9 changed files with 867 additions and 2 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ |
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP |
exports[`reducers balanceReducer should handle DECREMENT_COUNTER 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"balanceLoading": false, |
"channelBalance": undefined, |
"walletBalance": undefined, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers balanceReducer should handle INCREMENT_COUNTER 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"balanceLoading": true, |
"channelBalance": null, |
"walletBalance": null, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers balanceReducer should handle initial state 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"balanceLoading": false, |
"channelBalance": null, |
"walletBalance": null, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers balanceReducer should handle unknown action type 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"balanceLoading": false, |
"channelBalance": null, |
"walletBalance": null, |
} |
`; |
@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ |
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP |
exports[`reducers channelsReducer should correctly getChannels 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"channel": null, |
"channelForm": Object { |
"isOpen": false, |
"local_amt": "", |
"node_key": "", |
"push_amt": "", |
}, |
"channels": Array [], |
"channelsLoading": true, |
"closingChannel": false, |
"closingChannelIds": Array [], |
"contactModal": Object { |
"channel": null, |
"isOpen": false, |
}, |
"filter": Object { |
"key": "ALL_CHANNELS", |
"name": "All Contacts", |
}, |
"filterPulldown": false, |
"filters": Array [ |
Object { |
"key": "ALL_CHANNELS", |
"name": "All Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Online Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Offline Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Pending Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Closing Contacts", |
}, |
], |
"loadingChannelPubkeys": Array [], |
"openingChannel": false, |
"pendingChannels": Object { |
"pending_closing_channels": Array [], |
"pending_force_closing_channels": Array [], |
"pending_open_channels": Array [], |
"total_limbo_balance": "", |
}, |
"searchQuery": "", |
"viewType": 0, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers channelsReducer should correctly openingChannel 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"channel": null, |
"channelForm": Object { |
"isOpen": false, |
"local_amt": "", |
"node_key": "", |
"push_amt": "", |
}, |
"channels": Array [], |
"channelsLoading": false, |
"closingChannel": false, |
"closingChannelIds": Array [], |
"contactModal": Object { |
"channel": null, |
"isOpen": false, |
}, |
"filter": Object { |
"key": "ALL_CHANNELS", |
"name": "All Contacts", |
}, |
"filterPulldown": false, |
"filters": Array [ |
Object { |
"key": "ALL_CHANNELS", |
"name": "All Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Online Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Offline Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Pending Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Closing Contacts", |
}, |
], |
"loadingChannelPubkeys": Array [], |
"openingChannel": true, |
"pendingChannels": Object { |
"pending_closing_channels": Array [], |
"pending_force_closing_channels": Array [], |
"pending_open_channels": Array [], |
"total_limbo_balance": "", |
}, |
"searchQuery": "", |
"viewType": 0, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers channelsReducer should correctly receiveChannel 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"channel": null, |
"channelForm": Object { |
"isOpen": false, |
"local_amt": "", |
"node_key": "", |
"push_amt": "", |
}, |
"channels": Array [ |
1, |
2, |
], |
"channelsLoading": false, |
"closingChannel": false, |
"closingChannelIds": Array [], |
"contactModal": Object { |
"channel": null, |
"isOpen": false, |
}, |
"filter": Object { |
"key": "ALL_CHANNELS", |
"name": "All Contacts", |
}, |
"filterPulldown": false, |
"filters": Array [ |
Object { |
"key": "ALL_CHANNELS", |
"name": "All Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Online Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Offline Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Pending Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Closing Contacts", |
}, |
], |
"loadingChannelPubkeys": Array [], |
"openingChannel": false, |
"pendingChannels": Array [ |
3, |
4, |
], |
"searchQuery": "", |
"viewType": 0, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers channelsReducer should correctly setChannel 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"channel": "channel", |
"channelForm": Object { |
"isOpen": false, |
"local_amt": "", |
"node_key": "", |
"push_amt": "", |
}, |
"channels": Array [], |
"channelsLoading": false, |
"closingChannel": false, |
"closingChannelIds": Array [], |
"contactModal": Object { |
"channel": null, |
"isOpen": false, |
}, |
"filter": Object { |
"key": "ALL_CHANNELS", |
"name": "All Contacts", |
}, |
"filterPulldown": false, |
"filters": Array [ |
Object { |
"key": "ALL_CHANNELS", |
"name": "All Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Online Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Offline Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Pending Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Closing Contacts", |
}, |
], |
"loadingChannelPubkeys": Array [], |
"openingChannel": false, |
"pendingChannels": Object { |
"pending_closing_channels": Array [], |
"pending_force_closing_channels": Array [], |
"pending_open_channels": Array [], |
"total_limbo_balance": "", |
}, |
"searchQuery": "", |
"viewType": 0, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers channelsReducer should correctly setChannelForm 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"channel": null, |
"channelForm": Object { |
"isOpen": true, |
"local_amt": "", |
"node_key": "", |
"push_amt": "", |
}, |
"channels": Array [], |
"channelsLoading": false, |
"closingChannel": false, |
"closingChannelIds": Array [], |
"contactModal": Object { |
"channel": null, |
"isOpen": false, |
}, |
"filter": Object { |
"key": "ALL_CHANNELS", |
"name": "All Contacts", |
}, |
"filterPulldown": false, |
"filters": Array [ |
Object { |
"key": "ALL_CHANNELS", |
"name": "All Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Online Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Offline Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Pending Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Closing Contacts", |
}, |
], |
"loadingChannelPubkeys": Array [], |
"openingChannel": false, |
"pendingChannels": Object { |
"pending_closing_channels": Array [], |
"pending_force_closing_channels": Array [], |
"pending_open_channels": Array [], |
"total_limbo_balance": "", |
}, |
"searchQuery": "", |
"viewType": 0, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers channelsReducer should handle initial state 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"channel": null, |
"channelForm": Object { |
"isOpen": false, |
"local_amt": "", |
"node_key": "", |
"push_amt": "", |
}, |
"channels": Array [], |
"channelsLoading": false, |
"closingChannel": false, |
"closingChannelIds": Array [], |
"contactModal": Object { |
"channel": null, |
"isOpen": false, |
}, |
"filter": Object { |
"key": "ALL_CHANNELS", |
"name": "All Contacts", |
}, |
"filterPulldown": false, |
"filters": Array [ |
Object { |
"key": "ALL_CHANNELS", |
"name": "All Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Online Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Offline Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Pending Contacts", |
}, |
Object { |
"name": "Closing Contacts", |
}, |
], |
"loadingChannelPubkeys": Array [], |
"openingChannel": false, |
"pendingChannels": Object { |
"pending_closing_channels": Array [], |
"pending_force_closing_channels": Array [], |
"pending_open_channels": Array [], |
"total_limbo_balance": "", |
}, |
"searchQuery": "", |
"viewType": 0, |
} |
`; |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP |
exports[`reducers formReducer should correctly setFormType 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"formType": "FOO", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers formReducer should handle initial state 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"formType": null, |
} |
`; |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP |
exports[`reducers infoReducer should correctly getInfo 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"data": Object {}, |
"infoLoading": true, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers infoReducer should correctly receiveInfo 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"data": "foo", |
"infoLoading": false, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers infoReducer should handle initial state 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"data": Object {}, |
"infoLoading": false, |
} |
`; |
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ |
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP |
exports[`reducers invoiceReducer should correctly getInvoice 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"data": Object {}, |
"formInvoice": Object { |
"amount": "0", |
"payreq": "", |
"r_hash": "", |
}, |
"invoice": null, |
"invoiceLoading": true, |
"invoices": Array [], |
"invoicesSearchText": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers invoiceReducer should correctly getInvoices 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"data": Object {}, |
"formInvoice": Object { |
"amount": "0", |
"payreq": "", |
"r_hash": "", |
}, |
"invoice": null, |
"invoiceLoading": true, |
"invoices": Array [], |
"invoicesSearchText": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers invoiceReducer should correctly invcoiceFailed 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"data": null, |
"formInvoice": Object { |
"amount": "0", |
"payreq": "", |
"r_hash": "", |
}, |
"invoice": null, |
"invoiceLoading": false, |
"invoices": Array [], |
"invoicesSearchText": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers invoiceReducer should correctly invcoiceSuccessful 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"data": Object {}, |
"formInvoice": Object { |
"amount": "0", |
"payreq": "", |
"r_hash": "", |
}, |
"invoice": null, |
"invoiceLoading": false, |
"invoices": Array [ |
"foo", |
], |
"invoicesSearchText": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers invoiceReducer should correctly receiveFormInvoice 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"data": Object {}, |
"formInvoice": Object { |
"amount": "0", |
"payreq": "", |
"r_hash": "", |
}, |
"invoice": null, |
"invoiceLoading": false, |
"invoices": Array [], |
"invoicesSearchText": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers invoiceReducer should correctly receiveInvoice 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"data": Object {}, |
"formInvoice": Object { |
"amount": "0", |
"payreq": "", |
"r_hash": "", |
}, |
"invoice": "foo", |
"invoiceLoading": false, |
"invoices": Array [], |
"invoicesSearchText": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers invoiceReducer should correctly receiveInvoices 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"data": Object {}, |
"formInvoice": Object { |
"amount": "0", |
"payreq": "", |
"r_hash": "", |
}, |
"invoice": null, |
"invoiceLoading": false, |
"invoices": Array [ |
1, |
2, |
], |
"invoicesSearchText": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers invoiceReducer should correctly searchInvoices 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"data": Object {}, |
"formInvoice": Object { |
"amount": "0", |
"payreq": "", |
"r_hash": "", |
}, |
"invoice": null, |
"invoiceLoading": false, |
"invoices": Array [], |
"invoicesSearchText": "foo", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers invoiceReducer should correctly sendInvoice 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"data": Object {}, |
"formInvoice": Object { |
"amount": "0", |
"payreq": "", |
"r_hash": "", |
}, |
"invoice": null, |
"invoiceLoading": true, |
"invoices": Array [], |
"invoicesSearchText": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers invoiceReducer should correctly setInvoice 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"data": Object {}, |
"formInvoice": Object { |
"amount": "0", |
"payreq": "", |
"r_hash": "", |
}, |
"invoice": "foo", |
"invoiceLoading": false, |
"invoices": Array [], |
"invoicesSearchText": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers invoiceReducer should handle initial state 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"data": Object {}, |
"formInvoice": Object { |
"amount": "0", |
"payreq": "", |
"r_hash": "", |
}, |
"invoice": null, |
"invoiceLoading": false, |
"invoices": Array [], |
"invoicesSearchText": "", |
} |
`; |
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ |
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP |
exports[`reducers paymentReducer should correctly getPayments 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"payment": null, |
"paymentLoading": true, |
"payments": Array [], |
"sendingPayment": false, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers paymentReducer should correctly paymentSuccessful 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"payment": null, |
"paymentLoading": false, |
"payments": Array [], |
"sendingPayment": false, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers paymentReducer should correctly receivePayments 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"payment": null, |
"paymentLoading": false, |
"payments": Array [ |
1, |
2, |
], |
"sendingPayment": false, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers paymentReducer should correctly sendPayment 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"payment": "foo", |
"paymentLoading": false, |
"payments": Array [], |
"sendingPayment": false, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers paymentReducer should handle initial state 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"payment": null, |
"paymentLoading": false, |
"payments": Array [], |
"sendingPayment": false, |
} |
`; |
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ |
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP |
exports[`reducers peersReducer should correctly connectFailure 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"connecting": false, |
"disconnecting": false, |
"peer": null, |
"peerForm": Object { |
"host": "", |
"isOpen": false, |
"pubkey": "", |
}, |
"peers": Array [], |
"peersLoading": false, |
"searchQuery": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers peersReducer should correctly connectPeer 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"connecting": true, |
"disconnecting": false, |
"peer": null, |
"peerForm": Object { |
"host": "", |
"isOpen": false, |
"pubkey": "", |
}, |
"peers": Array [], |
"peersLoading": false, |
"searchQuery": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers peersReducer should correctly connectSuccess 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"connecting": false, |
"disconnecting": false, |
"peer": null, |
"peerForm": Object { |
"host": "", |
"isOpen": false, |
"pubkey": "", |
}, |
"peers": Array [ |
"foo", |
], |
"peersLoading": false, |
"searchQuery": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers peersReducer should correctly disconnectFailure 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"connecting": false, |
"disconnecting": false, |
"peer": null, |
"peerForm": Object { |
"host": "", |
"isOpen": false, |
"pubkey": "", |
}, |
"peers": Array [], |
"peersLoading": false, |
"searchQuery": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers peersReducer should correctly disconnectPeer 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"connecting": false, |
"disconnecting": true, |
"peer": null, |
"peerForm": Object { |
"host": "", |
"isOpen": false, |
"pubkey": "", |
}, |
"peers": Array [], |
"peersLoading": false, |
"searchQuery": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers peersReducer should correctly disconnectSuccess 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"connecting": false, |
"disconnecting": false, |
"peer": null, |
"peerForm": Object { |
"host": "", |
"isOpen": false, |
"pubkey": "", |
}, |
"peers": Array [], |
"peersLoading": false, |
"searchQuery": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers peersReducer should correctly getPeers 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"connecting": false, |
"disconnecting": false, |
"peer": null, |
"peerForm": Object { |
"host": "", |
"isOpen": false, |
"pubkey": "", |
}, |
"peers": Array [], |
"peersLoading": true, |
"searchQuery": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers peersReducer should correctly receivePeers 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"connecting": false, |
"disconnecting": false, |
"peer": null, |
"peerForm": Object { |
"host": "", |
"isOpen": false, |
"pubkey": "", |
}, |
"peers": "foo", |
"peersLoading": false, |
"searchQuery": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers peersReducer should correctly setPeer 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"connecting": false, |
"disconnecting": false, |
"peer": "foo", |
"peerForm": Object { |
"host": "", |
"isOpen": false, |
"pubkey": "", |
}, |
"peers": Array [], |
"peersLoading": false, |
"searchQuery": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers peersReducer should correctly setPeerForm 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"connecting": false, |
"disconnecting": false, |
"peer": null, |
"peerForm": Object { |
"0": "f", |
"1": "o", |
"2": "o", |
"host": "", |
"isOpen": false, |
"pubkey": "", |
}, |
"peers": Array [], |
"peersLoading": false, |
"searchQuery": "", |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers peersReducer should handle initial state 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"connecting": false, |
"disconnecting": false, |
"peer": null, |
"peerForm": Object { |
"host": "", |
"isOpen": false, |
"pubkey": "", |
}, |
"peers": Array [], |
"peersLoading": false, |
"searchQuery": "", |
} |
`; |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ |
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP |
exports[`reducers tickerReducer should correctly getTicker 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"btcTicker": null, |
"crypto": "", |
"currency": "", |
"ltcTicker": null, |
"tickerLoading": true, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers tickerReducer should correctly receiveTicker 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"btcTicker": undefined, |
"crypto": "", |
"currency": "", |
"ltcTicker": undefined, |
"tickerLoading": false, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers tickerReducer should correctly setCrypto 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"btcTicker": null, |
"crypto": "foo", |
"currency": "", |
"ltcTicker": null, |
"tickerLoading": false, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers tickerReducer should correctly setCurrency 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"btcTicker": null, |
"crypto": "", |
"currency": "foo", |
"ltcTicker": null, |
"tickerLoading": false, |
} |
`; |
exports[`reducers tickerReducer should handle initial state 1`] = ` |
Object { |
"btcTicker": null, |
"crypto": "", |
"currency": "", |
"ltcTicker": null, |
"tickerLoading": false, |
} |
`; |
Reference in new issue