***Note:*** *If you have installation or compilation issues, please file a [Github issue](https://github.com/LN-Zap/zap-desktop/issues) or ping us in [Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/zaphq/shared_invite/enQtMzMxMzIzNDU0NTY3LTgyM2QwYzAyZTA5OTAyMjEwMTQxZmZmZmZkNWUzMTU2MmMyNmMxNjY4Y2VjY2FiYTRkMTkwMTRlMTE4YjM2MWY).*
`lnd` allows you to configure your node to use the new light client `neutrino` (BIP 157 & BIP 158) which allows you to run `lnd` without requiring a full node.
This is the default configuration for the Zap wallet. To use the light client you can either use the [Lightning Labs Binary](#lightning-labs-binary) or [Compile lnd](#compile-lnd).
Download the [lnd binary](https://github.com/lightninglabs/lightning-app/tree/master/apps/desktop/bin) for your appropriate OS and copy it to the [appropriate location](#lnd-location) for your OS.
You can [compile](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/blob/master/docs/INSTALL.md) `lnd` from source to have the latest development version. This allows you to use [`lncli`](http://dev.lightning.community/overview/#lnd-interfaces) in addition to Zap, and run a separate `lnd` instance with [custom](http://dev.lightning.community/guides/installation/#lnd) configuration. Zap will detect the separate `lnd` instance and use it as the backend client.