5 years ago | |
.github/workflows | 5 years ago | |
bitcoin | 5 years ago | |
db | 5 years ago | |
events | 5 years ago | |
lnd | 5 years ago | |
nginx | 5 years ago | |
scripts | 5 years ago | |
statuses | 5 years ago | |
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tor | 5 years ago | |
.gitignore | 5 years ago | |
.umbrel | 5 years ago | |
LICENSE | 5 years ago | |
NETWORKING.md | 5 years ago | |
README.md | 5 years ago | |
docker-compose.yml | 5 years ago | |
info.json | 5 years ago | |
karen | 5 years ago |
☂️ Umbrel
This is the master respository of Umbrel and contains the framework for orchestration of all containerized services running on Umbrel OS.
It is platform and architecture-agnostic, thus can be used to directly spin up instances of Umbrel without installing the Umbrel OS since all orchestrated services use multi-architecture Docker images.
We run it on Raspbery Pis (ARMv7) as a part of Umbrel OS, Ubuntu (x64) for testnet.getumbrel.com and macOS (x64) for local development.
🚀 Getting started
If you're looking to run Umbrel on:
- A Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 (recommended) - Download Umbrel OS
- Anything else (experimental) - Install Umbrel
🎹 Services orchestrated
+ -------------------- +
| umbrel-dashboard |
+ -------------------- +
+ ------------- +
| nginx |
+ ------------- +
+ - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - +
| |
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+ ------------------ + + --------------------- +
| umbrel-manager | < - - - jwt auth - - - | umbrel-middleware |
+ ------------------ + + --------------------- +
+ - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - +
| |
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+ ------------- + + ------------- +
| bitcoind | < - - - - - - - - | lnd |
+ ------------- + + ------------- +
🛠 Installation
Ensure that your account is correctly permissioned to use docker.
Step 1. Download
Run this in an empty directory where you want to install Umbrel
curl -L https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel/archive/v0.1.7-beta.tar.gz | tar -xz --strip-components=1
Step 2. Run
# To use Umbrel on mainnet, run:
sudo ./scripts/start
# For testnet, run:
sudo NETWORK=testnet ./scripts/start
# For regtest, run:
sudo NETWORK=regtest ./scripts/start
To stop Umbrel, run:
sudo ./scripts/stop
⚡️ Don't be too reckless
Umbrel is still in early development and things are expected to break every now and then. We DO NOT recommend running it on the mainnet with real money just yet, unless you want to be really #reckless.
❤️ Contributing
We welcome and appreciate new contributions.
If you're a developer looking to help but not sure where to begin, check out these issues that have specifically been marked as being friendly to new contributors.
If you're looking for a bigger challenge, before opening a pull request please create an issue or join our community chat to get feedback, discuss the best way to tackle the challenge, and to ensure that there's no duplication of work.