an open-source library that's as simple to use as jQuery." -- http://hood.ie/
Hoodie is very good for building rapid prototyped web applications. It currently feels a bit like the missing piece for the numerous MV* applications out there. They all come with wonderful and smart solutions toward standard View and Controller problems. Sadly most of the time they totally lack a convenient way for data-storage. You almost always need to write you own backends. Or sometimes you can't even write a backend application, because you are a frontend developer only. Whoops! There went your personal rapid prototype.
Hoodie can fix that
Due to a popular demand, I created TodoMVC On Hoodie to demonstrate sample implementations of hoodie with several MV* frameworks. Since tastejs/todomvc is very famous and accepted for offering framework specific example usage, I decided to take a step beyond and replace the local storage solution with the hoodie way.
See this as an starting point to get an idea, how hoodie can be merged into you favourite technology.
State of Examples
This is a very young work in progress. The repository already contains the "architecture-examples" folder of todomvc. However they don't build all up on hoodie yet. So here is a progresslist:
TodoMVC Examples Running on Hoodie
- angularjs
Help us implement Hoodie for ...
- agilityjs
- angularjs-perf
- backbone
- canjs
- closure
- dojo
- emberjs
- gwt
- jquery
- knockback
- knockout
- maria
- polymer
- react
- spine
- yui
Everything in this repo is MIT License unless otherwise specified:
MIT © Dennis Wilson
In attribution and big thank you to tastejs/todomvc:
MIT © Addy Osmani, Sindre Sorhus, Pascal Hartig, Stephen Sawchuk.
Also have a look in the footer of each example. There are credits to those involved but not mentioned here.