You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

912 lines
35 KiB

"common": {
"labelYes": "Yes",
"labelNo": "No",
"never": "Never",
"apply": "Apply",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"getSupport": "Get support",
"delete": "Delete",
"launch": "Launch",
"continue": "Continue",
"learnMore": "Learn more",
"help": "Help",
"skipThisStep": "Skip this step",
"needHelp": "Need help?",
"areYouSure": "Are you sure?",
"selectAccount": "Select an account",
"selectAccountNoOption": "No account matching \"{{accountName}}\"",
"selectCurrency": "Choose a crypto asset",
"selectCurrencyNoOption": "No crypto asset \"{{currencyName}}\"",
"selectExchange": "Select an exchange",
"selectExchangeNoOption": "No exchange matching \"{{exchangeName}}\"",
"selectExchangeNoOptionAtAll": "No exchange found",
"sortBy": "Sort by",
"search": "Search",
"save": "Save",
"lock": "Lock",
"showMore": "Show more",
"max": "Max",
"back": "Back",
"reset": "Reset",
"retry": "Retry",
"stop": "Stop",
"close": "Close",
"eastern": "Eastern",
"western": "Western",
"reverify": "Re-verify",
"verify": "Verify",
"copy": "Copy",
"copyAddress": "Copy",
"copied": "Copied",
"addressCopied": "Address copied",
"lockScreen": {
"title": "Welcome back",
"subTitle": null,
"description": "Enter your password to continue",
"inputPlaceholder": "Type your password",
"lostPassword": "I lost my password"
"sync": {
"syncing": "Synchronizing...",
"upToDate": "Synchronized",
"outdated": "Paused",
"error": "Synchronization error",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"ago": "Synchronized {{time}}"
"operation": {
"type": {
"IN": "Received",
"OUT": "Sent"
"time": {
"day": "Day",
"week": "Week",
"month": "Month",
"year": "Year",
"minute": "Minute",
"second": "Second",
"hour": "Hour",
"since": {
"day": "past day",
"week": "past week",
"month": "past month",
"year": "past year"
"sidebar": {
"menu": "Menu",
"accounts": "Accounts ({{count}})",
"manager": "Manager",
"exchange": "Buy crypto",
"developer": "Dev tools"
"account": {
"lastOperations": "Last operations",
"emptyState": {
"title": "No crypto assets yet?",
"desc": "Make sure the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}</0></1> app is installed and start receiving",
"buttons": {
"receiveFunds": "Receive"
"settings": {
"title": "Edit account",
"advancedLogs": "Advanced logs",
"accountName": {
"title": "Account name",
"desc": "Describe this account"
"unit": {
"title": "Unit",
"desc": "Choose the unit to display"
"endpointConfig": {
"title": "Node",
"desc": "The API node to use"
"dashboard": {
"title": "Portfolio",
"emptyAccountTile": {
"desc": "Add accounts to manage more crypto assets",
"createAccount": "Add account"
"accounts": {
"title": "Accounts ({{count}})"
"greeting": {
"morning": "Good morning",
"evening": "Good evening",
"afternoon": "Good afternoon"
"summary": "Here's the summary of your account",
"summary_plural": "Here's the summary of your {{count}} accounts",
"recentActivity": "Last operations",
"totalBalance": "Total balance",
"accountsOrder": {
"name": "name",
"balance": "balance"
"currentAddress": {
"title": "Current address",
"for": "Address for account <1><0>{{accountName}}</0></1>",
"messageIfUnverified": "Please verify that the {{currencyName}} address shown on your device matches the one on your computer",
"messageIfAccepted": "Address confirmed, please re-verify it if you copy/paste or scan the QR code.",
"messageIfSkipped": "Your {{currencyName}} address has not been confirmed on your Ledger device. Please verify it for optimal security."
"deviceConnect": {
"dashboard": "Navigate to the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}</0></1> on your device",
"step1": "Connect and unlock your <1>Ledger device</1>",
"step2": "Navigate to the <1><0>{{managerAppName}}</0></1> app on your device",
"step3": "Allow <1><0>Ledger Manager</0></1> on your device"
"emptyState": {
"sidebar": {
6 years ago
"text": "Click this button to add accounts to the Portfolio"
"dashboard": {
"title": "Install apps or add accounts",
"desc": "Open the Manager to install apps or add accounts if your Ledger device already has apps installed",
"buttons": {
"addAccount": "Add accounts",
"installApp": "Open Manager"
"exchange": {
6 years ago
"title": "Buy crypto",
"desc": "Try a few services we've selected",
"visitWebsite": "Visit website",
"coinhouse": "Coinhouse is a trusted platform for individuals and institutional investors looking to analyze, acquire, sell and securely store crypto assets.",
"changelly": "Changelly is a popular instant crypto asset exchange with 100+ coins and tokens listed.",
"coinmama": "Coinmama is a financial service that makes it fast, safe and fun to buy digital assets, anywhere in the world.",
"simplex": "Simplex is a EU licensed financial institution, providing a fraudless credit card payment solution.",
"paybis": "it is safe and easy to Buy Bitcoin with credit card from PayBis. Service operates in US, Canada, Germany, Russia and Saudi Arabia.",
7 years ago
"luno": "Luno makes it safe and easy to buy, store and learn about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum",
"shapeshift": "ShapeShift is an online marketplace where users can buy and sell digital assets. It is a fast and secure way for the world to buy and sell digital assets, with no lengthy signup process, no counterparty risk, and no friction.",
7 years ago
"genesis": "Genesis is an institutional trading firm offering liquidity and borrow for digital currencies, including bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, ethereum classic, litecoin, and XRP.",
"kyberSwap": "Fast, simple and secure token swap platform. Powered by Kyber Network's on-chain liquidity protocol.",
"thorSwap": "ThorSwap is an instant, safe and fair crypto asset market powered by decentralized atomic swap technologies. It is the most convenient way to start trading, no registration or KYC for small amount transactions.",
"changeNow": "ChangeNOW is one of the leading custody-free instant exchange services"
"genuinecheck": {
"modal": {
"title": "Genuine check"
"addAccounts": {
"title": "Add accounts",
"breadcrumb": {
"informations": "Crypto asset",
"connectDevice": "Device",
"import": "Accounts",
"finish": "Confirmation"
"connectDevice": {
"desc": "Follow the steps below to add <1><0>{{currencyName}}</0></1> accounts"
"accountAlreadyImportedSubtitle": "Accounts already in portfolio ({{count}})",
"accountToImportSubtitle": "Add existing account",
"accountToImportSubtitle_plural": "Add existing accounts",
"selectAll": "Select all ({{count}})",
"unselectAll": "Deselect all ({{count}})",
"newAccount": "New account",
"legacyAccount": "{{accountName}} (legacy)",
"legacyUnsplitAccount": "{{accountName}} (legacy) (unsplit)",
"unsplitAccount": "{{accountName}} (unsplit)",
"noAccountToImport": "No existing {{currencyName}} accounts to add",
"success": "Account successfully added",
"success_plural": "Accounts successfully added",
"successDescription": "Add more accounts or return to Portfolio",
"successDescription_plural": "Add more accounts or return to Portfolio",
"createNewAccount": {
"title": "Add new account",
"noOperationOnLastAccount": "Can't add a new account before you've received on your <1><0>{{accountName}}</0></1> account",
"noAccountToCreate": "No <1><0>{{currencyName}}</0></1> account was found to create"
"cta": {
"addMore": "Add more",
"add": "Add account",
"add_plural": "Add accounts"
"operationDetails": {
"title": "Operation details",
"account": "Account",
"date": "Date",
"status": "Status",
"confirmed": "Confirmed",
"notConfirmed": "Not confirmed",
"fees": "Fees",
"noFees": "No fee",
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"identifier": "Transaction ID",
"viewOperation": "View in explorer",
"showMore": "Show {{recipients}} more",
"showLess": "Show less"
"operationList": {
"noMoreOperations": "That's all"
"manager": {
"yourDeviceIsGenuine": "Your device is genuine",
"apps": {
"install": "Install",
"all": "App catalog",
"installing": "Installing {{app}}...",
"uninstalling": "Uninstalling {{app}}...",
6 years ago
"installSuccess": "Successfully installed {{app}}",
"uninstallSuccess": "{{app}} uninstalled",
"help": "Check on your device to see which apps are already installed"
"firmware": {
"installed": "Firmware version {{version}}",
"titleNano": "Ledger Nano S",
"titleBlue": "Ledger Blue",
"update": "Update",
"latest": "Firmware version {{version}} is available",
"disclaimerTitle": "You are about to install <1><0>firmware version {{version}}</0></1>",
"disclaimerAppDelete": "Apps installed on your device have to be re-installed after the update.",
"disclaimerAppReinstall": "This does not affect your crypto assets in the blockchain."
"modal": {
"steps": {
"updateMCU": "Firmware update",
"osu": "Installing OSU...",
"flash-mcu": "MCU updating...",
"flash-bootloader": "Bootloader updating...",
"firmware": "Firmware updating...",
"flash": "Flashing your device..."
"confirmIdentifier": "Verify the identifier",
6 years ago
"confirmIdentifierText": "Verify that the identifier on your device is the same as the identifier below. Press the right button and enter your PIN code to confirm",
"identifier": "Identifier",
"mcuTitle": "Updating MCU",
"mcuFirst": "Disconnect the USB cable from your device",
"mcuSecond": "Press the left button and hold it while you reconnect the USB cable until the processing screen appears",
"mcuPin": "If asked on device, please enter your pin code to finish the process",
"successTitle": "Firmware updated",
"successText": "You may re-install the apps on your device"
"title": "Manager",
"subtitle": "Install or uninstall apps on your device",
"device": {
"title": "Connect your device",
"desc": "Follow the steps below to open the Manager",
"cta": "Connect my device"
"receive": {
"title": "Receive",
"steps": {
"chooseAccount": {
"title": "Account",
"label": "Account to credit"
"connectDevice": {
"title": "Device",
"withoutDevice": "Don't have your device?"
"confirmAddress": {
"title": "Verification",
"action": "Verify address on device",
"text": "Please verify that the {{currencyName}} address shown on your device matches the one on your computer",
"support": "Contact us"
"receiveFunds": {
"title": "Receive"
"send": {
"title": "Send",
"totalSpent": "Total to debit",
"steps": {
"amount": {
"title": "Details",
"selectAccountDebit": "Account to debit",
"recipientAddress": "Recipient address",
"amount": "Amount",
"fees": "Network fees",
"advancedOptions": "Advanced options",
"useRBF": "Use a replace-by-fee transaction",
"message": "Leave a message (140)",
"rippleTag": "Tag",
"ethereumGasLimit": "Gas limit",
"unitPerByte": "{{unit}} per byte"
"connectDevice": {
"title": "Device"
"verification": {
"title": "Verification",
"warning": "Please verify all transaction details on your device",
"body": "Confirm the transaction on your device to send it"
"confirmation": {
"title": "Confirmation",
"success": {
"title": "Transaction sent",
"text": "Your account balance will update once the blockchain has confirmed the transaction",
"cta": "View details"
"pending": {
"title": "Broadcasting transaction..."
"releaseNotes": {
"title": "Release notes",
"version": "Ledger Live {{versionNb}}"
"settings": {
"title": "Settings",
"tabs": {
"display": "General",
"export": "Export accounts",
"currencies": "Currencies",
"help": "Help",
"about": "About"
"export": {
"desc": "Import accounts on your Ledger Live Mobile app",
"button": "Export",
"modal": {
"button": "Done",
6 years ago
"title": "Scan to export to mobile",
"listTitle": "To import accounts on your Ledger Live Mobile app:",
"step1": "Tap the <1><0>+</0></1> button in Accounts",
6 years ago
"step2": "Tap <1><0>Import desktop accounts</0></1>",
"step3": "Scan until the loader hits 100%"
"display": {
"desc": "Configure general Ledger Live settings.",
"language": "Display language",
"languageDesc": "Set the language displayed in Ledger Live.",
"counterValue": "Countervalue",
"counterValueDesc": "Choose the currency shown next to your balance and operations.",
"exchange": "Rate provider",
"exchangeDesc": "Provides the exchange rate from Bitcoin to {{fiat}}, used to estimate the value of your crypto assets (crypto asset → BTC → {{fiat}}).",
"region": "Region",
"regionDesc": "Choose your region, used to set Ledger Live's time zone.",
"stock": "Regional market indicator",
"stockDesc": "Choose Western to display an increase in market value in blue or Eastern to display it in red."
"currencies": {
"desc": "Select a crypto asset to edit its settings.",
"exchange": "Rate provider ({{ticker}} → BTC)",
"exchangeDesc": "Choose the provider of the exchange rate from {{currencyName}} to Bitcoin, used to estimate the value of your crypto assets ({{currencyName}} → BTC → {{fiat}}).",
"confirmationsNb": "Number of confirmations",
"confirmationsNbDesc": "Set the number of network confirmations for a transaction to be marked as confirmed."
"profile": {
"password": "Password lock",
"passwordDesc": "Set a password to prevent unauthorized access to Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including account names, balances, transactions and public addresses.",
"passwordAutoLock": "Auto-lock",
6 years ago
"passwordAutoLockDesc": "Automatically lock Ledger Live after inactivity.",
"changePassword": "Change password",
"softResetTitle": "Clear cache",
"softResetDesc": "Clear the Ledger Live cache to force resynchronization with the blockchain.",
"softReset": "Clear",
"hardResetTitle": "Reset Ledger Live",
"hardResetDesc": "Erase all Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including your accounts, transaction history and settings.",
"hardReset": "Reset",
"developerMode": "Developer mode",
"developerModeDesc": "Show developer and testnet apps in the Manager.",
"analytics": "Analytics",
"analyticsDesc": "Enable analytics to help Ledger understand how to improve user experience. This includes clicks, page visits, redirections, actions (send, receive, lock, etc.), end of page scrolls, (un)installing and version of apps, app version, number of accounts, crypto assets and operations, session durations, Ledger device type and firmware.",
"reportErrors": "Bug reports",
"reportErrorsDesc": "Automatically send reports to help Ledger fix bugs.",
"launchOnboarding": "Device setup",
"launchOnboardingDesc": "Set up as new or restore a Ledger device. Accounts and settings are kept."
"about": {
"desc": "App information, Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy."
"help": {
"desc": "Learn more about Ledger Live or get help.",
"version": "Version",
"releaseNotesBtn": "Details",
"faq": "Ledger Support",
"faqDesc": "A problem? Get help using Ledger Live with your hardware wallet.",
"terms": "Terms of Use",
"termsDesc": "By using Ledger Live you are deemed to have accepted our Terms of Use.",
"privacy": "Privacy Policy",
"privacyDesc": "Refer to our Privacy Policy to learn what personal data we collect, why and how we use it."
"hardResetModal": {
"title": "Reset Ledger Live",
"desc": "Erase all Ledger Live data stored on your computer, including your accounts, transaction history and settings? The private keys providing access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and Recovery sheet."
"softResetModal": {
"title": "Clear cache",
"desc": "Clearing the cache forces network resynchronization. Your settings and accounts are preserved. The private keys providing access to your crypto assets remain secure on your Ledger device and Recovery sheet."
"resetFallbackModal": {
"title": "User action required",
"part1": "Could not delete cache folder. Please delete the folder manually:",
"part2": "Click the Open folder button, the ",
"part3": "app will close",
"part4": ", and manually delete the \"sqlite\" folder.",
"part5": "Then you can restart the app normally."
"removeAccountModal": {
"title": "Remove account",
"desc": "This will not affect your crypto assets. Accounts can always be re-added."
"openUserDataDirectory": {
"title": "View user data",
"desc": "View the user data that is stored on your computer, including your accounts, caches and settings.",
"btn": "View"
"repairDevice": {
"title": "Repair your Ledger device",
6 years ago
"descSettings": "Use this tool to restore your Ledger device if it has become stuck during a firmware update.",
"desc": "Please select the state of your Ledger device.",
"button": "Repair",
6 years ago
"generic": "Bootloader",
"mcuNotGenuine": "MCU not genuine",
"followDeviceRepair": "Follow device repair instructions"
"exportLogs": {
"title": "Export logs",
"desc": "Exporting Ledger Live logs may be necessary for troubleshooting purposes.",
"btn": "Export"
"password": {
"inputFields": {
"newPassword": {
"label": "New password"
"confirmPassword": {
"label": "Confirm password"
"currentPassword": {
"label": "Current password"
"changePassword": {
"title": "Password lock",
"subTitle": "Change your password"
"setPassword": {
"title": "Password lock",
"subTitle": "Set a password",
"desc": "Make sure to remember your password. Losing your password requires resetting Ledger Live and re-adding accounts."
"disablePassword": {
"title": "Disable password lock",
"desc": "Ledger Live data will be stored unencrypted on your computer. This includes account names, transactions and public addresses."
"update": {
"newVersionReady": "A new update is available",
"relaunch": "Update now"
"crash": {
"oops": "Oops, something went wrong",
"uselessText": "You may try again by restarting Ledger Live. Please export your logs and contact Ledger Support if the problem persists.",
"restart": "Restart",
"support": "Contact Support",
"github": "GitHub"
"disclaimerModal": {
"title": "Trade safely",
"desc_1": "Before sending and receiving crypto assets, educate yourself to make informed decisions. Crypto assets are volatile and the prices can go up and down. Carefully evaluate your trading goals and the financial risk you are willing to take.",
"desc_2": "Please beware that Ledger does not provide financial, tax, or legal advice. You should take such decisions on your own or consult with reliable experts.",
"cta": "Got it"
"language": {
"system": "Use system language",
"en": "English",
"fr": "French",
"es": "Spanish",
"ko": "Korean",
"zh": "Simplified Chinese",
"ja": "Japanese",
"ru": "Russian"
"onboarding": {
"breadcrumb": {
"selectDevice": "Device selection",
"selectPIN": "PIN code",
"writeSeed": "Recovery phrase",
"setPassword": "Password lock",
"analytics": "Bugs & analytics"
"start": {
"title": "Welcome to Ledger Live",
"startBtn": "Get started"
"init": {
"title": "Get started with your Ledger device",
"newDevice": {
"title": "Initialize as new device"
"restoreDevice": {
"title": "Restore device from recovery phrase"
"initializedDevice": {
"title": "Use an initialized device"
"noDevice": {
"title": "Don't have a Ledger device?",
"buyNew": {
"title": "Buy a Ledger device"
"trackOrder": {
"title": "Track your order"
"learnMore": {
"title": "Learn about Ledger"
"selectDevice": {
"title": "Select your device",
"ledgerNanoCard": {
"title": "Ledger Nano S"
"ledgerBlueCard": {
"title": "Ledger Blue"
"selectPIN": {
"disclaimer": {
"note1": "Always choose your own PIN code.",
"note2": "Use 8 digits for optimal security.",
"note3": "Never use a device supplied with a PIN code or a recovery phrase."
"initialize": {
"title": "Choose your PIN code",
"instructions": {
"nano": {
"step1": "Connect the Ledger Nano S to your computer. Press both buttons to begin.",
6 years ago
"step2": "Press the right button to select <1><0>Configure as new device?</0></1>.",
"step3": "Press the left or right button to select a digit. Press both buttons to validate.",
"step4": "Select ✓ to confirm your PIN code. Select ⬅ to erase a digit."
"blue": {
"step1": "Connect the Ledger Blue to your computer.",
"step2": "Tap on <1><0>Configure as new device</0></1>.",
"step3": "Choose a PIN code of 4 to 8 digits."
"restore": {
"title": "Choose your PIN code",
"instructions": {
"nano": {
"step1": "Connect the Ledger Nano S to your computer. Press both buttons to begin.",
6 years ago
"step2": "Press the left button to cancel <1><0>Initialize as new device?</0></1>. Then press the right button to select <3><0>Restore configuration?</0></3>.",
"step3": "Press the left or right button to select a digit. Press both buttons to validate.",
"step4": "Select ✓ to confirm your PIN code. Select ⬅ to erase a digit."
"blue": {
"step1": "Connect the Ledger Blue to your computer.",
"step2": "Tap on <1><0>Restore configuration</0></1>.",
"step3": "Choose a PIN code of 4 to 8 digits."
"writeSeed": {
"initialize": {
"title": "Save your recovery phrase",
"desc": "Your device will display a 24-word recovery phrase to back up your private keys",
"nano": {
"step1": "Write <1><0>Word #1</0></1> in position 1 on a blank Recovery sheet.",
"step2": "Press the right button to continue and write down all 24 words.",
"step3": "Confirm your recovery phrase: select and validate each word by pressing both buttons."
"blue": {
"step1": "Write down each word on a blank Recovery sheet while keeping the order.",
"step2": "Tap <1><0>Next</0></1> and write down all words until the <3><0>Confirmation</0></3> screen appears.",
"step3": "Enter each word to confirm your recovery phrase."
"restore": {
"title": "Enter your recovery phrase",
"desc": "Enter the recovery phrase saved on your Recovery sheet",
"nano": {
"step1": "Choose the length of your recovery phrase.",
"step2": "Enter the first letters of <1><0>Word #1</0></1> until suggested words appear.",
"step3": "Choose <1><0>Word #1</0></1> from the suggested words by pressing both buttons.",
"step4": "Repeat the process until the last word."
"blue": {
"step1": "Select the length of your recovery phrase.",
"step2": "Type the first word of your recovery phrase. Tap the word when it appears.",
"step3": "Repeat the process until the last word."
"disclaimer": {
"note1": "Carefully secure your 24-word recovery phrase out of sight.",
"note2": "Make sure you are the sole holder of your recovery phrase.",
"note3": "Ledger does not keep any backup of your recovery phrase.",
"note4": "Never use a device supplied with a PIN code or a recovery phrase."
"genuineCheck": {
"title": "Security checklist",
"descGeneric": "Before continuing, please complete the security checklist",
"descRestore": "Before getting started, please confirm:",
"step1": {
"title": "Did you choose your PIN code by yourself?"
"step2": {
"title": "Did you save your recovery phrase by yourself?"
"step3": {
"title": "Is your Ledger device genuine?"
"isGenuinePassed": "Your device is genuine",
"buttons": {
"genuineCheck": "Check now",
"contactSupport": "Contact us"
"errorPage": {
"title": {
"pinFailed": "Didn't choose your own PIN code?",
"recoveryPhraseFailed": "Didn't save your recovery phrase by yourself?",
"isGenuineFail": "Oops, your device does not seem genuine..."
"desc": {
"pinFailed": "Never use a device supplied with a PIN code. Please contact us when in doubt.",
"recoveryPhraseFailed": "Only save a recovery phrase that was displayed on your device and to you alone. Please contact us when in doubt.",
"isGenuineFail": "Your device did not pass the authenticity test required to connect to Ledger’s secure server. Please contact Ledger Support to get assistance."
"setPassword": {
"title": "Password lock (optional)",
"desc": "Set a password to prevent unauthorized access to Ledger Live data on your computer, including account names, transactions and public addresses",
"disclaimer": {
"note1": "Make sure to remember your password. Do not share it.",
"note2": "Losing your password requires resetting Ledger Live and re-adding accounts.",
"note3": "Resetting Ledger Live does not affect your crypto assets."
"analytics": {
"title": "Bugs and analytics",
6 years ago
"desc": "Share anonymized data to help improve Ledger security products and services",
"shareAnalytics": {
"title": "Analytics",
"desc": "Enable analytics to help Ledger understand how to improve user experience.",
"mandatoryContextual": {
"item1": "Clicks",
"item2": "In-app page visits",
"item3": "Redirection to webpage",
"item4": "Actions: send, receive, lock, etc.",
"item5": "End of page scroll",
"item6": "App (un)installation and version",
"item7": "Number of accounts, crypto assets and operations",
"item8": "Overall and page session duration",
"item9": "Ledger device type and firmware"
"sentryLogs": {
"title": "Bug reports",
"desc": "Automatically send reports to help Ledger fix bugs."
"technicalData": {
"title": "Technical data*",
"desc": "Ledger will automatically collect fully anonymized technical data to help improve user experience.",
"mandatoryText": "* mandatory",
"mandatoryContextual": {
"title": "Technical data",
"item1": "Anonymous unique application ID",
"item2": "Ledger Live version, language and region",
"item3": "OS version, language and region"
"terms": {
"title": "Terms *",
"desc": "By continuing, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the <1>Terms of Use</1> and <3>Privacy Policy</3>."
"finish": {
"title": "Your device is ready!",
"desc": "Install some apps on your device and access the Portfolio",
"openAppButton": "Open Ledger Live"
"errors": {
"generic": {
"title": "{{message}}",
"description": "Something went wrong. Please retry or contact us."
"AccountNameRequired": {
"title": "An account name is required",
"description": "Please provide an account name"
"BtcUnmatchedApp": {
"title": "That's the wrong app",
"description": "Open the ‘{{managerAppName}}’ app on your device"
"DeviceNotGenuine": {
"title": "Possibly not genuine",
"description": "Request Ledger Support assistance"
"DeviceGenuineSocketEarlyClose": {
"title": "Sorry, try again (genuine-close)",
"description": null
"DeviceSocketFail": {
"title": "Oops, connection failed",
"description": "Please try again"
"DeviceSocketNoBulkStatus": {
"title": "Oops, connection failed",
"description": "Please try again"
"DeviceSocketNoHandler": {
"title": "Oops, connection failed",
"description": "Please try again"
"DisconnectedDevice": {
"title": "Oops, device connection lost",
"description": "Please try again"
"EnpointConfig": {
"title": "Invalid endpoint",
"description": "Please provide a valid endpoint"
"FeeEstimationFailed": {
"title": "Sorry, fee estimation failed",
"description": "Try setting a custom fee (status: {{status}})"
"HardResetFail": {
"title": "Oops, could not reset",
"description": "Please try again or contact us when in doubt"
"LatestMCUInstalledError": {
"title": "Oops, nothing to update",
"description": "Needlessly tried to update the device microcontroller. Please contact Ledger Support if there's a problem with your device."
"LedgerAPIError": {
"title": "Sorry, try again (API HTTP {{status}})",
"description": "Please retry. Interacting with Ledger's API server went wrong."
"LedgerAPIErrorWithMessage": {
"title": "Oops, {{message}}",
"description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
"LedgerAPINotAvailable": {
"title": "Sorry, {{currencyName}} services unavailable",
"description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
"ManagerAPIsFail": {
"title": "Oops, Manager services unavailable",
"description": "Please check the network status"
"ManagerAppAlreadyInstalled": {
"title": "Oops, that's already installed",
"description": "Check your device to see which apps are already installed"
"ManagerAppRelyOnBTC": {
"title": "Bitcoin and Ethereum apps required",
"description": "Install the latest Bitcoin and Ethereum apps first"
"ManagerDeviceLocked": {
"title": "Please unlock your device",
"description": "Your device was locked, please unlock it"
"ManagerNotEnoughSpace": {
"title": "Sorry, not enough storage left",
"description": "Uninstall some apps to make space. This will not affect your crypto assets."
"ManagerUninstallBTCDep": {
"title": "Sorry, this app is required",
"description": "Uninstall the Bitcoin or Ethereum app last"
"NetworkDown": {
"title": "Oops, internet seems down",
"description": "Please check your internet connection"
"NoAddressesFound": {
"title": "Sorry, no accounts found",
"description": "Something went wrong with address calculation, try again or contact Ledger Support"
"NotEnoughBalance": {
"title": "Oops, insufficient balance",
"description": "Make sure the account to debit has sufficient balance"
"NotEnoughBalanceBecauseDestinationNotCreated": {
"title": "Recipient address is inactive. Send at least {{minimalAmount}} to activate it"
"PasswordsDontMatch": {
"title": "Passwords don't match",
"description": "Please try again"
"PasswordIncorrect": {
"title": "The password you entered is incorrect",
"description": "Please try again"
"SelectExchangesLoadError": {
"title": "Unable to load",
"description": "Please try again later"
"TimeoutError": {
"title": "Oops, a time out occurred",
"description": "It took too long for the server to respond, please retry"
"TimeoutTagged": {
"title": "Oops, a time out occurred ({{tag}})",
"description": "It took too long for the server to respond"
"TransportError": {
"title": "Something went wrong, please reconnect your device",
"description": "{{message}}"
"TransportStatusError": {
"title": "Something went wrong, please reconnect your device",
"description": "{{message}}"
"UnexpectedBootloader": {
"title": "Opps, your device should not be in Bootloader mode",
"description": "Please restart your device or contact us"
"UserRefusedFirmwareUpdate": {
"title": "Firmware update refused on device",
"description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support"
"UserRefusedOnDevice": {
"title": "Transaction refused on device",
"description": "Please retry or contact Ledger Support in case of doubt"
"UserRefusedAddress": {
"title": "Receive address rejected",
"description": "Please try again or contact Ledger Support when in doubt"
"UpdateYourApp": {
"title": "App update required",
"description": "Uninstall and reinstall the {{managerAppName}} app in the Manager"
"WebsocketConnectionError": {
"title": "Sorry, try again (websocket error)",
"description": null
"WebsocketConnectionFailed": {
"title": "Sorry, try again (websocket failed)",
"description": null
"WrongDeviceForAccount": {
6 years ago
"title": "Wrong device or passphrase for ‘{{accountName}}’",
"description": "Please use the device or passphrase for the selected account"
"DeviceAppVerifyNotSupported": {
"title": "App update required",
"description": "Open Manager to update the app"
"InvalidAddress": {
"title": "This is not a valid {{currencyName}} address"
"CantOpenDevice": {
"title": "Oops, couldn’t connect to device",
"description": "Device detected but connection failed. Please try again or contact us if the problem persists."
"ETHAddressNonEIP": {
"title": "Auto-verification not available: carefully verify the address",
"description": null
"CantScanQRCode": {
"title": "Couldn't scan this QR-code: auto-verification not supported by this address"
"FeeNotLoaded": {
"title": "Couldn’t load fee rates, please set manual fees"