#!/usr/bin/env python
# Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client
# Copyright (C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import base64
import os
import re
import hashlib
import copy
import operator
import ast
import threading
import random
import aes
import Queue
import time
from util import print_msg , print_error , format_satoshis
from bitcoin import *
from account import *
from transaction import Transaction
from plugins import run_hook
# AES encryption
EncodeAES = lambda secret , s : base64 . b64encode ( aes . encryptData ( secret , s ) )
DecodeAES = lambda secret , e : aes . decryptData ( secret , base64 . b64decode ( e ) )
def pw_encode ( s , password ) :
if password :
secret = Hash ( password )
return EncodeAES ( secret , s )
else :
return s
def pw_decode ( s , password ) :
if password is not None :
secret = Hash ( password )
try :
d = DecodeAES ( secret , s )
except Exception :
raise Exception ( ' Invalid password ' )
return d
else :
return s
from version import *
class WalletStorage :
def __init__ ( self , config ) :
self . lock = threading . Lock ( )
self . data = { }
self . file_exists = False
self . path = self . init_path ( config )
print_error ( " wallet path " , self . path )
if self . path :
self . read ( self . path )
def init_path ( self , config ) :
""" Set the path of the wallet. """
# command line -w option
path = config . get ( ' wallet_path ' )
if path :
return path
# path in config file
path = config . get ( ' default_wallet_path ' )
if path :
return path
# default path
dirpath = os . path . join ( config . path , " wallets " )
if not os . path . exists ( dirpath ) :
os . mkdir ( dirpath )
new_path = os . path . join ( config . path , " wallets " , " default_wallet " )
# default path in pre 1.9 versions
old_path = os . path . join ( config . path , " electrum.dat " )
if os . path . exists ( old_path ) and not os . path . exists ( new_path ) :
os . rename ( old_path , new_path )
return new_path
def read ( self , path ) :
""" Read the contents of the wallet file. """
try :
with open ( self . path , " r " ) as f :
data = f . read ( )
except IOError :
try :
d = ast . literal_eval ( data ) #parse raw data from reading wallet file
except Exception :
raise IOError ( " Cannot read wallet file. " )
self . data = d
self . file_exists = True
def get ( self , key , default = None ) :
return self . data . get ( key , default )
def put ( self , key , value , save = True ) :
with self . lock :
if value is not None :
self . data [ key ] = value
else :
self . data . pop ( key )
if save :
self . write ( )
def write ( self ) :
s = repr ( self . data )
f = open ( self . path , " w " )
f . write ( s )
f . close ( )
if ' ANDROID_DATA ' not in os . environ :
import stat
os . chmod ( self . path , stat . S_IREAD | stat . S_IWRITE )
class Wallet :
def __init__ ( self , storage ) :
self . storage = storage
self . electrum_version = ELECTRUM_VERSION
self . gap_limit_for_change = 3 # constant
# saved fields
self . seed_version = storage . get ( ' seed_version ' , SEED_VERSION )
self . gap_limit = storage . get ( ' gap_limit ' , 5 )
self . use_change = storage . get ( ' use_change ' , True )
self . use_encryption = storage . get ( ' use_encryption ' , False )
self . seed = storage . get ( ' seed ' , ' ' ) # encrypted
self . labels = storage . get ( ' labels ' , { } )
self . frozen_addresses = storage . get ( ' frozen_addresses ' , [ ] )
self . prioritized_addresses = storage . get ( ' prioritized_addresses ' , [ ] )
self . addressbook = storage . get ( ' contacts ' , [ ] )
self . imported_keys = storage . get ( ' imported_keys ' , { } )
self . history = storage . get ( ' addr_history ' , { } ) # address -> list(txid, height)
self . fee = int ( storage . get ( ' fee_per_kb ' , 20000 ) )
self . master_public_keys = storage . get ( ' master_public_keys ' , { } )
self . master_private_keys = storage . get ( ' master_private_keys ' , { } )
self . next_addresses = storage . get ( ' next_addresses ' , { } )
if self . seed_version not in [ 4 , 6 ] :
msg = " This wallet seed is not supported. "
if self . seed_version in [ 5 ] :
msg + = " \n To open this wallet, try ' git checkout seed_v %d ' " % self . seed_version
print msg
sys . exit ( 1 )
self . load_accounts ( )
self . transactions = { }
tx_list = self . storage . get ( ' transactions ' , { } )
for k , v in tx_list . items ( ) :
try :
tx = Transaction ( v )
except Exception :
print_msg ( " Warning: Cannot deserialize transactions. skipping " )
self . add_extra_addresses ( tx )
self . transactions [ k ] = tx
for h , tx in self . transactions . items ( ) :
if not self . check_new_tx ( h , tx ) :
print_error ( " removing unreferenced tx " , h )
self . transactions . pop ( h )
# not saved
self . prevout_values = { } # my own transaction outputs
self . spent_outputs = [ ]
# spv
self . verifier = None
# there is a difference between wallet.up_to_date and interface.is_up_to_date()
# interface.is_up_to_date() returns true when all requests have been answered and processed
# wallet.up_to_date is true when the wallet is synchronized (stronger requirement)
self . up_to_date = False
self . lock = threading . Lock ( )
self . transaction_lock = threading . Lock ( )
self . tx_event = threading . Event ( )
for tx_hash , tx in self . transactions . items ( ) :
self . update_tx_outputs ( tx_hash )
def add_extra_addresses ( self , tx ) :
h = tx . hash ( )
# find the address corresponding to pay-to-pubkey inputs
tx . add_extra_addresses ( self . transactions )
for o in tx . d . get ( ' outputs ' ) :
if o . get ( ' is_pubkey ' ) :
for tx2 in self . transactions . values ( ) :
tx2 . add_extra_addresses ( { h : tx } )
def set_up_to_date ( self , b ) :
with self . lock : self . up_to_date = b
def is_up_to_date ( self ) :
with self . lock : return self . up_to_date
def update ( self ) :
self . up_to_date = False
while not self . is_up_to_date ( ) :
time . sleep ( 0.1 )
def import_key ( self , sec , password ) :
# check password
seed = self . get_seed ( password )
try :
address = address_from_private_key ( sec )
except Exception :
raise Exception ( ' Invalid private key ' )
if self . is_mine ( address ) :
raise Exception ( ' Address already in wallet ' )
# store the originally requested keypair into the imported keys table
self . imported_keys [ address ] = pw_encode ( sec , password )
self . storage . put ( ' imported_keys ' , self . imported_keys , True )
if self . synchronizer :
self . synchronizer . subscribe_to_addresses ( [ address ] )
return address
def delete_imported_key ( self , addr ) :
if addr in self . imported_keys :
self . imported_keys . pop ( addr )
self . storage . put ( ' imported_keys ' , self . imported_keys , True )
def make_seed ( self ) :
import mnemonic , ecdsa
entropy = ecdsa . util . randrange ( pow ( 2 , 160 ) )
nonce = 0
while True :
ss = " %040x " % ( entropy + nonce )
s = hashlib . sha256 ( ss . decode ( ' hex ' ) ) . digest ( ) . encode ( ' hex ' )
# we keep only 13 words, that's approximately 139 bits of entropy
words = mnemonic . mn_encode ( s ) [ 0 : 13 ]
seed = ' ' . join ( words )
if mnemonic_hash ( seed ) . startswith ( SEED_PREFIX ) :
break # this removes 12 bits of entropy
nonce + = 1
return seed
def init_seed ( self , seed ) :
import mnemonic
if self . seed :
raise Exception ( " a seed exists " )
if not seed :
self . seed = random_seed ( 128 )
self . seed_version = 4
#if not seed:
# self.seed = self.make_seed()
# self.seed_version = SEED_VERSION
# return
# find out what kind of wallet we are
try :
seed . strip ( ) . decode ( ' hex ' )
self . seed_version = 4
self . seed = str ( seed )
except Exception :
words = seed . split ( )
self . seed_version = 4
self . seed = mnemonic . mn_decode ( words )
# mnemonic.mn_decode(words)
# uses_electrum_words = True
#except Exception:
# uses_electrum_words = False
#if uses_electrum_words and len(words) != 13:
# self.seed_version = 4
# self.seed = mnemonic.mn_decode(words)
# assert mnemonic_hash(seed).startswith(SEED_PREFIX)
# self.seed_version = SEED_VERSION
# self.seed = seed
def save_seed ( self ) :
self . storage . put ( ' seed ' , self . seed , True )
self . storage . put ( ' seed_version ' , self . seed_version , True )
self . create_accounts ( )
def create_watching_only_wallet ( self , params ) :
K0 , c0 = params
if not K0 :
if not c0 :
self . seed_version = 4
self . storage . put ( ' seed_version ' , self . seed_version , True )
self . create_old_account ( K0 )
cK0 = " "
self . master_public_keys = {
" m/0 ' / " : ( c0 , K0 , cK0 ) ,
self . storage . put ( ' master_public_keys ' , self . master_public_keys , True )
self . storage . put ( ' seed_version ' , self . seed_version , True )
self . create_account ( ' 1 ' , ' Main account ' )
def create_accounts ( self ) :
if self . seed_version == 4 :
mpk = OldAccount . mpk_from_seed ( self . seed )
self . create_old_account ( mpk )
else :
# create default account
self . create_master_keys ( ' 1 ' )
self . create_account ( ' 1 ' , ' Main account ' )
def create_master_keys ( self , account_type ) :
master_k , master_c , master_K , master_cK = bip32_init ( self . get_seed ( None ) )
if account_type == ' 1 ' :
k0 , c0 , K0 , cK0 = bip32_private_derivation ( master_k , master_c , " m/ " , " m/0 ' / " )
self . master_public_keys [ " m/0 ' / " ] = ( c0 , K0 , cK0 )
self . master_private_keys [ " m/0 ' / " ] = k0
elif account_type == ' 2of2 ' :
k1 , c1 , K1 , cK1 = bip32_private_derivation ( master_k , master_c , " m/ " , " m/1 ' / " )
k2 , c2 , K2 , cK2 = bip32_private_derivation ( master_k , master_c , " m/ " , " m/2 ' / " )
self . master_public_keys [ " m/1 ' / " ] = ( c1 , K1 , cK1 )
self . master_public_keys [ " m/2 ' / " ] = ( c2 , K2 , cK2 )
self . master_private_keys [ " m/1 ' / " ] = k1
self . master_private_keys [ " m/2 ' / " ] = k2
elif account_type == ' 2of3 ' :
k3 , c3 , K3 , cK3 = bip32_private_derivation ( master_k , master_c , " m/ " , " m/3 ' / " )
k4 , c4 , K4 , cK4 = bip32_private_derivation ( master_k , master_c , " m/ " , " m/4 ' / " )
k5 , c5 , K5 , cK5 = bip32_private_derivation ( master_k , master_c , " m/ " , " m/5 ' / " )
self . master_public_keys [ " m/3 ' / " ] = ( c3 , K3 , cK3 )
self . master_public_keys [ " m/4 ' / " ] = ( c4 , K4 , cK4 )
self . master_public_keys [ " m/5 ' / " ] = ( c5 , K5 , cK5 )
self . master_private_keys [ " m/3 ' / " ] = k3
self . master_private_keys [ " m/4 ' / " ] = k4
self . master_private_keys [ " m/5 ' / " ] = k5
self . storage . put ( ' master_public_keys ' , self . master_public_keys , True )
self . storage . put ( ' master_private_keys ' , self . master_private_keys , True )
def has_master_public_keys ( self , account_type ) :
if account_type == ' 1 ' :
return " m/0 ' / " in self . master_public_keys
elif account_type == ' 2of2 ' :
return set ( [ " m/1 ' / " , " m/2 ' / " ] ) < = set ( self . master_public_keys . keys ( ) )
elif account_type == ' 2of3 ' :
return set ( [ " m/3 ' / " , " m/4 ' / " , " m/5 ' / " ] ) < = set ( self . master_public_keys . keys ( ) )
def find_root_by_master_key ( self , c , K ) :
for key , v in self . master_public_keys . items ( ) :
if key == " m/ " : continue
cc , KK , _ = v
if ( c == cc ) and ( K == KK ) :
return key
def deseed_root ( self , seed , password ) :
# for safety, we ask the user to enter their seed
assert seed == self . get_seed ( password )
self . seed = ' '
self . storage . put ( ' seed ' , ' ' , True )
def deseed_branch ( self , k ) :
# check that parent has no seed
assert self . seed == ' '
self . master_private_keys . pop ( k )
self . storage . put ( ' master_private_keys ' , self . master_private_keys , True )
def is_watching_only ( self ) :
return ( self . seed == ' ' ) and ( self . master_private_keys == { } )
def account_id ( self , account_type , i ) :
if account_type == ' 1 ' :
return " m/0 ' / %d " % i
elif account_type == ' 2of2 ' :
return " m/1 ' / %d & m/2 ' / %d " % ( i , i )
elif account_type == ' 2of3 ' :
return " m/3 ' / %d & m/4 ' / %d & m/5 ' / %d " % ( i , i , i )
else :
raise Exception ( ' unknown account type ' )
def num_accounts ( self , account_type ) :
keys = self . accounts . keys ( )
i = 0
while True :
account_id = self . account_id ( account_type , i )
if account_id not in keys : break
i + = 1
return i
def new_account_address ( self , account_type = ' 1 ' ) :
i = self . num_accounts ( account_type )
k = self . account_id ( account_type , i )
addr = self . next_addresses . get ( k )
if not addr :
account_id , account = self . next_account ( account_type )
addr = account . first_address ( )
self . next_addresses [ k ] = addr
self . storage . put ( ' next_addresses ' , self . next_addresses )
return k , addr
def next_account ( self , account_type = ' 1 ' ) :
i = self . num_accounts ( account_type )
account_id = self . account_id ( account_type , i )
if account_type is ' 1 ' :
master_c0 , master_K0 , _ = self . master_public_keys [ " m/0 ' / " ]
c0 , K0 , cK0 = bip32_public_derivation ( master_c0 . decode ( ' hex ' ) , master_K0 . decode ( ' hex ' ) , " m/0 ' / " , " m/0 ' / %d " % i )
account = BIP32_Account ( { ' c ' : c0 , ' K ' : K0 , ' cK ' : cK0 } )
elif account_type == ' 2of2 ' :
master_c1 , master_K1 , _ = self . master_public_keys [ " m/1 ' / " ]
c1 , K1 , cK1 = bip32_public_derivation ( master_c1 . decode ( ' hex ' ) , master_K1 . decode ( ' hex ' ) , " m/1 ' / " , " m/1 ' / %d " % i )
master_c2 , master_K2 , _ = self . master_public_keys [ " m/2 ' / " ]
c2 , K2 , cK2 = bip32_public_derivation ( master_c2 . decode ( ' hex ' ) , master_K2 . decode ( ' hex ' ) , " m/2 ' / " , " m/2 ' / %d " % i )
account = BIP32_Account_2of2 ( { ' c ' : c1 , ' K ' : K1 , ' cK ' : cK1 , ' c2 ' : c2 , ' K2 ' : K2 , ' cK2 ' : cK2 } )
elif account_type == ' 2of3 ' :
master_c3 , master_K3 , _ = self . master_public_keys [ " m/3 ' / " ]
c3 , K3 , cK3 = bip32_public_derivation ( master_c3 . decode ( ' hex ' ) , master_K3 . decode ( ' hex ' ) , " m/3 ' / " , " m/3 ' / %d " % i )
master_c4 , master_K4 , _ = self . master_public_keys [ " m/4 ' / " ]
c4 , K4 , cK4 = bip32_public_derivation ( master_c4 . decode ( ' hex ' ) , master_K4 . decode ( ' hex ' ) , " m/4 ' / " , " m/4 ' / %d " % i )
master_c5 , master_K5 , _ = self . master_public_keys [ " m/5 ' / " ]
c5 , K5 , cK5 = bip32_public_derivation ( master_c5 . decode ( ' hex ' ) , master_K5 . decode ( ' hex ' ) , " m/5 ' / " , " m/5 ' / %d " % i )
account = BIP32_Account_2of3 ( { ' c ' : c3 , ' K ' : K3 , ' cK ' : cK3 , ' c2 ' : c4 , ' K2 ' : K4 , ' cK2 ' : cK4 , ' c3 ' : c5 , ' K3 ' : K5 , ' cK3 ' : cK5 } )
return account_id , account
def set_label ( self , name , text = None ) :
changed = False
old_text = self . labels . get ( name )
if text :
if old_text != text :
self . labels [ name ] = text
changed = True
else :
if old_text :
self . labels . pop ( name )
changed = True
if changed :
self . storage . put ( ' labels ' , self . labels , True )
run_hook ( ' set_label ' , name , text , changed )
return changed
def create_account ( self , account_type = ' 1 ' , name = None ) :
k , account = self . next_account ( account_type )
if k in self . pending_accounts :
self . pending_accounts . pop ( k )
self . storage . put ( ' pending_accounts ' , self . pending_accounts )
self . accounts [ k ] = account
self . save_accounts ( )
if name :
self . set_label ( k , name )
def create_old_account ( self , mpk ) :
self . storage . put ( ' master_public_key ' , mpk , True )
self . accounts [ 0 ] = OldAccount ( { ' mpk ' : mpk , 0 : [ ] , 1 : [ ] } )
self . save_accounts ( )
def save_accounts ( self ) :
d = { }
for k , v in self . accounts . items ( ) :
d [ k ] = v . dump ( )
self . storage . put ( ' accounts ' , d , True )
def load_accounts ( self ) :
d = self . storage . get ( ' accounts ' , { } )
self . accounts = { }
for k , v in d . items ( ) :
if k == 0 :
v [ ' mpk ' ] = self . storage . get ( ' master_public_key ' )
self . accounts [ k ] = OldAccount ( v )
elif ' & ' in k :
self . accounts [ k ] = BIP32_Account_2of2 ( v )
else :
self . accounts [ k ] = BIP32_Account ( v )
self . pending_accounts = self . storage . get ( ' pending_accounts ' , { } )
def delete_pending_account ( self , k ) :
self . pending_accounts . pop ( k )
self . storage . put ( ' pending_accounts ' , self . pending_accounts )
def account_is_pending ( self , k ) :
return k in self . pending_accounts
def create_pending_account ( self , acct_type , name ) :
k , addr = self . new_account_address ( acct_type )
self . set_label ( k , name )
self . pending_accounts [ k ] = addr
self . storage . put ( ' pending_accounts ' , self . pending_accounts )
def get_pending_accounts ( self ) :
return self . pending_accounts . items ( )
def addresses ( self , include_change = True , _next = True ) :
o = self . get_account_addresses ( - 1 , include_change )
for a in self . accounts . keys ( ) :
o + = self . get_account_addresses ( a , include_change )
if _next :
for addr in self . next_addresses . values ( ) :
if addr not in o :
o + = [ addr ]
return o
def is_mine ( self , address ) :
return address in self . addresses ( True )
def is_change ( self , address ) :
if not self . is_mine ( address ) : return False
if address in self . imported_keys . keys ( ) : return False
acct , s = self . get_address_index ( address )
if s is None : return False
return s [ 0 ] == 1
def get_master_public_key ( self ) :
if self . seed_version == 4 :
return self . storage . get ( " master_public_key " )
else :
c , K , cK = self . storage . get ( " master_public_keys " ) [ " m/0 ' / " ]
return repr ( ( c , K ) )
def get_master_private_key ( self , account , password ) :
master_k = pw_decode ( self . master_private_keys [ account ] , password )
master_c , master_K , master_Kc = self . master_public_keys [ account ]
try :
K , Kc = get_pubkeys_from_secret ( master_k . decode ( ' hex ' ) )
assert K . encode ( ' hex ' ) == master_K
except Exception :
raise Exception ( " Invalid password " )
return master_k
def get_address_index ( self , address ) :
if address in self . imported_keys . keys ( ) :
return - 1 , None
for account in self . accounts . keys ( ) :
for for_change in [ 0 , 1 ] :
addresses = self . accounts [ account ] . get_addresses ( for_change )
for addr in addresses :
if address == addr :
return account , ( for_change , addresses . index ( addr ) )
for k , v in self . next_addresses . items ( ) :
if v == address :
return k , ( 0 , 0 )
raise Exception ( " Address not found " , address )
def get_roots ( self , account ) :
roots = [ ]
for a in account . split ( ' & ' ) :
s = a . strip ( )
m = re . match ( " (m/ \ d+ ' /)( \ d+) " , s )
roots . append ( m . group ( 1 ) )
return roots
def is_seeded ( self , account ) :
if type ( account ) is int :
return self . seed is not None
for root in self . get_roots ( account ) :
if root not in self . master_private_keys . keys ( ) :
return False
return True
def rebase_sequence ( self , account , sequence ) :
c , i = sequence
dd = [ ]
for a in account . split ( ' & ' ) :
s = a . strip ( )
m = re . match ( " (m/ \ d+ ' /)( \ d+) " , s )
root = m . group ( 1 )
num = int ( m . group ( 2 ) )
dd . append ( ( root , [ num , c , i ] ) )
return dd
def get_keyID ( self , account , sequence ) :
if account == 0 :
a , b = sequence
mpk = self . storage . get ( ' master_public_key ' )
return ' old( %s , %d , %d ) ' % ( mpk , a , b )
rs = self . rebase_sequence ( account , sequence )
dd = [ ]
for root , public_sequence in rs :
c , K , _ = self . master_public_keys [ root ]
s = ' / ' + ' / ' . join ( map ( lambda x : str ( x ) , public_sequence ) )
dd . append ( ' bip32( %s , %s , %s ) ' % ( c , K , s ) )
return ' & ' . join ( dd )
def get_seed ( self , password ) :
s = pw_decode ( self . seed , password )
if self . seed_version == 4 :
seed = s
self . accounts [ 0 ] . check_seed ( seed )
else :
seed = mnemonic_hash ( s )
return seed
def get_mnemonic ( self , password ) :
import mnemonic
s = pw_decode ( self . seed , password )
if self . seed_version == 4 :
return ' ' . join ( mnemonic . mn_encode ( s ) )
else :
return s
def get_private_key ( self , address , password ) :
if self . is_watching_only ( ) :
return [ ]
# first check the provided password
seed = self . get_seed ( password )
out = [ ]
if address in self . imported_keys . keys ( ) :
out . append ( pw_decode ( self . imported_keys [ address ] , password ) )
else :
account , sequence = self . get_address_index ( address )
if account == 0 :
pk = self . accounts [ account ] . get_private_key ( seed , sequence )
out . append ( pk )
return out
# assert address == self.accounts[account].get_address(*sequence)
rs = self . rebase_sequence ( account , sequence )
for root , public_sequence in rs :
if root not in self . master_private_keys . keys ( ) : continue
master_k = self . get_master_private_key ( root , password )
master_c , _ , _ = self . master_public_keys [ root ]
pk = bip32_private_key ( public_sequence , master_k . decode ( ' hex ' ) , master_c . decode ( ' hex ' ) )
out . append ( pk )
return out
def add_keypairs_from_wallet ( self , tx , keypairs , password ) :
for txin in tx . inputs :
address = txin [ ' address ' ]
private_keys = self . get_private_key ( address , password )
for sec in private_keys :
pubkey = public_key_from_private_key ( sec )
keypairs [ pubkey ] = sec
if address in self . imported_keys . keys ( ) :
txin [ ' redeemPubkey ' ] = pubkey
def add_keypairs_from_KeyID ( self , tx , keypairs , password ) :
for txin in tx . inputs :
keyid = txin . get ( ' KeyID ' )
if keyid :
if self . seed_version == 4 :
m = re . match ( " old \ (([0-9a-f]+),( \ d+),( \ d+) " , keyid )
if not m : continue
mpk = m . group ( 1 )
if mpk != self . storage . get ( ' master_public_key ' ) : continue
index = int ( m . group ( 2 ) )
num = int ( m . group ( 3 ) )
account = self . accounts [ 0 ]
addr = account . get_address ( index , num )
txin [ ' address ' ] = addr # fixme: side effect
pk = self . get_private_key ( addr , password )
for sec in pk :
pubkey = public_key_from_private_key ( sec )
keypairs [ pubkey ] = sec
roots = [ ]
for s in keyid . split ( ' & ' ) :
m = re . match ( " bip32 \ (([0-9a-f]+),([0-9a-f]+),(/ \ d+/ \ d+/ \ d+) " , s )
if not m : continue
c = m . group ( 1 )
K = m . group ( 2 )
sequence = m . group ( 3 )
root = self . find_root_by_master_key ( c , K )
if not root : continue
sequence = map ( lambda x : int ( x ) , sequence . strip ( ' / ' ) . split ( ' / ' ) )
root = root + ' %d ' % sequence [ 0 ]
sequence = sequence [ 1 : ]
roots . append ( ( root , sequence ) )
account_id = " & " . join ( map ( lambda x : x [ 0 ] , roots ) )
account = self . accounts . get ( account_id )
if not account : continue
addr = account . get_address ( * sequence )
txin [ ' address ' ] = addr # fixme: side effect
pk = self . get_private_key ( addr , password )
for sec in pk :
pubkey = public_key_from_private_key ( sec )
keypairs [ pubkey ] = sec
def signrawtransaction ( self , tx , input_info , private_keys , password ) :
# check that the password is correct
seed = self . get_seed ( password )
# add input info
tx . add_input_info ( input_info )
# add redeem script for coins that are in the wallet
# FIXME: add redeemPubkey too!
unspent_coins = self . get_unspent_coins ( )
for txin in tx . inputs :
for item in unspent_coins :
if txin [ ' prevout_hash ' ] == item [ ' prevout_hash ' ] and txin [ ' prevout_n ' ] == item [ ' prevout_n ' ] :
print_error ( " tx input is in unspent coins " )
txin [ ' scriptPubKey ' ] = item [ ' scriptPubKey ' ]
account , sequence = self . get_address_index ( item [ ' address ' ] )
if account != - 1 :
txin [ ' redeemScript ' ] = self . accounts [ account ] . redeem_script ( sequence )
print_error ( " added redeemScript " , txin [ ' redeemScript ' ] )
# build a list of public/private keys
keypairs = { }
# add private keys from parameter
for sec in private_keys :
pubkey = public_key_from_private_key ( sec )
keypairs [ pubkey ] = sec
# add private_keys from KeyID
self . add_keypairs_from_KeyID ( tx , keypairs , password )
# add private keys from wallet
self . add_keypairs_from_wallet ( tx , keypairs , password )
self . sign_transaction ( tx , keypairs )
def sign_message ( self , address , message , password ) :
keys = self . get_private_key ( address , password )
assert len ( keys ) == 1
sec = keys [ 0 ]
key = regenerate_key ( sec )
compressed = is_compressed ( sec )
return key . sign_message ( message , compressed , address )
def change_gap_limit ( self , value ) :
if value > = self . gap_limit :
self . gap_limit = value
self . storage . put ( ' gap_limit ' , self . gap_limit , True )
return True
elif value > = self . min_acceptable_gap ( ) :
for key , account in self . accounts . items ( ) :
addresses = account [ 0 ]
k = self . num_unused_trailing_addresses ( addresses )
n = len ( addresses ) - k + value
addresses = addresses [ 0 : n ]
self . accounts [ key ] [ 0 ] = addresses
self . gap_limit = value
self . storage . put ( ' gap_limit ' , self . gap_limit , True )
self . save_accounts ( )
return True
else :
return False
def num_unused_trailing_addresses ( self , addresses ) :
k = 0
for a in addresses [ : : - 1 ] :
if self . history . get ( a ) : break
k = k + 1
return k
def min_acceptable_gap ( self ) :
# fixme: this assumes wallet is synchronized
n = 0
nmax = 0
for account in self . accounts . values ( ) :
addresses = account . get_addresses ( 0 )
k = self . num_unused_trailing_addresses ( addresses )
for a in addresses [ 0 : - k ] :
if self . history . get ( a ) :
n = 0
else :
n + = 1
if n > nmax : nmax = n
return nmax + 1
def address_is_old ( self , address ) :
age = - 1
h = self . history . get ( address , [ ] )
if h == [ ' * ' ] :
return True
for tx_hash , tx_height in h :
if tx_height == 0 :
tx_age = 0
else :
tx_age = self . verifier . blockchain . height ( ) - tx_height + 1
if tx_age > age :
age = tx_age
return age > 2
def synchronize_sequence ( self , account , for_change ) :
limit = self . gap_limit_for_change if for_change else self . gap_limit
new_addresses = [ ]
while True :
addresses = account . get_addresses ( for_change )
if len ( addresses ) < limit :
address = account . create_new_address ( for_change )
self . history [ address ] = [ ]
new_addresses . append ( address )
if map ( lambda a : self . address_is_old ( a ) , addresses [ - limit : ] ) == limit * [ False ] :
else :
address = account . create_new_address ( for_change )
self . history [ address ] = [ ]
new_addresses . append ( address )
return new_addresses
def create_pending_accounts ( self ) :
for account_type in [ ' 1 ' , ' 2of2 ' , ' 2of3 ' ] :
if not self . has_master_public_keys ( account_type ) :
k , a = self . new_account_address ( account_type )
if self . address_is_old ( a ) :
print_error ( " creating account " , a )
self . create_account ( account_type )
self . next_addresses . pop ( k )
def synchronize_account ( self , account ) :
new = [ ]
new + = self . synchronize_sequence ( account , 0 )
new + = self . synchronize_sequence ( account , 1 )
return new
def synchronize ( self ) :
if self . master_public_keys :
self . create_pending_accounts ( )
new = [ ]
for account in self . accounts . values ( ) :
new + = self . synchronize_account ( account )
if new :
self . save_accounts ( )
self . storage . put ( ' addr_history ' , self . history , True )
return new
def is_found ( self ) :
return self . history . values ( ) != [ [ ] ] * len ( self . history )
def add_contact ( self , address , label = None ) :
self . addressbook . append ( address )
self . storage . put ( ' contacts ' , self . addressbook , True )
if label :
self . set_label ( address , label )
def delete_contact ( self , addr ) :
if addr in self . addressbook :
self . addressbook . remove ( addr )
self . storage . put ( ' addressbook ' , self . addressbook , True )
def fill_addressbook ( self ) :
for tx_hash , tx in self . transactions . items ( ) :
is_relevant , is_send , _ , _ = self . get_tx_value ( tx )
if is_send :
for addr , v in tx . outputs :
if not self . is_mine ( addr ) and addr not in self . addressbook :
self . addressbook . append ( addr )
# redo labels
# self.update_tx_labels()
def get_num_tx ( self , address ) :
n = 0
for tx in self . transactions . values ( ) :
if address in map ( lambda x : x [ 0 ] , tx . outputs ) : n + = 1
return n
def get_address_flags ( self , addr ) :
flags = " C " if self . is_change ( addr ) else " I " if addr in self . imported_keys . keys ( ) else " - "
flags + = " F " if addr in self . frozen_addresses else " P " if addr in self . prioritized_addresses else " - "
return flags
def get_tx_value ( self , tx , account = None ) :
domain = self . get_account_addresses ( account )
return tx . get_value ( domain , self . prevout_values )
def update_tx_outputs ( self , tx_hash ) :
tx = self . transactions . get ( tx_hash )
for i , ( addr , value ) in enumerate ( tx . outputs ) :
key = tx_hash + ' : %d ' % i
self . prevout_values [ key ] = value
for item in tx . inputs :
if self . is_mine ( item . get ( ' address ' ) ) :
key = item [ ' prevout_hash ' ] + ' : %d ' % item [ ' prevout_n ' ]
self . spent_outputs . append ( key )
def get_addr_balance ( self , address ) :
assert self . is_mine ( address )
h = self . history . get ( address , [ ] )
if h == [ ' * ' ] : return 0 , 0
c = u = 0
received_coins = [ ] # list of coins received at address
for tx_hash , tx_height in h :
tx = self . transactions . get ( tx_hash )
if not tx : continue
for i , ( addr , value ) in enumerate ( tx . outputs ) :
if addr == address :
key = tx_hash + ' : %d ' % i
received_coins . append ( key )
for tx_hash , tx_height in h :
tx = self . transactions . get ( tx_hash )
if not tx : continue
v = 0
for item in tx . inputs :
addr = item . get ( ' address ' )
if addr == address :
key = item [ ' prevout_hash ' ] + ' : %d ' % item [ ' prevout_n ' ]
value = self . prevout_values . get ( key )
if key in received_coins :
v - = value
for i , ( addr , value ) in enumerate ( tx . outputs ) :
key = tx_hash + ' : %d ' % i
if addr == address :
v + = value
if tx_height :
c + = v
else :
u + = v
return c , u
def get_account_name ( self , k ) :
if k == 0 :
if self . seed_version == 4 :
name = ' Main account '
else :
name = ' Old account '
else :
default = " Unnamed account "
m = re . match ( " m/0 ' /( \ d+) " , k )
if m :
num = m . group ( 1 )
if num == ' 0 ' :
default = " Main account "
else :
default = " Account %s " % num
m = re . match ( " m/1 ' /( \ d+) & m/2 ' /( \ d+) " , k )
if m :
num = m . group ( 1 )
default = " 2of2 account %s " % num
name = self . labels . get ( k , default )
return name
def get_account_names ( self ) :
accounts = { }
for k , account in self . accounts . items ( ) :
accounts [ k ] = self . get_account_name ( k )
if self . imported_keys :
accounts [ - 1 ] = ' Imported keys '
return accounts
def get_account_addresses ( self , a , include_change = True ) :
if a is None :
o = self . addresses ( True )
elif a == - 1 :
o = self . imported_keys . keys ( )
else :
ac = self . accounts [ a ]
o = ac . get_addresses ( 0 )
if include_change : o + = ac . get_addresses ( 1 )
return o
def get_imported_balance ( self ) :
return self . get_balance ( self . imported_keys . keys ( ) )
def get_account_balance ( self , account ) :
return self . get_balance ( self . get_account_addresses ( account ) )
def get_frozen_balance ( self ) :
return self . get_balance ( self . frozen_addresses )
def get_balance ( self , domain = None ) :
if domain is None : domain = self . addresses ( True )
cc = uu = 0
for addr in domain :
c , u = self . get_addr_balance ( addr )
cc + = c
uu + = u
return cc , uu
def get_unspent_coins ( self , domain = None ) :
coins = [ ]
if domain is None : domain = self . addresses ( True )
for addr in domain :
h = self . history . get ( addr , [ ] )
if h == [ ' * ' ] : continue
for tx_hash , tx_height in h :
tx = self . transactions . get ( tx_hash )
if tx is None : raise Exception ( " Wallet not synchronized " )
is_coinbase = tx . inputs [ 0 ] . get ( ' prevout_hash ' ) == ' 0 ' * 64
for o in tx . d . get ( ' outputs ' ) :
output = o . copy ( )
if output . get ( ' address ' ) != addr : continue
key = tx_hash + " : %d " % output . get ( ' prevout_n ' )
if key in self . spent_outputs : continue
output [ ' prevout_hash ' ] = tx_hash
output [ ' height ' ] = tx_height
output [ ' coinbase ' ] = is_coinbase
coins . append ( ( tx_height , output ) )
# sort by age
if coins :
coins = sorted ( coins )
if coins [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] != 0 :
while coins [ 0 ] [ 0 ] == 0 :
coins = coins [ 1 : ] + [ coins [ 0 ] ]
return [ x [ 1 ] for x in coins ]
def choose_tx_inputs ( self , amount , fixed_fee , domain = None ) :
""" todo: minimize tx size """
total = 0
fee = self . fee if fixed_fee is None else fixed_fee
if domain is None :
domain = self . addresses ( True )
for i in self . frozen_addresses :
if i in domain : domain . remove ( i )
prioritized = [ ]
for i in self . prioritized_addresses :
if i in domain :
domain . remove ( i )
prioritized . append ( i )
coins = self . get_unspent_coins ( domain )
prioritized_coins = self . get_unspent_coins ( prioritized )
inputs = [ ]
coins = prioritized_coins + coins
for item in coins :
if item . get ( ' coinbase ' ) and item . get ( ' height ' ) + COINBASE_MATURITY > self . network . blockchain . height :
addr = item . get ( ' address ' )
v = item . get ( ' value ' )
total + = v
inputs . append ( item )
fee = self . estimated_fee ( inputs ) if fixed_fee is None else fixed_fee
if total > = amount + fee : break
else :
inputs = [ ]
return inputs , total , fee
def set_fee ( self , fee ) :
if self . fee != fee :
self . fee = fee
self . storage . put ( ' fee_per_kb ' , self . fee , True )
def estimated_fee ( self , inputs ) :
estimated_size = len ( inputs ) * 180 + 80 # this assumes non-compressed keys
fee = self . fee * int ( round ( estimated_size / 1024. ) )
if fee == 0 : fee = self . fee
return fee
def add_tx_change ( self , inputs , outputs , amount , fee , total , change_addr = None ) :
" add change to a transaction "
change_amount = total - ( amount + fee )
if change_amount > DUST_THRESHOLD :
if not change_addr :
# send change to one of the accounts involved in the tx
address = inputs [ 0 ] . get ( ' address ' )
account , _ = self . get_address_index ( address )
if not self . use_change or account == - 1 :
change_addr = inputs [ - 1 ] [ ' address ' ]
else :
change_addr = self . accounts [ account ] . get_addresses ( 1 ) [ - self . gap_limit_for_change ]
# Insert the change output at a random position in the outputs
posn = random . randint ( 0 , len ( outputs ) )
outputs [ posn : posn ] = [ ( change_addr , change_amount ) ]
return outputs
def get_history ( self , address ) :
with self . lock :
return self . history . get ( address )
def get_status ( self , h ) :
if not h : return None
if h == [ ' * ' ] : return ' * '
status = ' '
for tx_hash , height in h :
status + = tx_hash + ' : %d : ' % height
return hashlib . sha256 ( status ) . digest ( ) . encode ( ' hex ' )
def receive_tx_callback ( self , tx_hash , tx , tx_height ) :
with self . transaction_lock :
self . add_extra_addresses ( tx )
if not self . check_new_tx ( tx_hash , tx ) :
# may happen due to pruning
print_error ( " received transaction that is no longer referenced in history " , tx_hash )
self . transactions [ tx_hash ] = tx
self . network . interface . pending_transactions_for_notifications . append ( tx )
self . save_transactions ( )
if self . verifier and tx_height > 0 :
self . verifier . add ( tx_hash , tx_height )
self . update_tx_outputs ( tx_hash )
def save_transactions ( self ) :
tx = { }
for k , v in self . transactions . items ( ) :
tx [ k ] = str ( v )
self . storage . put ( ' transactions ' , tx , True )
def receive_history_callback ( self , addr , hist ) :
if not self . check_new_history ( addr , hist ) :
raise Exception ( " error: received history for %s is not consistent with known transactions " % addr )
with self . lock :
self . history [ addr ] = hist
self . storage . put ( ' addr_history ' , self . history , True )
if hist != [ ' * ' ] :
for tx_hash , tx_height in hist :
if tx_height > 0 :
# add it in case it was previously unconfirmed
if self . verifier : self . verifier . add ( tx_hash , tx_height )
def get_tx_history ( self , account = None ) :
if not self . verifier :
return [ ]
with self . transaction_lock :
history = self . transactions . items ( )
history . sort ( key = lambda x : self . verifier . get_txpos ( x [ 0 ] ) )
result = [ ]
balance = 0
for tx_hash , tx in history :
is_relevant , is_mine , v , fee = self . get_tx_value ( tx , account )
if v is not None : balance + = v
c , u = self . get_account_balance ( account )
if balance != c + u :
result . append ( ( ' ' , 1000 , 0 , c + u - balance , None , c + u - balance , None ) )
balance = c + u - balance
for tx_hash , tx in history :
is_relevant , is_mine , value , fee = self . get_tx_value ( tx , account )
if not is_relevant :
if value is not None :
balance + = value
conf , timestamp = self . verifier . get_confirmations ( tx_hash ) if self . verifier else ( None , None )
result . append ( ( tx_hash , conf , is_mine , value , fee , balance , timestamp ) )
return result
def get_label ( self , tx_hash ) :
label = self . labels . get ( tx_hash )
is_default = ( label == ' ' ) or ( label is None )
if is_default : label = self . get_default_label ( tx_hash )
return label , is_default
def get_default_label ( self , tx_hash ) :
tx = self . transactions . get ( tx_hash )
default_label = ' '
if tx :
is_relevant , is_mine , _ , _ = self . get_tx_value ( tx )
if is_mine :
for o in tx . outputs :
o_addr , _ = o
if not self . is_mine ( o_addr ) :
try :
default_label = self . labels [ o_addr ]
except KeyError :
default_label = o_addr
else :
default_label = ' (internal) '
else :
for o in tx . outputs :
o_addr , _ = o
if self . is_mine ( o_addr ) and not self . is_change ( o_addr ) :
else :
for o in tx . outputs :
o_addr , _ = o
if self . is_mine ( o_addr ) :
else :
o_addr = None
if o_addr :
dest_label = self . labels . get ( o_addr )
try :
default_label = self . labels [ o_addr ]
except KeyError :
default_label = o_addr
return default_label
def make_unsigned_transaction ( self , outputs , fee = None , change_addr = None , domain = None ) :
for address , x in outputs :
assert is_valid ( address )
amount = sum ( map ( lambda x : x [ 1 ] , outputs ) )
inputs , total , fee = self . choose_tx_inputs ( amount , fee , domain )
if not inputs :
raise ValueError ( " Not enough funds " )
self . add_input_info ( inputs )
outputs = self . add_tx_change ( inputs , outputs , amount , fee , total , change_addr )
return Transaction . from_io ( inputs , outputs )
def mktx ( self , outputs , password , fee = None , change_addr = None , domain = None ) :
tx = self . make_unsigned_transaction ( outputs , fee , change_addr , domain )
keypairs = { }
self . add_keypairs_from_wallet ( tx , keypairs , password )
if keypairs :
self . sign_transaction ( tx , keypairs )
return tx
def add_input_info ( self , inputs ) :
for txin in inputs :
address = txin [ ' address ' ]
if address in self . imported_keys . keys ( ) :
account , sequence = self . get_address_index ( address )
txin [ ' KeyID ' ] = self . get_keyID ( account , sequence )
redeemScript = self . accounts [ account ] . redeem_script ( sequence )
if redeemScript :
txin [ ' redeemScript ' ] = redeemScript
else :
txin [ ' redeemPubkey ' ] = self . accounts [ account ] . get_pubkey ( * sequence )
def sign_transaction ( self , tx , keypairs ) :
tx . sign ( keypairs )
run_hook ( ' sign_transaction ' , tx )
def sendtx ( self , tx ) :
# synchronous
h = self . send_tx ( tx )
self . tx_event . wait ( )
return self . receive_tx ( h )
def send_tx ( self , tx ) :
# asynchronous
self . tx_event . clear ( )
self . network . interface . send ( [ ( ' blockchain.transaction.broadcast ' , [ str ( tx ) ] ) ] , self . on_broadcast )
return tx . hash ( )
def on_broadcast ( self , i , r ) :
self . tx_result = r . get ( ' result ' )
self . tx_event . set ( )
def receive_tx ( self , tx_hash ) :
out = self . tx_result
if out != tx_hash :
return False , " error: " + out
return True , out
def update_password ( self , old_password , new_password ) :
if new_password == ' ' : new_password = None
decoded = self . get_seed ( old_password )
self . seed = pw_encode ( decoded , new_password )
self . storage . put ( ' seed ' , self . seed , True )
self . use_encryption = ( new_password != None )
self . storage . put ( ' use_encryption ' , self . use_encryption , True )
for k in self . imported_keys . keys ( ) :
a = self . imported_keys [ k ]
b = pw_decode ( a , old_password )
c = pw_encode ( b , new_password )
self . imported_keys [ k ] = c
self . storage . put ( ' imported_keys ' , self . imported_keys , True )
for k , v in self . master_private_keys . items ( ) :
b = pw_decode ( v , old_password )
c = pw_encode ( b , new_password )
self . master_private_keys [ k ] = c
self . storage . put ( ' master_private_keys ' , self . master_private_keys , True )
def freeze ( self , addr ) :
if self . is_mine ( addr ) and addr not in self . frozen_addresses :
self . unprioritize ( addr )
self . frozen_addresses . append ( addr )
self . storage . put ( ' frozen_addresses ' , self . frozen_addresses , True )
return True
else :
return False
def unfreeze ( self , addr ) :
if self . is_mine ( addr ) and addr in self . frozen_addresses :
self . frozen_addresses . remove ( addr )
self . storage . put ( ' frozen_addresses ' , self . frozen_addresses , True )
return True
else :
return False
def prioritize ( self , addr ) :
if self . is_mine ( addr ) and addr not in self . prioritized_addresses :
self . unfreeze ( addr )
self . prioritized_addresses . append ( addr )
self . storage . put ( ' prioritized_addresses ' , self . prioritized_addresses , True )
return True
else :
return False
def unprioritize ( self , addr ) :
if self . is_mine ( addr ) and addr in self . prioritized_addresses :
self . prioritized_addresses . remove ( addr )
self . storage . put ( ' prioritized_addresses ' , self . prioritized_addresses , True )
return True
else :
return False
def set_verifier ( self , verifier ) :
self . verifier = verifier
# review transactions that are in the history
for addr , hist in self . history . items ( ) :
if hist == [ ' * ' ] : continue
for tx_hash , tx_height in hist :
if tx_height > 0 :
# add it in case it was previously unconfirmed
self . verifier . add ( tx_hash , tx_height )
# if we are on a pruning server, remove unverified transactions
vr = self . verifier . transactions . keys ( ) + self . verifier . verified_tx . keys ( )
for tx_hash in self . transactions . keys ( ) :
if tx_hash not in vr :
self . transactions . pop ( tx_hash )
def check_new_history ( self , addr , hist ) :
# check that all tx in hist are relevant
if hist != [ ' * ' ] :
for tx_hash , height in hist :
tx = self . transactions . get ( tx_hash )
if not tx : continue
if not tx . has_address ( addr ) :
return False
# check that we are not "orphaning" a transaction
old_hist = self . history . get ( addr , [ ] )
if old_hist == [ ' * ' ] : return True
for tx_hash , height in old_hist :
if tx_hash in map ( lambda x : x [ 0 ] , hist ) : continue
found = False
for _addr , _hist in self . history . items ( ) :
if _addr == addr : continue
if _hist == [ ' * ' ] : continue
_tx_hist = map ( lambda x : x [ 0 ] , _hist )
if tx_hash in _tx_hist :
found = True
if not found :
tx = self . transactions . get ( tx_hash )
# tx might not be there
if not tx : continue
# already verified?
if self . verifier . get_height ( tx_hash ) :
# unconfirmed tx
print_error ( " new history is orphaning transaction: " , tx_hash )
# check that all outputs are not mine, request histories
ext_requests = [ ]
for _addr , _v in tx . outputs :
# assert not self.is_mine(_addr)
ext_requests . append ( ( ' blockchain.address.get_history ' , [ _addr ] ) )
ext_h = self . network . synchronous_get ( ext_requests )
print_error ( " sync: " , ext_requests , ext_h )
height = None
for h in ext_h :
if h == [ ' * ' ] : continue
for item in h :
if item . get ( ' tx_hash ' ) == tx_hash :
height = item . get ( ' height ' )
if height :
print_error ( " found height for " , tx_hash , height )
self . verifier . add ( tx_hash , height )
else :
print_error ( " removing orphaned tx from history " , tx_hash )
self . transactions . pop ( tx_hash )
return True
def check_new_tx ( self , tx_hash , tx ) :
# 1 check that tx is referenced in addr_history.
addresses = [ ]
for addr , hist in self . history . items ( ) :
if hist == [ ' * ' ] : continue
for txh , height in hist :
if txh == tx_hash :
addresses . append ( addr )
if not addresses :
return False
# 2 check that referencing addresses are in the tx
for addr in addresses :
if not tx . has_address ( addr ) :
return False
return True
def start_threads ( self , network ) :
from verifier import TxVerifier
self . network = network
if self . network :
self . verifier = TxVerifier ( self . network , self . storage )
self . verifier . start ( )
self . set_verifier ( self . verifier )
self . synchronizer = WalletSynchronizer ( self , network )
self . synchronizer . start ( )
else :
self . verifier = None
self . synchronizer = None
def stop_threads ( self ) :
if self . network :
self . verifier . stop ( )
self . synchronizer . stop ( )
def restore ( self , callback ) :
from i18n import _
def wait_for_wallet ( ) :
self . set_up_to_date ( False )
while not self . is_up_to_date ( ) :
msg = " %s \n %s %d \n %s %.1f " % (
_ ( " Please wait... " ) ,
_ ( " Addresses generated: " ) ,
len ( self . addresses ( True ) ) ,
_ ( " Kilobytes received: " ) ,
self . network . interface . bytes_received / 1024. )
apply ( callback , ( msg , ) )
time . sleep ( 0.1 )
def wait_for_network ( ) :
while not self . network . is_connected ( ) :
msg = " %s \n " % ( _ ( " Connecting... " ) )
apply ( callback , ( msg , ) )
time . sleep ( 0.1 )
# wait until we are connected, because the user might have selected another server
if self . network :
wait_for_network ( )
wait_for_wallet ( )
else :
self . synchronize ( )
self . fill_addressbook ( )
class WalletSynchronizer ( threading . Thread ) :
def __init__ ( self , wallet , network ) :
threading . Thread . __init__ ( self )
self . daemon = True
self . wallet = wallet
self . network = network
self . was_updated = True
self . running = False
self . lock = threading . Lock ( )
self . queue = Queue . Queue ( )
def stop ( self ) :
with self . lock : self . running = False
def is_running ( self ) :
with self . lock : return self . running
def subscribe_to_addresses ( self , addresses ) :
messages = [ ]
for addr in addresses :
messages . append ( ( ' blockchain.address.subscribe ' , [ addr ] ) )
self . network . subscribe ( messages , lambda i , r : self . queue . put ( r ) )
def run ( self ) :
with self . lock :
self . running = True
while self . is_running ( ) :
if not self . network . is_connected ( ) :
print_error ( " synchronizer: waiting for interface " )
self . network . wait_until_connected ( )
self . run_interface ( self . network . interface )
def run_interface ( self , interface ) :
print_error ( " synchronizer: connected to " , interface . server )
requested_tx = [ ]
missing_tx = [ ]
requested_histories = { }
# request any missing transactions
for history in self . wallet . history . values ( ) :
if history == [ ' * ' ] : continue
for tx_hash , tx_height in history :
if self . wallet . transactions . get ( tx_hash ) is None and ( tx_hash , tx_height ) not in missing_tx :
missing_tx . append ( ( tx_hash , tx_height ) )
if missing_tx :
print_error ( " missing tx " , missing_tx )
# subscriptions
self . subscribe_to_addresses ( self . wallet . addresses ( True ) )
while self . is_running ( ) :
# 1. create new addresses
new_addresses = self . wallet . synchronize ( )
# request missing addresses
if new_addresses :
self . subscribe_to_addresses ( new_addresses )
# request missing transactions
for tx_hash , tx_height in missing_tx :
if ( tx_hash , tx_height ) not in requested_tx :
interface . send ( [ ( ' blockchain.transaction.get ' , [ tx_hash , tx_height ] ) ] , lambda i , r : self . queue . put ( r ) )
requested_tx . append ( ( tx_hash , tx_height ) )
missing_tx = [ ]
# detect if situation has changed
if interface . is_up_to_date ( ) and self . queue . empty ( ) :
if not self . wallet . is_up_to_date ( ) :
self . wallet . set_up_to_date ( True )
self . was_updated = True
else :
if self . wallet . is_up_to_date ( ) :
self . wallet . set_up_to_date ( False )
self . was_updated = True
if self . was_updated :
self . wallet . network . trigger_callback ( ' updated ' )
self . was_updated = False
# 2. get a response
try :
r = self . queue . get ( block = True , timeout = 1 )
except Queue . Empty :
if interface != self . network . interface :
if not r :
# 3. handle response
method = r [ ' method ' ]
params = r [ ' params ' ]
result = r . get ( ' result ' )
error = r . get ( ' error ' )
if error :
print " error " , r
if method == ' blockchain.address.subscribe ' :
addr = params [ 0 ]
if self . wallet . get_status ( self . wallet . get_history ( addr ) ) != result :
if requested_histories . get ( addr ) is None :
interface . send ( [ ( ' blockchain.address.get_history ' , [ addr ] ) ] , lambda i , r : self . queue . put ( r ) )
requested_histories [ addr ] = result
elif method == ' blockchain.address.get_history ' :
addr = params [ 0 ]
print_error ( " receiving history " , addr , result )
if result == [ ' * ' ] :
assert requested_histories . pop ( addr ) == ' * '
self . wallet . receive_history_callback ( addr , result )
else :
hist = [ ]
# check that txids are unique
txids = [ ]
for item in result :
tx_hash = item [ ' tx_hash ' ]
if tx_hash not in txids :
txids . append ( tx_hash )
hist . append ( ( tx_hash , item [ ' height ' ] ) )
if len ( hist ) != len ( result ) :
raise Exception ( " error: server sent history with non-unique txid " , result )
# check that the status corresponds to what was announced
rs = requested_histories . pop ( addr )
if self . wallet . get_status ( hist ) != rs :
raise Exception ( " error: status mismatch: %s " % addr )
# store received history
self . wallet . receive_history_callback ( addr , hist )
# request transactions that we don't have
for tx_hash , tx_height in hist :
if self . wallet . transactions . get ( tx_hash ) is None :
if ( tx_hash , tx_height ) not in requested_tx and ( tx_hash , tx_height ) not in missing_tx :
missing_tx . append ( ( tx_hash , tx_height ) )
elif method == ' blockchain.transaction.get ' :
tx_hash = params [ 0 ]
tx_height = params [ 1 ]
assert tx_hash == hash_encode ( Hash ( result . decode ( ' hex ' ) ) )
tx = Transaction ( result )
self . wallet . receive_tx_callback ( tx_hash , tx , tx_height )
self . was_updated = True
requested_tx . remove ( ( tx_hash , tx_height ) )
print_error ( " received tx: " , tx_hash , len ( tx . raw ) )
else :
print_error ( " Error: Unknown message: " + method + " , " + repr ( params ) + " , " + repr ( result ) )
if self . was_updated and not requested_tx :
self . wallet . network . trigger_callback ( ' updated ' )
self . wallet . network . trigger_callback ( " new_transaction " ) # Updated gets called too many times from other places as well; if we use that signal we get the notification three times
self . was_updated = False