'use strict';
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const stream = require('stream');
const timers = require('timers');
const util = require('util');
const internalUtil = require('internal/util');
const internalNet = require('internal/net');
const assert = require('assert');
const cares = process.binding('cares_wrap');
const uv = process.binding('uv');
const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
const TTYWrap = process.binding('tty_wrap');
const TCP = process.binding('tcp_wrap').TCP;
const Pipe = process.binding('pipe_wrap').Pipe;
const TCPConnectWrap = process.binding('tcp_wrap').TCPConnectWrap;
const PipeConnectWrap = process.binding('pipe_wrap').PipeConnectWrap;
const ShutdownWrap = process.binding('stream_wrap').ShutdownWrap;
const WriteWrap = process.binding('stream_wrap').WriteWrap;
var cluster;
const errnoException = util._errnoException;
const exceptionWithHostPort = util._exceptionWithHostPort;
const isLegalPort = internalNet.isLegalPort;
const assertPort = internalNet.assertPort;
function noop() {}
function createHandle(fd) {
var type = TTYWrap.guessHandleType(fd);
if (type === 'PIPE') return new Pipe();
if (type === 'TCP') return new TCP();
throw new TypeError('Unsupported fd type: ' + type);
const debug = util.debuglog('net');
function isPipeName(s) {
return typeof s === 'string' && toNumber(s) === false;
exports.createServer = function(options, connectionListener) {
return new Server(options, connectionListener);
// Target API:
// var s = net.connect({port: 80, host: 'google.com'}, function() {
// ...
// });
// There are various forms:
// connect(options, [cb])
// connect(port, [host], [cb])
// connect(path, [cb]);
exports.connect = exports.createConnection = function() {
var args = new Array(arguments.length);
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
args[i] = arguments[i];
args = normalizeArgs(args);
debug('createConnection', args);
var s = new Socket(args[0]);
if (args[0].timeout) {
return Socket.prototype.connect.apply(s, args);
// Returns an array [options, cb], where cb can be null.
// It is the same as the argument of Socket.prototype.connect().
// This is used by Server.prototype.listen() and Socket.prototype.connect().
function normalizeArgs(args) {
var options = {};
if (args.length === 0) {
return [options];
} else if (args[0] !== null && typeof args[0] === 'object') {
// connect(options, [cb])
options = args[0];
} else if (isPipeName(args[0])) {
// connect(path, [cb]);
options.path = args[0];
} else {
// connect(port, [host], [cb])
options.port = args[0];
if (args.length > 1 && typeof args[1] === 'string') {
options.host = args[1];
var cb = args[args.length - 1];
if (typeof cb !== 'function')
cb = null;
return [options, cb];
exports._normalizeArgs = normalizeArgs;
// called when creating new Socket, or when re-using a closed Socket
function initSocketHandle(self) {
self.destroyed = false;
self._bytesDispatched = 0;
self._sockname = null;
// Handle creation may be deferred to bind() or connect() time.
if (self._handle) {
self._handle.owner = self;
self._handle.onread = onread;
// If handle doesn't support writev - neither do we
if (!self._handle.writev)
self._writev = null;
const BYTES_READ = Symbol('bytesRead');
function Socket(options) {
if (!(this instanceof Socket)) return new Socket(options);
this.connecting = false;
this._hadError = false;
this._handle = null;
this._parent = null;
this._host = null;
if (typeof options === 'number')
options = { fd: options }; // Legacy interface.
else if (options === undefined)
options = {};
stream.Duplex.call(this, options);
if (options.handle) {
this._handle = options.handle; // private
} else if (options.fd !== undefined) {
this._handle = createHandle(options.fd);
// options.fd can be string (since it user-defined),
// so changing this to === would be semver-major
// See: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/11513
if ((options.fd == 1 || options.fd == 2) &&
(this._handle instanceof Pipe) &&
process.platform === 'win32') {
// Make stdout and stderr blocking on Windows
var err = this._handle.setBlocking(true);
if (err)
throw errnoException(err, 'setBlocking');
this.readable = options.readable !== false;
this.writable = options.writable !== false;
} else {
// these will be set once there is a connection
this.readable = this.writable = false;
// shut down the socket when we're finished with it.
this.on('finish', onSocketFinish);
this.on('_socketEnd', onSocketEnd);
this._pendingData = null;
this._pendingEncoding = '';
// handle strings directly
this._writableState.decodeStrings = false;
// default to *not* allowing half open sockets
this.allowHalfOpen = options && options.allowHalfOpen || false;
// if we have a handle, then start the flow of data into the
// buffer. if not, then this will happen when we connect
if (this._handle && options.readable !== false) {
if (options.pauseOnCreate) {
// stop the handle from reading and pause the stream
this._handle.reading = false;
this._readableState.flowing = false;
} else {
// Reserve properties
this.server = null;
this._server = null;
// Used after `.destroy()`
this[BYTES_READ] = 0;
util.inherits(Socket, stream.Duplex);
Socket.prototype._unrefTimer = function _unrefTimer() {
for (var s = this; s !== null; s = s._parent)
// the user has called .end(), and all the bytes have been
// sent out to the other side.
function onSocketFinish() {
// If still connecting - defer handling 'finish' until 'connect' will happen
if (this.connecting) {
debug('osF: not yet connected');
return this.once('connect', onSocketFinish);
if (!this.readable || this._readableState.ended) {
debug('oSF: ended, destroy', this._readableState);
return this.destroy();
debug('oSF: not ended, call shutdown()');
// otherwise, just shutdown, or destroy() if not possible
if (!this._handle || !this._handle.shutdown)
return this.destroy();
var req = new ShutdownWrap();
req.oncomplete = afterShutdown;
req.handle = this._handle;
var err = this._handle.shutdown(req);
if (err)
return this._destroy(errnoException(err, 'shutdown'));
function afterShutdown(status, handle, req) {
var self = handle.owner;
debug('afterShutdown destroyed=%j', self.destroyed,
// callback may come after call to destroy.
if (self.destroyed)
if (self._readableState.ended) {
debug('readableState ended, destroying');
} else {
self.once('_socketEnd', self.destroy);
// the EOF has been received, and no more bytes are coming.
// if the writable side has ended already, then clean everything
// up.
function onSocketEnd() {
// XXX Should not have to do as much crap in this function.
// ended should already be true, since this is called *after*
stream: There is no _read cb, there is only push
This makes it so that `stream.push(chunk)` is the only way to signal the
end of reading, removing the confusing disparity between the
callback-style _read method, and the fact that most real-world streams
do not have a 1:1 corollation between the "please give me data" event,
and the actual arrival of a chunk of data.
It is still possible, of course, to implement a `CallbackReadable` on
top of this. Simply provide a method like this as the callback:
function readCallback(er, chunk) {
if (er)
stream.emit('error', er);
However, *only* fs streams actually would behave in this way, so it
makes not a lot of sense to make TCP, TLS, HTTP, and all the rest have
to bend into this uncomfortable paradigm.
12 years ago
// the EOF errno and onread has eof'ed
debug('onSocketEnd', this._readableState);
this._readableState.ended = true;
if (this._readableState.endEmitted) {
this.readable = false;
} else {
this.once('end', function end() {
this.readable = false;
if (!this.allowHalfOpen) {
this.write = writeAfterFIN;
// Provide a better error message when we call end() as a result
// of the other side sending a FIN. The standard 'write after end'
// is overly vague, and makes it seem like the user's code is to blame.
function writeAfterFIN(chunk, encoding, cb) {
if (typeof encoding === 'function') {
cb = encoding;
encoding = null;
var er = new Error('This socket has been ended by the other party');
er.code = 'EPIPE';
// TODO: defer error events consistently everywhere, not just the cb
this.emit('error', er);
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
process.nextTick(cb, er);
exports.Socket = Socket;
exports.Stream = Socket; // Legacy naming.
Socket.prototype.read = function(n) {
if (n === 0)
return stream.Readable.prototype.read.call(this, n);
this.read = stream.Readable.prototype.read;
this._consuming = true;
return this.read(n);
Socket.prototype.listen = function() {
this.on('connection', arguments[0]);
listen(this, null, null, null);
Socket.prototype.setTimeout = function(msecs, callback) {
if (msecs === 0) {
if (callback) {
this.removeListener('timeout', callback);
} else {
timers.enroll(this, msecs);
if (callback) {
this.once('timeout', callback);
return this;
Socket.prototype._onTimeout = function() {
Socket.prototype.setNoDelay = function(enable) {
if (!this._handle) {
enable ? this.setNoDelay : () => this.setNoDelay(enable));
return this;
// backwards compatibility: assume true when `enable` is omitted
if (this._handle.setNoDelay)
this._handle.setNoDelay(enable === undefined ? true : !!enable);
return this;
Socket.prototype.setKeepAlive = function(setting, msecs) {
if (!this._handle) {
this.once('connect', () => this.setKeepAlive(setting, msecs));
return this;
if (this._handle.setKeepAlive)
this._handle.setKeepAlive(setting, ~~(msecs / 1000));
return this;
Socket.prototype.address = function() {
return this._getsockname();
Object.defineProperty(Socket.prototype, '_connecting', {
get: function() {
return this.connecting;
Object.defineProperty(Socket.prototype, 'readyState', {
get: function() {
if (this.connecting) {
return 'opening';
} else if (this.readable && this.writable) {
return 'open';
} else if (this.readable && !this.writable) {
return 'readOnly';
} else if (!this.readable && this.writable) {
return 'writeOnly';
} else {
return 'closed';
Object.defineProperty(Socket.prototype, 'bufferSize', {
get: function() {
if (this._handle) {
return this._handle.writeQueueSize + this._writableState.length;
// Just call handle.readStart until we have enough in the buffer
stream: There is no _read cb, there is only push
This makes it so that `stream.push(chunk)` is the only way to signal the
end of reading, removing the confusing disparity between the
callback-style _read method, and the fact that most real-world streams
do not have a 1:1 corollation between the "please give me data" event,
and the actual arrival of a chunk of data.
It is still possible, of course, to implement a `CallbackReadable` on
top of this. Simply provide a method like this as the callback:
function readCallback(er, chunk) {
if (er)
stream.emit('error', er);
However, *only* fs streams actually would behave in this way, so it
makes not a lot of sense to make TCP, TLS, HTTP, and all the rest have
to bend into this uncomfortable paradigm.
12 years ago
Socket.prototype._read = function(n) {
stream: There is no _read cb, there is only push
This makes it so that `stream.push(chunk)` is the only way to signal the
end of reading, removing the confusing disparity between the
callback-style _read method, and the fact that most real-world streams
do not have a 1:1 corollation between the "please give me data" event,
and the actual arrival of a chunk of data.
It is still possible, of course, to implement a `CallbackReadable` on
top of this. Simply provide a method like this as the callback:
function readCallback(er, chunk) {
if (er)
stream.emit('error', er);
However, *only* fs streams actually would behave in this way, so it
makes not a lot of sense to make TCP, TLS, HTTP, and all the rest have
to bend into this uncomfortable paradigm.
12 years ago
if (this.connecting || !this._handle) {
debug('_read wait for connection');
this.once('connect', () => this._read(n));
stream: There is no _read cb, there is only push
This makes it so that `stream.push(chunk)` is the only way to signal the
end of reading, removing the confusing disparity between the
callback-style _read method, and the fact that most real-world streams
do not have a 1:1 corollation between the "please give me data" event,
and the actual arrival of a chunk of data.
It is still possible, of course, to implement a `CallbackReadable` on
top of this. Simply provide a method like this as the callback:
function readCallback(er, chunk) {
if (er)
stream.emit('error', er);
However, *only* fs streams actually would behave in this way, so it
makes not a lot of sense to make TCP, TLS, HTTP, and all the rest have
to bend into this uncomfortable paradigm.
12 years ago
} else if (!this._handle.reading) {
// not already reading, start the flow
debug('Socket._read readStart');
this._handle.reading = true;
var err = this._handle.readStart();
if (err)
this._destroy(errnoException(err, 'read'));
Socket.prototype.end = function(data, encoding) {
stream.Duplex.prototype.end.call(this, data, encoding);
this.writable = false;
// just in case we're waiting for an EOF.
if (this.readable && !this._readableState.endEmitted)
// Call whenever we set writable=false or readable=false
function maybeDestroy(socket) {
if (!socket.readable &&
!socket.writable &&
!socket.destroyed &&
!socket.connecting &&
!socket._writableState.length) {
Socket.prototype.destroySoon = function() {
if (this.writable)
if (this._writableState.finished)
this.once('finish', this.destroy);
Socket.prototype._destroy = function(exception, cb) {
function fireErrorCallbacks(self) {
if (cb) cb(exception);
if (exception && !self._writableState.errorEmitted) {
process.nextTick(emitErrorNT, self, exception);
self._writableState.errorEmitted = true;
if (this.destroyed) {
debug('already destroyed, fire error callbacks');
this.connecting = false;
this.readable = this.writable = false;
for (var s = this; s !== null; s = s._parent)
if (this._handle) {
if (this !== process.stderr)
debug('close handle');
var isException = exception ? true : false;
// `bytesRead` should be accessible after `.destroy()`
this[BYTES_READ] = this._handle.bytesRead;
this._handle.close(() => {
debug('emit close');
this.emit('close', isException);
this._handle.onread = noop;
this._handle = null;
this._sockname = null;
// we set destroyed to true before firing error callbacks in order
// to make it re-entrance safe in case Socket.prototype.destroy()
// is called within callbacks
this.destroyed = true;
if (this._server) {
debug('has server');
if (this._server._emitCloseIfDrained) {
Socket.prototype.destroy = function(exception) {
debug('destroy', exception);
// This function is called whenever the handle gets a
// buffer, or when there's an error reading.
function onread(nread, buffer) {
var handle = this;
var self = handle.owner;
assert(handle === self._handle, 'handle != self._handle');
debug('onread', nread);
if (nread > 0) {
debug('got data');
// read success.
// In theory (and in practice) calling readStop right now
// will prevent this from being called again until _read() gets
// called again.
// Optimization: emit the original buffer with end points
var ret = self.push(buffer);
if (handle.reading && !ret) {
handle.reading = false;
var err = handle.readStop();
if (err)
self._destroy(errnoException(err, 'read'));
// if we didn't get any bytes, that doesn't necessarily mean EOF.
// wait for the next one.
if (nread === 0) {
debug('not any data, keep waiting');
// Error, possibly EOF.
if (nread !== uv.UV_EOF) {
return self._destroy(errnoException(nread, 'read'));
// push a null to signal the end of data.
// Do it before `maybeDestroy` for correct order of events:
// `end` -> `close`
if (self._readableState.length === 0) {
self.readable = false;
// internal end event so that we know that the actual socket
// is no longer readable, and we can start the shutdown
// procedure. No need to wait for all the data to be consumed.
Socket.prototype._getpeername = function() {
if (!this._peername) {
if (!this._handle || !this._handle.getpeername) {
return {};
var out = {};
var err = this._handle.getpeername(out);
if (err) return {}; // FIXME(bnoordhuis) Throw?
this._peername = out;
return this._peername;
function protoGetter(name, callback) {
Object.defineProperty(Socket.prototype, name, {
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
get: callback
protoGetter('bytesRead', function bytesRead() {
return this._handle ? this._handle.bytesRead : this[BYTES_READ];
protoGetter('remoteAddress', function remoteAddress() {
return this._getpeername().address;
protoGetter('remoteFamily', function remoteFamily() {
return this._getpeername().family;
protoGetter('remotePort', function remotePort() {
return this._getpeername().port;
Socket.prototype._getsockname = function() {
if (!this._handle || !this._handle.getsockname) {
return {};
if (!this._sockname) {
var out = {};
var err = this._handle.getsockname(out);
if (err) return {}; // FIXME(bnoordhuis) Throw?
this._sockname = out;
return this._sockname;
protoGetter('localAddress', function localAddress() {
return this._getsockname().address;
protoGetter('localPort', function localPort() {
return this._getsockname().port;
Socket.prototype.write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
if (typeof chunk !== 'string' && !(chunk instanceof Buffer)) {
throw new TypeError(
'Invalid data, chunk must be a string or buffer, not ' + typeof chunk);
return stream.Duplex.prototype.write.apply(this, arguments);
Socket.prototype._writeGeneric = function(writev, data, encoding, cb) {
// If we are still connecting, then buffer this for later.
// The Writable logic will buffer up any more writes while
// waiting for this one to be done.
if (this.connecting) {
this._pendingData = data;
this._pendingEncoding = encoding;
this.once('connect', function connect() {
this._writeGeneric(writev, data, encoding, cb);
this._pendingData = null;
this._pendingEncoding = '';
if (!this._handle) {
this._destroy(new Error('This socket is closed'), cb);
return false;
var req = new WriteWrap();
req.handle = this._handle;
req.oncomplete = afterWrite;
req.async = false;
var err;
if (writev) {
var chunks = new Array(data.length << 1);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var entry = data[i];
chunks[i * 2] = entry.chunk;
chunks[i * 2 + 1] = entry.encoding;
err = this._handle.writev(req, chunks);
// Retain chunks
if (err === 0) req._chunks = chunks;
} else {
var enc;
if (data instanceof Buffer) {
enc = 'buffer';
} else {
enc = encoding;
err = createWriteReq(req, this._handle, data, enc);
if (err)
return this._destroy(errnoException(err, 'write', req.error), cb);
this._bytesDispatched += req.bytes;
// If it was entirely flushed, we can write some more right now.
// However, if more is left in the queue, then wait until that clears.
if (req.async && this._handle.writeQueueSize != 0)
req.cb = cb;
Socket.prototype._writev = function(chunks, cb) {
this._writeGeneric(true, chunks, '', cb);
Socket.prototype._write = function(data, encoding, cb) {
this._writeGeneric(false, data, encoding, cb);
function createWriteReq(req, handle, data, encoding) {
switch (encoding) {
case 'latin1':
case 'binary':
return handle.writeLatin1String(req, data);
case 'buffer':
return handle.writeBuffer(req, data);
case 'utf8':
case 'utf-8':
return handle.writeUtf8String(req, data);
case 'ascii':
return handle.writeAsciiString(req, data);
case 'ucs2':
case 'ucs-2':
case 'utf16le':
case 'utf-16le':
return handle.writeUcs2String(req, data);
return handle.writeBuffer(req, Buffer.from(data, encoding));
protoGetter('bytesWritten', function bytesWritten() {
var bytes = this._bytesDispatched;
const state = this._writableState;
const data = this._pendingData;
const encoding = this._pendingEncoding;
if (!state)
return undefined;
state.getBuffer().forEach(function(el) {
if (el.chunk instanceof Buffer)
bytes += el.chunk.length;
bytes += Buffer.byteLength(el.chunk, el.encoding);
if (data) {
if (data instanceof Buffer)
bytes += data.length;
bytes += Buffer.byteLength(data, encoding);
return bytes;
function afterWrite(status, handle, req, err) {
var self = handle.owner;
if (self !== process.stderr && self !== process.stdout)
debug('afterWrite', status);
// callback may come after call to destroy.
if (self.destroyed) {
debug('afterWrite destroyed');
if (status < 0) {
var ex = errnoException(status, 'write', req.error);
debug('write failure', ex);
self._destroy(ex, req.cb);
if (self !== process.stderr && self !== process.stdout)
debug('afterWrite call cb');
if (req.cb)
function connect(self, address, port, addressType, localAddress, localPort) {
// TODO return promise from Socket.prototype.connect which
// wraps _connectReq.
var err;
if (localAddress || localPort) {
var bind;
if (addressType === 4) {
localAddress = localAddress || '';
bind = self._handle.bind;
} else if (addressType === 6) {
localAddress = localAddress || '::';
bind = self._handle.bind6;
} else {
self._destroy(new TypeError('Invalid addressType: ' + addressType));
debug('binding to localAddress: %s and localPort: %d',
bind = bind.bind(self._handle);
err = bind(localAddress, localPort);
if (err) {
const ex = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'bind', localAddress, localPort);
if (addressType === 6 || addressType === 4) {
const req = new TCPConnectWrap();
req.oncomplete = afterConnect;
req.address = address;
req.port = port;
req.localAddress = localAddress;
req.localPort = localPort;
if (addressType === 4)
err = self._handle.connect(req, address, port);
err = self._handle.connect6(req, address, port);
} else {
const req = new PipeConnectWrap();
req.address = address;
req.oncomplete = afterConnect;
err = self._handle.connect(req, address, afterConnect);
if (err) {
var sockname = self._getsockname();
var details;
if (sockname) {
details = sockname.address + ':' + sockname.port;
const ex = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'connect', address, port, details);
Socket.prototype.connect = function(options, cb) {
if (this.write !== Socket.prototype.write)
this.write = Socket.prototype.write;
if (options === null || typeof options !== 'object') {
// Old API:
// connect(port, [host], [cb])
// connect(path, [cb]);
var args = new Array(arguments.length);
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
args[i] = arguments[i];
args = normalizeArgs(args);
return Socket.prototype.connect.apply(this, args);
if (this.destroyed) {
this._readableState.reading = false;
this._readableState.ended = false;
this._readableState.endEmitted = false;
this._writableState.ended = false;
this._writableState.ending = false;
this._writableState.finished = false;
this._writableState.errorEmitted = false;
this.destroyed = false;
this._handle = null;
this._peername = null;
this._sockname = null;
var pipe = !!options.path;
debug('pipe', pipe, options.path);
if (!this._handle) {
this._handle = pipe ? new Pipe() : new TCP();
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
this.once('connect', cb);
this.connecting = true;
this.writable = true;
if (pipe) {
connect(this, options.path);
} else {
lookupAndConnect(this, options);
return this;
function lookupAndConnect(self, options) {
const dns = require('dns');
var host = options.host || 'localhost';
var port = options.port;
var localAddress = options.localAddress;
var localPort = options.localPort;
if (localAddress && !exports.isIP(localAddress))
throw new TypeError('"localAddress" option must be a valid IP: ' +
if (localPort && typeof localPort !== 'number')
throw new TypeError('"localPort" option should be a number: ' + localPort);
if (typeof port !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof port !== 'number' && typeof port !== 'string')
throw new TypeError('"port" option should be a number or string: ' +
if (!isLegalPort(port))
throw new RangeError('"port" option should be >= 0 and < 65536: ' + port);
port |= 0;
// If host is an IP, skip performing a lookup
var addressType = exports.isIP(host);
if (addressType) {
process.nextTick(function() {
if (self.connecting)
connect(self, host, port, addressType, localAddress, localPort);
if (options.lookup && typeof options.lookup !== 'function')
throw new TypeError('"lookup" option should be a function');
var dnsopts = {
family: options.family,
hints: options.hints || 0
if (dnsopts.family !== 4 && dnsopts.family !== 6 && dnsopts.hints === 0) {
dnsopts.hints = dns.ADDRCONFIG;
debug('connect: find host ' + host);
debug('connect: dns options', dnsopts);
self._host = host;
var lookup = options.lookup || dns.lookup;
lookup(host, dnsopts, function emitLookup(err, ip, addressType) {
self.emit('lookup', err, ip, addressType, host);
// It's possible we were destroyed while looking this up.
// XXX it would be great if we could cancel the promise returned by
// the look up.
if (!self.connecting) return;
if (err) {
// net.createConnection() creates a net.Socket object and
// immediately calls net.Socket.connect() on it (that's us).
// There are no event listeners registered yet so defer the
// error event to the next tick.
err.host = options.host;
err.port = options.port;
err.message = err.message + ' ' + options.host + ':' + options.port;
process.nextTick(connectErrorNT, self, err);
} else {
function connectErrorNT(self, err) {
self.emit('error', err);
Socket.prototype.ref = function() {
if (!this._handle) {
this.once('connect', this.ref);
return this;
return this;
Socket.prototype.unref = function() {
if (!this._handle) {
this.once('connect', this.unref);
return this;
return this;
function afterConnect(status, handle, req, readable, writable) {
var self = handle.owner;
// callback may come after call to destroy
if (self.destroyed) {
stream_base: introduce StreamBase
StreamBase is an improved way to write C++ streams. The class itself is
for separting `StreamWrap` (with the methods like `.writeAsciiString`,
`.writeBuffer`, `.writev`, etc) from the `HandleWrap` class, making
possible to write abstract C++ streams that are not bound to any uv
The following methods are important part of the abstraction (which
mimics libuv's stream API):
* Events:
* `OnAlloc(size_t size, uv_buf_t*)`
* `OnRead(ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t*, uv_handle_type pending)`
* `OnAfterWrite(WriteWrap*)`
* Wrappers:
* `DoShutdown(ShutdownWrap*)`
* `DoTryWrite(uv_buf_t** bufs, size_t* count)`
* `DoWrite(WriteWrap*, uv_buf_t*, size_t count, uv_stream_t* handle)`
* `Error()`
* `ClearError()`
The implementation should provide all of these methods, thus providing
the access to the underlying resource (be it uv handle, TLS socket, or
anything else).
A C++ stream may consume the input of another stream by replacing the
event callbacks and proxying the writes. This kind of API is actually
used now for the TLSWrap implementation, making it possible to wrap TLS
stream into another TLS stream. Thus legacy API calls are no longer
required in `_tls_wrap.js`.
PR-URL: https://github.com/iojs/io.js/pull/840
Reviewed-By: Trevor Norris <trev.norris@gmail.com>
Reviewed-By: Chris Dickinson <christopher.s.dickinson@gmail.com>
10 years ago
// Update handle if it was wrapped
// TODO(indutny): assert that the handle is actually an ancestor of old one
handle = self._handle;
self.connecting = false;
self._sockname = null;
if (status === 0) {
self.readable = readable;
self.writable = writable;
// start the first read, or get an immediate EOF.
// this doesn't actually consume any bytes, because len=0.
if (readable && !self.isPaused())
} else {
self.connecting = false;
var details;
if (req.localAddress && req.localPort) {
details = req.localAddress + ':' + req.localPort;
var ex = exceptionWithHostPort(status,
if (details) {
ex.localAddress = req.localAddress;
ex.localPort = req.localPort;
function Server(options, connectionListener) {
if (!(this instanceof Server))
return new Server(options, connectionListener);
if (typeof options === 'function') {
connectionListener = options;
options = {};
this.on('connection', connectionListener);
} else if (options == null || typeof options === 'object') {
options = options || {};
if (typeof connectionListener === 'function') {
this.on('connection', connectionListener);
} else {
throw new TypeError('options must be an object');
this._connections = 0;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'connections', {
get: internalUtil.deprecate(() => {
if (this._usingSlaves) {
return null;
return this._connections;
}, 'Server.connections property is deprecated. ' +
'Use Server.getConnections method instead.'),
set: internalUtil.deprecate((val) => (this._connections = val),
'Server.connections property is deprecated.'),
configurable: true, enumerable: false
this._handle = null;
this._usingSlaves = false;
this._slaves = [];
this._unref = false;
this.allowHalfOpen = options.allowHalfOpen || false;
this.pauseOnConnect = !!options.pauseOnConnect;
util.inherits(Server, EventEmitter);
exports.Server = Server;
function toNumber(x) { return (x = Number(x)) >= 0 ? x : false; }
function _listen(handle, backlog) {
// Use a backlog of 512 entries. We pass 511 to the listen() call because
// the kernel does: backlogsize = roundup_pow_of_two(backlogsize + 1);
// which will thus give us a backlog of 512 entries.
return handle.listen(backlog || 511);
function createServerHandle(address, port, addressType, fd) {
var err = 0;
// assign handle in listen, and clean up if bind or listen fails
var handle;
var isTCP = false;
if (typeof fd === 'number' && fd >= 0) {
try {
handle = createHandle(fd);
} catch (e) {
// Not a fd we can listen on. This will trigger an error.
debug('listen invalid fd=' + fd + ': ' + e.message);
return uv.UV_EINVAL;
handle.readable = true;
handle.writable = true;
assert(!address && !port);
} else if (port === -1 && addressType === -1) {
handle = new Pipe();
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
var instances = parseInt(process.env.NODE_PENDING_PIPE_INSTANCES);
if (!isNaN(instances)) {
} else {
handle = new TCP();
isTCP = true;
if (address || port || isTCP) {
debug('bind to ' + (address || 'anycast'));
if (!address) {
// Try binding to ipv6 first
err = handle.bind6('::', port);
if (err) {
// Fallback to ipv4
return createServerHandle('', port);
} else if (addressType === 6) {
err = handle.bind6(address, port);
} else {
err = handle.bind(address, port);
if (err) {
return err;
return handle;
exports._createServerHandle = createServerHandle;
Server.prototype._listen2 = function(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd) {
debug('listen2', address, port, addressType, backlog, fd);
// If there is not yet a handle, we need to create one and bind.
// In the case of a server sent via IPC, we don't need to do this.
if (this._handle) {
debug('_listen2: have a handle already');
} else {
debug('_listen2: create a handle');
var rval = null;
if (!address && typeof fd !== 'number') {
rval = createServerHandle('::', port, 6, fd);
if (typeof rval === 'number') {
rval = null;
address = '';
addressType = 4;
} else {
address = '::';
addressType = 6;
if (rval === null)
rval = createServerHandle(address, port, addressType, fd);
if (typeof rval === 'number') {
var error = exceptionWithHostPort(rval, 'listen', address, port);
process.nextTick(emitErrorNT, this, error);
this._handle = rval;
this._handle.onconnection = onconnection;
this._handle.owner = this;
var err = _listen(this._handle, backlog);
if (err) {
var ex = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'listen', address, port);
this._handle = null;
process.nextTick(emitErrorNT, this, ex);
// generate connection key, this should be unique to the connection
this._connectionKey = addressType + ':' + address + ':' + port;
// unref the handle if the server was unref'ed prior to listening
if (this._unref)
process.nextTick(emitListeningNT, this);
function emitErrorNT(self, err) {
self.emit('error', err);
function emitListeningNT(self) {
// ensure handle hasn't closed
if (self._handle)
function listen(self, address, port, addressType, backlog, fd, exclusive) {
exclusive = !!exclusive;
if (!cluster) cluster = require('cluster');
if (cluster.isMaster || exclusive) {
self._listen2(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd);
cluster._getServer(self, {
address: address,
port: port,
addressType: addressType,
fd: fd,
flags: 0
}, cb);
function cb(err, handle) {
// EADDRINUSE may not be reported until we call listen(). To complicate
// matters, a failed bind() followed by listen() will implicitly bind to
// a random port. Ergo, check that the socket is bound to the expected
// port before calling listen().
// FIXME(bnoordhuis) Doesn't work for pipe handles, they don't have a
// getsockname() method. Non-issue for now, the cluster module doesn't
// really support pipes anyway.
if (err === 0 && port > 0 && handle.getsockname) {
var out = {};
err = handle.getsockname(out);
if (err === 0 && port !== out.port)
if (err) {
var ex = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'bind', address, port);
return self.emit('error', ex);
self._handle = handle;
self._listen2(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd);
Server.prototype.listen = function() {
var args = new Array(arguments.length);
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
args[i] = arguments[i];
var [options, cb] = normalizeArgs(args);
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
this.once('listening', cb);
if (args.length === 0 || typeof args[0] === 'function') {
// Bind to a random port.
options.port = 0;
// The third optional argument is the backlog size.
// When the ip is omitted it can be the second argument.
var backlog = toNumber(args.length > 1 && args[1]) ||
toNumber(args.length > 2 && args[2]);
options = options._handle || options.handle || options;
if (options instanceof TCP) {
this._handle = options;
listen(this, null, -1, -1, backlog);
} else if (typeof options.fd === 'number' && options.fd >= 0) {
listen(this, null, null, null, backlog, options.fd);
} else {
backlog = options.backlog || backlog;
if (typeof options.port === 'number' || typeof options.port === 'string' ||
(typeof options.port === 'undefined' && 'port' in options)) {
// Undefined is interpreted as zero (random port) for consistency
// with net.connect().
if (options.host) {
lookupAndListen(this, options.port | 0, options.host, backlog,
} else {
listen(this, null, options.port | 0, 4, backlog, undefined,
} else if (options.path && isPipeName(options.path)) {
// UNIX socket or Windows pipe.
const pipeName = this._pipeName = options.path;
listen(this, pipeName, -1, -1, backlog, undefined, options.exclusive);
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid listen argument: ' + options);
return this;
function lookupAndListen(self, port, address, backlog, exclusive) {
require('dns').lookup(address, function doListening(err, ip, addressType) {
if (err) {
self.emit('error', err);
} else {
addressType = ip ? addressType : 4;
listen(self, ip, port, addressType, backlog, undefined, exclusive);
Object.defineProperty(Server.prototype, 'listening', {
get: function() {
return !!this._handle;
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
Server.prototype.address = function() {
if (this._handle && this._handle.getsockname) {
var out = {};
// TODO(bnoordhuis) Check err and throw?
return out;
} else if (this._pipeName) {
return this._pipeName;
} else {
return null;
function onconnection(err, clientHandle) {
var handle = this;
var self = handle.owner;
if (err) {
self.emit('error', errnoException(err, 'accept'));
if (self.maxConnections && self._connections >= self.maxConnections) {
var socket = new Socket({
handle: clientHandle,
allowHalfOpen: self.allowHalfOpen,
pauseOnCreate: self.pauseOnConnect
socket.readable = socket.writable = true;
socket.server = self;
socket._server = self;
self.emit('connection', socket);
Server.prototype.getConnections = function(cb) {
function end(err, connections) {
process.nextTick(cb, err, connections);
if (!this._usingSlaves) {
return end(null, this._connections);
// Poll slaves
var left = this._slaves.length;
var total = this._connections;
function oncount(err, count) {
if (err) {
left = -1;
return end(err);
total += count;
if (--left === 0) return end(null, total);
this._slaves.forEach(function(slave) {
Server.prototype.close = function(cb) {
function onSlaveClose() {
if (--left !== 0) return;
self._connections = 0;
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
if (!this._handle) {
this.once('close', function close() {
cb(new Error('Not running'));
} else {
this.once('close', cb);
if (this._handle) {
this._handle = null;
if (this._usingSlaves) {
var self = this;
var left = this._slaves.length;
// Increment connections to be sure that, even if all sockets will be closed
// during polling of slaves, `close` event will be emitted only once.
// Poll slaves
this._slaves.forEach(function(slave) {
} else {
return this;
Server.prototype._emitCloseIfDrained = function() {
debug('SERVER _emitCloseIfDrained');
if (this._handle || this._connections) {
debug('SERVER handle? %j connections? %d',
!!this._handle, this._connections);
process.nextTick(emitCloseNT, this);
function emitCloseNT(self) {
debug('SERVER: emit close');
Server.prototype.listenFD = internalUtil.deprecate(function(fd, type) {
return this.listen({ fd: fd });
}, 'Server.listenFD is deprecated. Use Server.listen({fd: <number>}) instead.');
Server.prototype._setupSlave = function(socketList) {
this._usingSlaves = true;
Server.prototype.ref = function() {
this._unref = false;
if (this._handle)
return this;
Server.prototype.unref = function() {
this._unref = true;
if (this._handle)
return this;
exports.isIP = cares.isIP;
exports.isIPv4 = cares.isIPv4;
exports.isIPv6 = cares.isIPv6;
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
var simultaneousAccepts;
exports._setSimultaneousAccepts = function(handle) {
if (handle === undefined) {
if (simultaneousAccepts === undefined) {
simultaneousAccepts = (process.env.NODE_MANY_ACCEPTS &&
process.env.NODE_MANY_ACCEPTS !== '0');
if (handle._simultaneousAccepts !== simultaneousAccepts) {
handle._simultaneousAccepts = simultaneousAccepts;
} else {
exports._setSimultaneousAccepts = function(handle) {};