If you want to vote for me as a SH NN operator, please send your VOTE2019 tokens to: ```RTeH9mLQbLx3iBtjjz7MUEjHLmRCURBLZA```
## Node addresses ##
- KMD address:
- BTC address:
- BTC pubkey:
## About me ##
I'm a Linux user since 1999 (I should have said "GNU/Linux", sorry RMS!) for my daily pleasure and my personnal work.
I am a proud Free software user.
I discovered the cryptocurrencies world in early 2013 with Bitcoin, then I've been part of the NXT community (not with this nickname), and followed jl777's work till today, from BitcoinDark and Komodo ICO to these Notary Nodes elections :-)
Few months ago, someone* pushed me to apply for being a STAKER Notary Node operator, and I won 1 of the 20 spots available (see https://kmdlabs.com).
It allowed me to learn the basis of how a Notary Node works, so now I can candidate for a KOMODO one.
## Rewards ##
If you vote for me (and if I win!), I will redistribute a 20% reward of my KMD mining gains on a regular basis.
I'll do my best to not disappoint you, and will compete to have the best performance.
## Server spec ##
I promise to comply with the **minimum** requirements listed here if elected:
- Region: SH (Australia or New Zealand)
- CPU: Xeon or i7 (8 cores)
- RAM: 64 GB
- Disk: 1 TB/SSD
- Bandwidth: 1 Gbps
Server will be ready on time, don't worry!
## Special thanks to... ##
*DWY! Many many thanks to this 2018 (and 2019?) Notary Node operator for believing in me!